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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminology: Multiculturalism in Probation

The efficacy of rehabilitation centers and programs is highly debated by scholars, policymakers, and implementers. Usually, rehabilitation seeks to help individuals fight addiction or other unacceptable behavior in society. It involves the use of recreation, work, and education to transform people of all ages, making them independent of their social...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

China’s Juvenile Justice System and Its Welfare Aspect

Juvenile Justice System The widespread criticism against China’s juvenile justice system, especially on social media platforms, raises concerns over the appropriate age of crime liability. A recent surge in juvenile crimes reveals several critical factors that shape people’s attitudes concerning its effectiveness. For instance, the curve of juvenile sexual assault...

Words: 309 Pages: 1
Health Law

The Workplace Violence Prevention Act in Healthcare

The healthcare sector in the United States is continuously being shaped by a variety of laws and regulations. The newly proposed legislation entitled Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Services Workers Act (S. 4182) mandates healthcare organizations have worker protection policies, including training for staff members in preventing...

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Corporate & Business Law

The J.C. Inc. & McDonald’s Franchise Agreement

The franchise agreement between J.C., Inc. and McDonald’s Corporation is the subject of this case study. In Lancaster, Ohio, businesses had a franchise arrangement to run McDonald’s restaurants. According to the terms of the agreement, J.C. had to give McDonald’s a set percentage of gross sales each month. The franchise...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Victimology: Types of Violence and Victimization

Victims of Interpersonal Violence Interpersonal violence is one of the most spread problems in many societies, and it can be categorized into specific groups. For example, according to Catalano (2013), sexual assault, robbery, and aggravated assault are the most common types of violence from boyfriends, girlfriends, or spouses. Moreover, more...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

New Laws in California’s Criminal Justice System

Introduction The California criminal justice system plays an integral role in shaping the quality of law enforcement. The stakeholders, such as federal law enforcement agencies, the public and the state government, have recognized the need to adopt new policies within the California criminal justice system. In 2021, the California governor...

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Constitutional Law

Social Sciences and Humanities Lens on Voting Rights

The topic of interest is voting rights as a fundamental part of any democratic society, and the two lenses selected are social sciences and humanities. From the perspective of the social sciences, many issues and subjects can be explained from the point of view of human behavior as well as...

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Common Law

Does Gun Control Stop Crime?

Introduction The use of weapons is deeply rooted in American culture and has a long history. As in many other matters, the United States is divided into pro-gun and anti-gun groups of people, and “the way America must approach this issue” (Koduru 2). The reason for the formed position may...

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Employment Law

The Lilly Ledbetter Act: History and Effects

Introduction The Lilly Ledbetter Act is a law regulating fair wages for the country’s citizens. By its essence, the regulatory legal act guarantees employees’ protection from discriminatory remuneration methods. In particular, its importance, significance, and uniqueness lie in the simplified procedure for challenging unequal wages within the framework of changing...

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Law Practice Management

Legislative Process in Texas: How a Bill Becomes a Law

The legislative process is a complicated road a bill makes to become a law. While the legislative process is similar in different states of the US, there may be some peculiarities in the ways every state approaches it. This paper focuses on the discussion of the legislative process of Texas...

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Intellectual Property Law

Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and The Fair Use Doctrine in Modern World

In today’s world, with a large number of goods, there is piracy and counterfeit items. The right approach to trademark protection will help minimize incidents of piracy and significantly improve the quality of products on the market. Therefore, it is crucial to correctly define concepts such as copyright, trademark, and...

