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Get inspired by our free law essay examples. Criminology, criminal justice, legal ethics – all the related topics are covered here!

Employment Law

The National Labor Relations Act in Boeing’s Case

It is not uncommon for giant corporations to be accused by independent federal agencies of illegal acts of retaliation against union workers. The federal government lacks the legal power to stop a corporation from growing or constructing a new unit in another state (Magaldi & Sales, 2020). Unfortunately, that is...

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Employment Law

Railway Labor Act of 1926 and National Labor Relations Act of 1935

Due to their status within organizations, employees require protection against being exploited. Specifically, the opportunity to have their rights protected by the labor union represents an essential requirement in the workplace setting. In turn, employers should be provided with the guarantee of staff members refraining from disrupting the company’s performance....

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Delinquency and Parental Influence

Introduction Juvenile delinquency is an urgent social issue that plagues numerous families. Although children are not old enough to be subjected to full-scale criminal persecution, the damage done to society necessitates the delivery of proper justice. Even though crimes and offenses are committed by children and adolescents, attention is always...

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Constitutional Law

The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments

Introduction The United States Bill of Right was passed in 1978. In the Bill of Rights, Congress outlined the rights of Americans with regards to the government. It establishes guidelines for due process of the law and provides powers that are not delegated by the US Federal government to the...

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Legal Ethics

Moral Consequences of Fleeing the Unjust Court’s Decision

Life has countless examples showcasing how hard it can be to stay true to and follow morality and virtue. This was the case with the trial of Socrates when he had to face a choice of either saving his life and forsaking his teachings or accepting the death penalty issued...

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Constitutional Law

The Constitution of the United States as a Legal Document

The ideas of justice and freedom are rooted in the American founding documents. The Constitution of the United States was written in 1787, approved in 1788, and began to operate in 1789 (Novotny, 2020). It is a complex document that can be considered from the liberal, revolutionary, and conservative perspectives....

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Constitutional Law

Federalism in the United States

Federalism in the United States is an organization of government and legal systems in which a nationwide central government distributes power among the states. The constitution includes rules for how the subjects must interact with each other, and safeguards for how they must interact with the national government. The vertical...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Female Professionals and Arrestees in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system entails the courts, police, and correctional units that aim to prevent crimes and create peaceful and law-abiding citizens in a friendly method. This article will cover the experiences of both Female criminal justice professionals and the arrestees in the criminal legal structure (Van & Bartollas,...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Delinquents’ Mental Health

Abstract The judicial system created prisons to house criminals as they complete their prison terms after being sentenced and held responsible for criminal actions in court. When special interest groups are subject to the judicial system, particularly the prison division, correctional facilities are tailored to satisfy their demands. However, this...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Delinquency: Causes and Solutions

The current assignment focuses on the problems of juvenile delinquency. In particular, the topic concerns facts, processes, and phenomena that make underage individuals engage in criminal practices. Illegal behaviors are relatively widespread among children and teenagers, which is dangerous for society because there is a significant number of would-be criminals....

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Restorative Justice: Justice and Public Safety

Restorative justice is an approach within the criminal authority system that presents alternative ways to reach law. This technique aims to maintain equity by organizing negotiations between victim and offender, during which they will discuss the most efficient conditions that would satisfy both parties. Restorative methods include acknowledgment, apology, and...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The In re Gault Case Study Analysis

Seminal cases that defined the further process of considering specific cases in the U.S. justice system represent scenarios of particular interest due to their significance and the effect that they have produced on the further shaping of court processes. The decision passed in the In re Gault case represents an...

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Law Practice Management

Theories Required for Success in Criminal Justice

Introduction It is no secret that today a wide range of ideas and concepts allows one to succeed and prosper in supervisory from a criminal justice perspective. Knowledge and understanding of them are necessary for effective and productive activities in the framework of the protection of citizens, prosecution of an...

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Law Practice Management

Justifying the Existence of Truancy Laws

Introduction Many jurisdictions have policies and regulations intended to tackle the problematic issue of truancy. Societies tend to have children who are unwilling to attend school through continued absenteeism. This challenge is common among high, elementary, and middle school learners. While the law does not identify truancy as a criminal...

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Constitutional Law

Is Strip Search in Schools Prohibited Under Fourth Amendment?

Introduction In the USA, school policies do not allow students to bring drugs to the institution without prior permission from the right authority. Over-the-counter drugs such as naproxen and ibuprofen are prohibited and learners should not possess them within the school environment. In order to ensure middle school students comply...

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Constitutional Law

The New York Times Company v. United States Case Analysis

New York Times Company v. United States: Case Summary, Impact, and Current Considerations The New York Times Company v. United States or the “Pentagon Papers” case resulted in a landmark ruling that outlined the application and power of the First Amendment. The case reviewed by the Supreme Court in 1971...