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Health Law

Do-Not-Resuscitate Order’s Link to Mortality

The article “Patients with do-not-resuscitate orders receive less care” was published in Spectrum News on December 6, 2021. The article highlights the results of a study of the relationship between Do-Not-Resuscitate (DNR) labeling in geriatric patients and the actual care they receive. Griffey points out that patients receive much less...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Specific and General Intent Crimes

In the context of Criminal law, there are two major categories of crime; specific and General intent crimes. Intent crimes are the connection between the physical act of committing the crime and the defendant’s state of mind when committing the crime during prosecution. In a specific intent crime, the prosecutor...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

DNA Retention in Criminology

Introduction Over the years, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) technology has been instrumental in solving different crimes globally. However, retrieving the DNA samples of accused persons with no criminal charges has increasingly become controversial in the United States. On one side, the proponents argue that arrestee DNA collection can avert and address...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminal Signature and Modus Operandi

Many of us have probably encountered the terms “criminal signature” and “modus operandi” in the news or detective stories. Few people know, however, that the two terms are not identical. Although both terms describe criminal acts, each has its distinctive characteristics. Each crime has its distinctive way of acting and...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Louisiana State Statute: Original Thread

Kennedy was found guilty and given capital punishment for sexually assaulting his stepdaughter, who was eight years old. However, the Supreme Court ruled that all such regulations where a person was victimized but no killing was committed went against the general understanding of the country (Levick, 2019). Additionally, the death...

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Corporate & Business Law

A Lawsuit of Cox Corporation Inc Against News-Journal Corporation

Introduction In May 2004, Cox Corporation Inc, a minority shareholder of News-Journal, filed a lawsuit against News-Journal Corporation, Florida, seeking relief for misused corporate assets. The Court ordered News-Journal to repurchase Cox’s shares at $129.2, which News-Journal could not pay due to limited funds. The Court ordered the selling News-Journal...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Prisoner’s Dilemma: Voluntary False Confessions

Introduction Voluntary false confessions come from a suspect rather than being forced during questioning. The desire to shield the actual offender is among the most frequent motives for making this kind of false confession (e.g., a family member). False confessions may, however, be given voluntarily for various reasons, including the...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Six Principles in Fair Representation

Introduction The six principles laid out by Professor Summers obligate unions to represent all employees in good faith and without discrimination. As an exclusive bargaining agent, the Union must appropriately represent all employees within the bargaining unit. As part of its duty of fair representation, a union must negotiate and...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Captivating Criminal Legends: Bonnie and Clyde, Al Capone, and American Hearts

The concept of crime has always been condemned in society within any time period and culture for understandable reasons. Representing depravity and violence, criminals are typically represented in a highly adverse light, ranging from being seen as the embodiment of violence to the epitome of depravity. However, the general audience...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Vermont’s Bad Samaritan Statute

The key prevailing feature in Vermont’s bad Samaritan act is that it gives passersby a wide duty to provide sensible help to anybody in danger of serious physical injury. Samaritans have this obligation irrespective of whether that injury is occasioned by a crime, accident, or any form of emergency. Historically,...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Intoxication: Finding the Balance

The principle of intoxication outlines that when someone is under the influence of drugs or alcohol when committing a crime, their level of intoxication may be so great that they cannot have the necessary men’s rea for the violent act. There are two categories of intoxication; involuntary and involuntary intoxication....

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Applying Information Learned in Class

The most important concepts learned in the course are the civil law, criminal law and false light. The term “civil law” refers to a body of legislation that distinguishes itself from criminal law and business law by focusing on the rights and responsibilities of individuals and the interactions between them...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The O.J. Simpson Case: Criminal Investigation

The O.J. Simpson case is one of the most publicized legal criminal trials, which is evident as the events of the proceedings have highlighted multiple aspects correlating with the US jurisdiction. Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Lyle Goldman were found stabbed to death, and most of the evidence was pointed...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Forms of Direct Address: Gender-Relations Debate

The primary role of the bystander effect in the Kitty Genovese case, where witnesses watched the occurrence of the attack, has been to illuminate anti-crime actions. These witnesses relied on other people to intervene and at least call the police but did not interfere with the crime. As a result,...

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Law Practice Management

Drugs Courts in Alberta: Therapeutic Justice System

At a Glance: The Provincial Court of Alberta instituted specialized courts to handle prosecution in a therapeutic and culturally appropriate manner. Drug Treatment Court: First established in 2005. Meant to stop the cycle of criminal behavior driven by drug addiction. How Dtc Work: The program offers a comprehensive list of interventions meant to...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Applying Criminal Justice to Modern Problems

In an article in The Washington Post entitled Sexual Assault in the military continues to rise despite efforts to Reverse, the author focuses on the issue of sexual assault in the Army of the United States. One of the critical conclusions that the author draws is that the situation is...

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Law Practice Management

Opening Statement of Defendant Air LLC in the Case Felder V. KC Air LLC

Ladies and Gentlemen of the Jury, may it please this Court and you; that our defense stands against the plaintiff’s allegations of Ari Felder, as Surviving Spouse of Morgan Felder, are mistaken. The case against Air LLC is based on wrongful assumptions of the breaching of laws that ensure that...

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Corporate & Business Law

Attorney’s Fees in the Graham County Elec. v. Local Union Case

The Graham County Elec. Cooperative, Inc. v. Local Union pertains to the award of attorney’s fees and other costs. The defendant is the union, while the plaintiff is the cooperative. In a previous case involving these two parties, the union represented a company employee named Curley. After Curley was charged...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Drake v. Polyflow Business Law Case

The Facts of The Case In late 2007, Drake, a Delaware corporation, agreed with Polyflow to sell “couplings” that the agreement termed as products designed by Polyflex for Thermoflex Tubing. Drake’s plant is in Sheffield, Pennsylvania and the company shipped the products from the location to Polyflow’s business establishment in...

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Intellectual Property Law

Intellectual Property Rights for Medicines

Five groups of states have different views on their national interests on the issue of intellectual property rights (IPRs) for medicines. The first group, represented by the United States and Switzerland, viewed their IPRs as national properties that could be used as commercial products to achieve financial gains (Elms 2)....

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Crime: The Main Theories and Forms

Introduction The two main forms of crime are violent crime and nonviolent crime. In contrast to nonviolent crimes like fraud, embezzlement, possession, and others, violent crimes include assault, homicide, armed robbery, and other comparable offenses. Nonviolent and violent crimes have a partial correlation and are not always mutually exclusive. People...

Words: 1184 Pages: 4
Health Law

Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2020 (SB 3380)

The Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2020 (SB 3380) was introduced in the United States Senate on March 3, 2020, by Senators Patty Murray (D-WA) and Lamar Alexander (R-TN). The Patient Safety Improvement Act of 2020 requires the Department of Health and Human Services to take actions related to healthcare-associated...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Australian Indigenous Youth Incarceration

The incarceration of Australian Aboriginal youth is one characterized by immense injustice. These youths are imprisoned as early as 10 years, despite appeals by the indigenous groups to raise the criminal age to the global 14 years. The conditions are also undesirable, with the prisons having poor hygiene care and...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Structure of the Main County Jail

Introduction Correction facilities face many challenges that inhibit their efficiency in service delivery. The Main County Jail faces various challenges that have resulted in poor quality of life for the inmates and employees. Some of these critical issues that this facility deals with comprise a shortage of personnel, inadequate funds,...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Prison Education Programs, Incarcerations, and Recidivism

Introduction The challenge of reoffending, commonly known as recidivism, is critical to many prison systems or rehabilitation centers. Globally, prison departments have come up with different programs to facilitate the successful rehabilitation of offenders and ensure their smooth transition back into their societies. According to Byrne (2020), prioritizing BOP programs...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Discussion: The Search of a Child or Teenager

Although I understand the logic behind the post and its arguments, I think that juvenile criminal records should be accounted for when conducting searches. Parental presence during searches must be mandatory for first-time offenders or suspects since these adolescents or children are the direct responsibility of the parents. In other...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Short History of Drugs and Crime

Drug abuse has been a major social problem for the last century and to the present day. The main argument for banning drugs is their harm to a person’s physical and mental health. However, many of the now-illegal drugs started out as prescription medications for both physical and mental conditions....