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Law Practice Management

The Specific Litigation Analysis and Its Role

Introduction The analysis of specific litigation is an essential aspect in understanding the lawsuit as a whole. It helps to define the utilization of terminology, understand the decision-making process, and analyze the application of fundamental judicial rules. The analysis demonstrates the work of a judge, namely, making a decision based...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

DNA-Structure in Forensic Science

The topic of DNA-structure is important both for me personally and society in general. One of the most useful ways of implying the DNA-structure to the modern world can be found in the field of forensic science. Adenine (A), guanine (G), cytosine (C), and thymine (T) are the four chemical...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminal Investigation: Crime Control and Due Process Models

The investigation of a crime is a complex and multifaceted process. The investigation may involve different tools and techniques that complement each other. Existing models in the criminal justice system include the crime control model and the due process model. Both models have their own principles of crime investigation, similarities...

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Law Practice Management

The Politics of Restorative Justice

A system of rules and laws is important in these times. They must regulate not only the relationships between people, but provide for all possible scenarios that are expected to occur, both in normal life and in the event of their violation. People are confronted virtually every day with someone...

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Law Practice Management

Intermediate Sanctions, Probation and Parole Officers, Prisons, and Jails

It is hard to disagree that various crimes have always been an integral part of people’s lives. Therefore, in order to protect citizens who follow the law from those who break it, the criminal justice system and the judicial branch were created. When there is a need to punish a...

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Legal Ethics

The Social Contract Theory and Morality of Law

We live in a society that has both written and unwritten rules. These rules define the culture of any particular society. Different theories, such as modern social contract theory, try to explain how these cultural norms and laws came into being. The theory of social contract has a moral or...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Ethics Regarding Juvenile Youth in Adult Prisons

Introduction Juvenile delinquency and crime are prevalent social problems in the USA. In response, the government has built jails for young adults below 18 years to curb their malignant behavior. Introducing children to the justice system at such a young age, when their cognitive abilities are yet to mature, ensures...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Limited Liability Company’s Formation Process

For the company’s formation, Luke, David, Marcia, and Rosie need to undergo the registration of the company process, which entails the provision of crucial documents with the registrar of companies at Companies House. The company formation process is referred to as the incorporation process. Therefore, the four will have to...

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Corporate & Business Law

Everything You Need to Know About American Law

Nowadays, many young people receive academic degrees which they cannot put to practice and thus become unable to find a proper job. In some instances, such individuals decide to sue their colleges for not providing them with an education capable of yielding career opportunities. Nevertheless, the act of suing a...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Exclusive Emerald Gems Bankruptcy Case

Introduction Exclusive Emerald Gems is an Australian company that went bankrupt due to the impossibility of fulfilling its obligations. The five directors of the company were unable to act together in the interests of the business; some of them were not competent enough. The company’s failure occurred due to two...

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Corporate & Business Law

Tort Law: The Contract Between Friendly Dawg and Landlord Lou

The tort law determines if a person or an organization is to be held liable for injuries caused to the other party and, if so, the amount of compensation that should be paid. This law is important since it forces businesses to act fairly, meaning the businesses will perform their...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Should Youth Be Jailed for Non-Violent Crimes?

There are polarized views regarding non-violent crime in principle, but a more peaceful solution is increasingly being expressed for young people. The central thesis of the chairman of the Government Council for developing recommendations on the imposition of criminal penalties in the courts of England and Wales, Andrew Ashworth, is...

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Corporate & Business Law

Aspects of Fiduciary Duties Laws

The given case tackles the issue of fiduciary duties. The paper aims to examine the main aspects of fiduciary duties laws applicable in the given case. To help Roberto build his position against Gina, four cases taken before the High and Federal Court of Australia were examined to uncover legal...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Collecting Prints on Porous and Non-Porous Surfaces

Introduction To begin with, I would like to say that I found this experiment extremely engaging and interesting. I was able to identify numerous prints on various surfaces, analyze how the marks are different from each other, and see how the porousness of surfaces affects the visibility of marks. Overall,...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Role of Society for a Child in Avoiding a Criminal Future

Any violation of the law is the responsibility of every citizen, and any reason they violate does not justify them from acting. For this reason, a child who grows up in a dysfunctional environment should be punished for any misconduct. However, if such a youngster is not supported at home,...

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Common Law

Florida v. Harris and Florida v. Jardines Cases Comparison

The cases of Florida v. Harris and Florida v. Jardines share some similarities. However, several peculiarities create a definite distinction between the two. Both instances involve charges associated with drugs and drug possession (Supreme Court of the United States, 2012a; Supreme Court of the United States, 2012b). In addition, both...