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Murder in Islamic Criminal Law

Though most people despise the thought of killing, Islam is the only faith that considers the murder of one innocent person to be the murder of all humans. Many believers and nonbelievers in today’s society recognize the inherent worth of all human beings. They, therefore, consider murder a high-level crime...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Use of Force Within the Main County Corrections Department

Introduction The use of force within the Main County Corrections Department can be regulated through sufficient training of the officers and other officials on the appropriate use of force. Adequate training is vital for influencing judgment and preventing excessive use of force (Koedijk et al., 2019). Additionally, improvement in surveillance...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Applying Criminal Justice to Modern Problems

Research Question: What punishment should be applied to reduce the number of sexual assault cases? Theses Statement: Based on the chosen annotated bibliography, around the world sexual violence is a significant social and public health issue that needs proper punishment for those responsible. Consequently, little is known about how well...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Interstate Commerce Clause in Business Law

Abstract The report analyzes the Delaware restriction of Shine-It, the doctrine of “police powers” in the Tenth Amendment, and discusses the need for businesses to understand how Interstate Commerce Clause and state police powers. Clean is seeking to continue selling the surface cleaner in Delaware because of high returns but...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Olympic Airways v. Husain Case Brief

The parties to the case The parties to the case are Olympic Airways and Rubina Husain. The citation of the case 540 US 644 (2004) The basic facts of the case Abid Hanson and his wife, Rubina Husain, embarked on an Olympic Airways flight and sat in the non-smoking area...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Police Shooting: The Scope of the Problem

In the USA, there is more and more news about police shooting at criminals and innocent people. Police shooting is often associated with a particular attitude to the victim’s race or ethnicity. In addition, these shootings are often unregistered, and the number of such murders at the hands of a...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Institutionalization in the Prison System

The prison system is a framework in which individuals are confined and punished for their crimes. However, it is inevitable that barriers are established when it comes to releasing said individuals and giving them tools that will assist them in having a law-abiding approach to income, interpersonal relationships, and interactions...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Crime Rates in the City of Atlanta

Introduction Crime rates are not uniformly distributed in the United States, and the overall rate of all crime is still high. For Atlanta, there has been a decrease in the frequency of crime, but homicide, burglary, and assault show an upward trend. The study needs to determine what factors contribute...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Chapters 8 and 9 of Zimbardo’s The Lucifer Effect

The book The Lucifer Effect: How Good People Turn Evil talks about the famous Stanford Prison Experiment and the system that contribute to it. Zimbardo uses the triangular theory and discusses the interplay between situational, dispositional and system factors that contributed to such events. In his analysis of the experiment...

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Corporate & Business Law

Wells Fargo Credit Corp. v. Martin: The Case Study

Introduction The issue in this case is that a deal to Mr Martin occurred unfairly due to a unilateral error by the Wells Fargo agent that resulted in a misrepresentation of the property’s value. It leads to Wells Fargo going to court and hoping to have this erraneous sale nullified....

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Attorneys Defending Youth

When it comes to the court’s power, youth, much more than adults, require access to competent counsel. Undoubtedly, serious violations of the law cannot go unpunished, regardless of the offender’s age, but when a child’s liberty and independence are threatened, meaningful access to legal assistance and a juvenile defense attorney’s...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Potential Value of Trace Evidence When Processing Crime Scenes for Evidential Clues

Introduction Crime investigators depend on different sources of evidence to identify the suspect or unravel how an incident occurred. One of the significant sources of evidence is paint, especially in hit-and-run cases since it can help to link the victim and the suspected automobile. Paint can provide treasured evidence in...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Insanity Defense: Andrea Yates’ Criminal Case

Based on the nuances of Andrea Yates’ criminal case, one can note that the woman meets the criteria of an insanity defense. While taking into account the background of the tragedy and the testimonies of the defendant at the trial, her mental state was significantly impaired. The voices that Yates...

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Matrimonial Law

History of Adoption Legislation in the USA

Adoption practice existed long before that method was universally lauded and extensively adopted. The history of legislative adoption in the United States may be loosely split in two: before and after the 1851 Act was enacted. In the 19th century, legislatures throughout the United States first passed adoption laws. Some...

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Constitutional Law

Connotational Amendments Proposals

The United States Constitution may be considered the first modern constitution in the world. It has a long history as a legal document and an even longer history behind the philosophical ideas that lay in its foundation. Despite being a symbol of freedom now, the Constitution was not created as...

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Intellectual Property Law

Yankees vs. Moniker: The Case Analysis

Introduction The issue rule analysis conclusion (IRAC) framework can be applied in this case. This case is important because it addresses the issue, that is whether a trademark owner can use the UDRP (Uniform Domain Dispute Resolution Policy) to obtain a domain name registered in bad faith. This policy enables...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Importance of Documenting the Crime Scene

Introduction The crime scene presents an element of significant importance because of the amount of physical evidence it contains and its dynamic environment. Many important points should be considered by the first officer at the crime scene. Furthermore, understanding the basics of processing a crime scene in the correct completion...

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Health Law

The HIPAA (Health Insurance) Act Privacy Rule

The HIPAA is a federal statute that mandated the development of national standards to prevent critical patient health data from being revealed without the patient’s knowledge or permission. Individuals’ rights to know and regulate the use of their health information are likewise spelled out in the Privacy Rule’s criteria. Patients...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Mitsch v. General Motors Corp. Case Study

An implied warranty assures the buyer of product reliability based on the intended uses, usually expressed as commodity merchantability or fitness. There are legal exceptions to the implied warranty, especially when a sales contract comes with the “as is” clause which the merchant uses to disclaim a product’s fitness, such...

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Regulatory Law

Hearing Officers: The Career Path

Hearing Officers (HOs) are professionals who provide administrative law services to clients in a variety of industries. They conduct hearings and issue decisions that are binding on the parties involved. These officers typically have a legal background, and many work for government agencies or private companies (Carcirieri et al., 2019)....

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Application of Classical Theory of Criminology

The purpose of any theory of crime is to analyze criminal behavior and identify the factors that contribute to it. Every theory explains where criminal activity occurs, why it occurs, and how it occurs. One can work toward reducing the amount of crime that occurs or rehabilitating offenders by first...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Discussion: Flash Mob Mentality

The flash mob mentality is a 21st-century phenomenon that is fueled by technology. A flash mob is a collection of people who are typically strangers to one another, who spontaneously gather in a public area, do a unique or noteworthy act following prearranged instructions, and then scatter. Instructions for flash...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

The Massachusetts Fusion Center

The Massachusetts Fusion Center is a part of critical infrastructure with a focus on maintaining a genuine awareness level relating to any and all national threat information. Additionally, this center provides security updates, including suspicious events relating to vital infrastructure by type or geographic areas, through access to a range...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

Government Surveillance and Civil Liberties

The surveillance infrastructure, which is currently expanding and frequently justified in the name of national security, poses significant challenges to privacy. Numerous government organizations, such as the National Security Agency (NSA), eavesdrop on the private communications of unwary citizens, compile enormous databases of who they call and categorize suspicious behavior...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Interpol Global Policing Goals and UNSDG 16

INTERPOL is the only police organization functioning at the global level. It plays a distinctive role in boosting international policing actions. The organization focuses on three priority crime areas; organized and emerging crime, counter-terrorism, and cybercrime. While developing the Global Policing Goals (GPGs), INTERPOL ensured that they aligned with the...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Discussion: Justice for a Rape Victim

A crime is an action committed that is illegal and punishable by law. Major causes of crimes are poverty, drugs, unemployment, and politics. There are various ways in which crimes can be conducted, including but not limited to; arson, burglary, child and domestic abuse, fraud, and cybercrime. The outcomes of...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