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Law Practice Management

The Canadian Justice System: Legislation

I think the Justice system in Canada is one of the world’s most thriving and fair systems. For me, it is also exceptional in the way that it combines common law and civil law and operates in two languages – English and French. However, as in every justice system in...

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Common Law

A Comparison of New York and Dallas Police Departments

Introduction For each police department, there are both general organization rules and private ones. Differences appear against the background of the department’s environment, goals, and internal routines. In addition, the number of resources and the system of the organization also differ, so it is necessary to analyze different departments to...

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Common Law

Secured Personal Property Transactions

Any transaction in which the debtor’s personal property serves as a guarantee or security for the debt payment or where the debtor has a legal interest. Secured personal property transactions are governed by Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Consequently, in the situation mentioned, it is necessary to...

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Law Practice Management

Legal and Factual Guilt in Criminal Defense

When someone commits an unlawful act, one may or may not feel guilty. Two types of the latter are known: legal and factual. Legal guilt can be defined as the fact justified to be true by law (Reichel, 2018). On the other hand, factual guilt is an apparent situation that...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

US Criminal Justice System Essential Documents and Artifacts

There are several documents and artifacts – represented by particular cases and practices – that are significant for the US Criminal justice system. The first one is related to Thomas Jennings, a Chicago resident who was found guilty of killing a man in his home in People v. Jennings in...

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Constitutional Law

The Right to Bear Arms and the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment gives the legislative foundation for US gun regulations. This is a significant set of norms that the citizens utilize in their 21st-century lives. However, in truth, neither side’s stance in the current gun-control debate was significantly influenced by the issues faced by the Founding Fathers. In reality,...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Implementation of Statistics in Criminal Justice

Since statistics have two real-world uses, the term is frequently misconstrued. The first, which reflects the term’s history, defines a body of facts that is gathered, stored, and frequently expressed in summary form (Walker & Maddan, 2019). Demographic statistics and death rates statistics, which show the attributes of the living...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Alternative Dispute Resolution and Redress

The Criminal Cases Review Commission was founded on 31 March 1997. It was created by the Criminal supplication Act 1995. The CCRC has the right to refer cases to the appropriate court for an appeal to be heard (Section 321 and Schedule 11 of the Act relating to powers of...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Roper v. Simmons Case Analysis

Issue in Question Whether the execution of a person who was 17 years old when he executed a murder is prohibited under the Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments because it would be a “cruel and inhumane” penalty. Facts The plaintiff in action is Donald P. Roper, who worked as a superintendent...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Officers Francesco Vincent Serpico vs. Robert Leuci

Background It is important to consider the work of a law enforcement officer to understand the similarities and differences between Frank Serpico and Robert Leuci. Policing is a morally dangerous occupation, and ethical behavior within it is a matter of character. Everything about the work of a police officer is...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Metropolitan Police of Washington D.C.

Introduction The Metropolitan police department of Washington D.C. website presents a humble but concise and informative design. It is structured in the following way: a header, the main body, and a footer. The header consists of a button and a series of drop-down lists. The button links to an external...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Criminal Justice Programs and Policies

Background Criminal justice policies are meant not only to arrest criminals or guarantee that they are abiding by the norms of the facilities where they have been detained but also to guarantee that the criminal justice system is impartial and capable of carrying out its intended functions. The State of...

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Law Practice Management

The COVID-19 Impact on the Judiciary System

Introduction Government institutions experienced an unexpected shock from the COVID-19 coronavirus disease’s arrival in late 2019 and took a wide range of measures to mitigate its health, socioeconomic, and work-related risks. The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 disease a public health emergency of global concern on January 30,...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Punishment for Criminal Offenders

The definition of punishment for various types of criminal offense is to take into account many factors and features. Researchers consider how the public punitive attitude is formed and what influences the society’s perception of the severity of the crime (Kääriäinen, 2018). Kääriäinen (2018) reports that “the background attributes had...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Bicheno and Launceston Companies’ Contract Analysis

Introduction A legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties is what constitutes a contract. In other words, it is a promise or collection of promises for which the law establishes a remedy and which the law acknowledges as requiring fulfillment. It is established when both parties have the necessary...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Digital and Electronic Evidence in Court

One of the most common problems regarding the use, storage, or transfer of digital and electronic evidence in court is the type and format of records demonstrating the objectivity, accuracy, security, and reliability of data. Thus, digital records that can be affected by gossip are an evidentiary difficulty. The regulation...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Basic Theories of Causation of Criminal Development

Abstract This essay focuses on establishing five fundamental theories of the emergence of crime in man. The purpose of the study is to show the factors that influence the development of crime. Literature and theoretical methods of evaluating the material were used as research methods. It is established that the...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Murder of George Floyd by a Police Officer

Introduction The main thrust of this case is that 46-year-old black man George Floyd was killed by a white police officer during his arrest. Initially, Floyd was detained due to the use of a counterfeit $20 bill, but the arrest process itself was characterized by particular police brutality. In front...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Sanction Compliance in the United Kingdom

Introduction It is important to note that the jurisdiction of interest is the United Kingdom. Sanction compliance risk evaluation and reporting of suspicious activities are essential obligations under UK law on money laundering. The Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation (OFSI) is the regulatory authority on sanction compliance and reporting, whereas...