White-Collar Crimes: The Main Types

Introduction The FBI’s crime-fighting occurs in various areas, including investigating serious crimes involving harm to the life and health of people, cybercrime, and white-collar crimes. The latter can be of several types, depending on the object of the crime and criminal schemes, but they all are aimed at making a...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Influence of Court Decisions on Police Force Operation

Although the Supreme Court has addressed the Fourth Amendment and police use of force on countless occasions, the two most significant court cases involved Graham and Garner. The first case (Graham versus Connor) involved the detention and release of a suspicious person whereby a City of Charlotte officer M.S. Connor...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Broken Glass: The Important Forensic Evidence

Glass that has been broken or shattered and was discovered at a crime scene is significant forensic evidence. Each common type of glass, including glass from windows, lamps, headlights, and bottles, has distinct characteristics which should be examined differently. Glass that was broken by a hard impact can readily get...

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Health Law

The Affordable Care Act: Impact on Nursing Practice

Background of the Legislation President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law in 2010 facilitate access to healthcare for all Americans. The act was formulated to increase uninsured Americans’ access to quality insurance coverage at a reasonable cost. Significant reforms in the law included expanding Medicare eligibility and...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Relationship between Rights and the Fight against Crime

The critical issue of political, moral, and social choice in criminal justice is the relationship between individual rights and the fight against crime. The main criterion for establishing the limits for satisfying the interests of a particular person is the interests of other persons, including public ones. The basis for...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Charles Manson: The Serial Killer

Written Background Charles Milles Maddox, more infamously known as Charles Manson, the founder of the murderous cult “The Family,” was born on November 12, 1934. Little Charles never saw his swindler of a father since Walker Scott disappeared right after Kathleen, Charles’ mother, told him about her pregnancy. Walker only...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Discussion: Latent Theory in Criminology

Introduction Latent trait theory argues that people have underlying conditions at birth and after controlling behavior, which leads to suspect characteristics like impulsivity, low IQ, and personality structure. Specifically, it argues that some individuals have unique features that enhance their need to commit a crime. However, parents can control their...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Psychological Theories of Crime

Introduction Criminal activity is an important and persistent problem for society. In places where many individuals co-exist, the actions of a few individuals may have devastating effects on others. To minimize the potential impact of crime, as well as prevent more crime from occurring, the field of forensic science has...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Discussion: Trajectory Theory and Crime

The theories of crime are consistent with the assumption of differential outcomes about diverse offending pathways. Trajectory theory supports that society consists of both lawbreakers and law-abiding persons. According to the theory, unique reasons and life situations result in people committing crimes. I agree with the trajectory theory that there...

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Tax Law

Researching of Wealth Inequality

The article by Collins and Flannery (2022) addresses the issue of raised inequality in the country and its consequences. It claims that the American system is at risk of becoming a taxpayer-funded private power platform for the ultra-wealthy. The article points out how this situation is dangerous for the nonprofit...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Strain Theory on Victimization and Crime

Introduction The theoretical framework integrates interdisciplinary notions and theories that illustrate how unfavorable interactions between staff and work environments may contribute to their intention to commit abusive protective behaviors. According to strain theories, some strains or pressures enhance the chance of crime. These tensions cause unpleasant feelings like frustration and...

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Health Law

The Affordable Care Act: Impact on the Healthcare System

The adoption of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) has significantly impacted the healthcare system of the United States. In 2010, this policy was issued to facilitate the population’s access and availability of medical services and insurance (Gaffney & McCormick, 2017). It entirely concerned the nation because it evoked a series...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

An Analysis of Dangerous Sexual Offender Assessment Reports

Introduction The paper’s purpose is to evaluate the article and outline the study’s strengths, weaknesses, and applicability to practice. The text’s structure comprises an introduction outline and the article’s problem statement. The research’s strengths and weaknesses are also crucial sections of the paper. Additionally, two areas recommended for future research...

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Common Law

Researching of the Plea Bargains

The Question of Need The plea bargaining practice is valuable to the Criminal Justice System due to many reasons. Firstly, it is not possible for the courts to handle every single case trial due to the sheer number of filed cases requiring a court hearing (Frontline, 2004). Secondly, such a...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Establishing Professional Relationships in Criminology

“Truth and Method in Southern Criminology” is an article that elaborates on the topic of ethics and methodology in the area of criminal justice. In particular, it addresses “ethical conduct in the pursuit of knowledge and understanding in human relations” among criminological workers of the Global North and Global South...

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Common Law

Research Project: Voting Rights

Summary The power of liberal arts lies in their ability to examine various issues through four different lenses. Each lens allows an individual to gain new insights into the matter, thus improving their understanding of the world. For example, the lens of social sciences that relies on data from surveys...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

A Criminal Justice Facility’s Issue and Solution

Introduction Criminal justice is one of the most important institutions in society because it ensures compliance and adherence to the law by putting in place an accountability mechanism that follows violations and punishes them accordingly. The included authorities and departments investigate wrongdoings, prosecute, and sentence perpetrators who are then sent...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Criminal Justice System’s Key Responsibilities

Government of Canada. (2022). Making the criminal justice system more responsive to victims.  The article provides the information on acknowledgment by the Canadian government that victimization can have devastating and long-lasting effects. The source is reliable because it provides information on how to protect victims of crime from exploitation and...

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Constitutional Law

The US Bill of Rights and the Florida Constitution

Today, the Bill of Rights is the primary U.S. legal document guaranteeing personal rights and freedoms to all citizens. Both the Bill of rights and the Florida Constitution provide a detailed list of human rights. Nevertheless, there is a difference between the way the rights are presented and interpreted. The...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Shooting at Military Recruiting Center (Mohammad Abdulazeez)

Introduction This article provides information about the criminal, Mohammad Abdulazeez, and the feedback from his acquaintances, friends, and teachers. This information will help to make a description of the character of the criminal. According to this article, the criminal who killed four people was twenty-four years old man. Discussion He...

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Common Law

The Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. Case

Introduction The boundaries between First Amendment rights and school disciplinary guidelines are often unclear. This assumption is especially relevant given the students’ widespread use of technology and social media to communicate. Therefore, the case Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. received much publicity – it was meant to bring clarity...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

White-Collar Crime and Theories to Apply

Introduction It is important to note that white-collar crime is as destructive and damaging as any other form of criminal activity. However, its treatment and public perception are less visceral and emotional due to its inherent racial and socioeconomic elements. White-collar crime is persecuted, sentenced, and perceived less harshly because...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Mapp vs. Ohio Case and Judicial Process

Introduction Dollree Mapp, an Ohio woman, was suspected of having bombing material in 1961. Using a fake warrant, an Ohio local police officer entered her house and seized lewd and lascivious material from the basement. The item was enough evidence to justify Dollree’s case, and he was charged, ready for...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Miranda vs. Arizona Case Decision

Introduction The Miranda case is based on violating the American people’s Fifth and Sixth Amendment rights. After Miranda was arrested in his residential area, he underwent a very long interrogation by the police, followed by a confession written by him and a witness said to have recognized him as the...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Military Tribunals and Internal Processes

Introduction Military tribunals have been used historically, especially in times of conflict. A military court, as opposed to a civilian court, is in charge of these judicial processes. Military courts typically try military personnel implicated in major offenses such as treason or crimes against humanity and citizens charged with terrorism...

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Employment Law

Major League Baseball and the Major League Umpires’ Association

Although American professional sports may be regarded as big business that presupposes the existence of labor disputes, the results of their settlement strongly depend on both parties’ actions. Major League Baseball (MLB) and the Major League Umpires’ Association (MLUA) had a long history of tension. At the end of their...

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Health Law

The Affordable Care Act: Reducing Inequality in Healthcare

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and its modifications make up the coordinated healthcare reform law. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) focuses on health insurance coverage, treatment expenditures, and preventative care. In 2010, when the legislation was implemented, about 50 million Americans lacked health insurance (Kominski et al.,...

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Common Law

How Firearm-Related Casualties Correlate with the Number of Firearm-Related Laws

Introduction Gun legislation is a controversial topic, as it can be used both as defensive and offensive weapons and, in addition, facilitate committing suicide. On the one hand, firearms may be used for self-defense, thus increasing households’ safety. On the other hand, however, they are widely used as offensive weapons...

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Health Law

The International Pandemic Preparedness and COVID-19 Response Act of 2021

Executive Summary The International Pandemic Preparedness and COVID-19 Response Act of 2021 is a new bill in the Senate, currently at the committee’s level. The Act purposes of making America a global leader in leading the world to prepare for and manage pandemics ease. Factors that will promote the bill’s...

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Common Law

Obscenity: Analysis of Case Studies

Summary of Cases Miller was found guilty of violating a California law that makes it illegal to transmit obscene materials by the government of California. He conducted a massive mailing campaign to advertise the sale of material that contained naked pictures. He filed an appeal with the Superior Court’s Appellate...

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Law Practice Management

Criminal vs. Civil Law in US Federal vs. State Courts

Introduction Criminal and civil law are extensive and discrete lawful entities with distinctive edicts and sentences. For example, civil law deals with conflicts amid corporations, individuals, or both, and reimbursement is paid to the victim. Criminal law is the form of legislation that deals with law-breaking and the lawful castigation...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

Human Trafficking and Narcoterrorism: Improving Border Security

Introduction Every state exerts its power and authority over a particular territory that is limited by borders. Nations draw significant attention to overseeing their borders, and appropriate agencies are responsible for controlling this issue. In the United States, the Customs Service and the Department of Defense make sure that unauthorized...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Restorative Justice: Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health

Restorative law is a system that focuses on reconciling offenders and the community through rehabilitation in criminal justice. It responds to the culprit’s behavior that anchors on the restitution of lawbreakers and issues to resolve arising crimes that help bring the victims together in the society and restore harmony. Its...

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Common Law

Landmark Court Cases Impact on Digital Communication

Reno v. ACLU (1997) Case Summary The legitimacy of two elements of the 1996 Communications Decency Act was contested by several claimants (Reno V American Liberties Union, 1997. The act made it illegal to intentionally disseminate obscene information and materials that portray sexual and excretory acts or organs in a...

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Law Practice Management

Paralegals: The Main Career Options

Introduction The work of a legal assistant can be an interesting, responsible, and stable type of employment, and involves several main career options. Paralegals have responsibilities that differ from those of a lawyer because they cannot represent clients in court. At the same time, paralegals can do technically sophisticated work,...

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Common Law

Check Fraud: Researching and Analysis

Check fraud alludes to any illicit attempts to gain funds via paper or electronic checks. This could involve writing a poor check on one’s account, counterfeiting a check in another person’s name, or creating a wholly fraudulent check (Check Fraud 101 | SQN Banking Systems, 2019). Due to the increase...

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Law Practice Management

Legal Textualism in the United States

Legal textualism is a formalist theory that bases the interpretation of the law based on the text of the law. The main task of textualism is the rejection of intentionalism, that is, the analysis of the legislator’s intentions, which he had when he created this norm (Smith, 2019). Textualism omits...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Constitution Arguments Relating to Strip Searching All Arrested Persons

Law review articles discuss the constitutionality of strip searches and purely legal frameworks without considering the individual experiences and reactions of detainees who are searched. Strip searches often cause humiliation, embarrassment, and discomfort no matter how professionally and privately conducted (Babbar 1745). The constitution in the Fourth Amendment protects individuals...

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