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Constitutional Law

The First Amendment and Its Importance

The First Amendment places a strong emphasis on the value of the right to free speech, religion, and of the right to free expression for the people of the United States. No one can be forced to give up their religious convictions and ideals by the government. Similar to this,...

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Constitutional Law

The Gideon v. Wainwright Case Study

The story of Clarence Gideon, an ordinary drifter accused of breaking and entering, deserves recognition as the man was deprived of legal counsel representation and had to represent himself. At the moment of his trial, Americans could use free legal counsel only in death penalty cases. Gideon tried to change...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Establishing Fingerprinting as a Science

Over the past hundred years, fingerprinting as a science has been receiving powerful development due to its significant assistance to law enforcement agencies in solving crimes. At the same time, the involvement of new forensic sciences revealed some fingerprint errors that may be made in the inquiry (Peterson et al.,...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Science of Fingerprints and Their Characteristics

Introduction In their daily lives, people constantly touch objects: a cup of coffee, a bunch of keys, and a cell phone. Every time they do, they most likely leave a unique signature behind in one’s fingerprints. According to Forensic Science Simplified (n.d.), fingerprint analysis has been employed in the identification...

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Corporate & Business Law

McKellar v. Mithril Capital Management LLC

The case concerns the violation of terms of a separation agreement conducted between Crystal Scripps McKellar (McKellar) and the Mithril Capital Management LLC collective (Mithril). Specifically, McKellar is involved in three lawsuits in three different states with Mithril Capital Management LLC, Ajay Royan (its owner and general partner), and entity...

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Corporate & Business Law

JUUL Labs’ Intentional Illegal Acts

From a personal perspective, JUUL Labs has committed several illegal acts associated with its reckless business practices. First of all, the company deliberately downplayed the health-related risks caused by vaping, especially the danger of nicotine. According to North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein, “typical JUUL pod is so strong and...

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Corporate & Business Law

Covenant Not to Compete: Advantages and Disadvantages

Covenant not to compete is an agreement in an employment contract when hiring and means that the employer restricts the employee from competing with him in any form after dismissal. However, an important caveat is the fact that a contract cannot restrict an employee from selling goods or services to...

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Constitutional Law

Covid-19 and the 2020 Presidential Race

One can contend that COVID-19’s entrance and the 2020 presidential race have revived Texas’ judicial system and its application to the state constitution. Numerous significant lawsuits deal with Texans’ fundamental right to vote. The ability of Texans to vote appears to be actively regulated by Texas courts (Legislative reference library...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

U.S. Police Deploy Body Cameras

Introduction The criminal justice system in recent years has been experiencing many changes due to technological advancement. One of the recent innovations in the criminal field is the body camera. Those cameras are attached to the uniform of a police officer and record all the person’s movements. This essay will...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Media and Society Influence on the Litigation

The term “trial of the media,” which has been popular over the past two decades to characterize the influence of television and print media coverage in the case of an assassination attempt, is similar to asserting that whoever controls the media in some way or another controls the mind. Even...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Value of Criminology: Prevention and Understanding of Crime

Criminology is a scientific field that studies the complexity of crime in society. It encompasses many disciplines, such as law, sociology, genetics, psychology, and more. After completing my GE courses on criminology, I realize there are many benefits to these courses and their application later in life. Namely, the value...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Crime Prevention Activities: Comprehensive Violence Reduction Strategy

To enhance the living conditions in Little Rock by collaborating with the community to fight crime, uphold the law, maintain the peace, and ensure a secure environment by defending people’s freedom while decreasing fear, combating violence, and enforcing the law is crucial. On their own, prosecutors and police cannot solve...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Deadly Police Incidents and Racial Controversy

Recent deadly police incidents have marked a significant social and legal issue in the American law-enforcement system. In particular, the occurrences of police shootings of unarmed Black men have become more frequent, which has triggered public concerns related to race-based bias of the police workers. While diverse populations become victims...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Industrialization Shifting the Criminal Justice System

Introduction It is no secret that culture and the criminal justice system have an inextricable connection in terms of interaction and mutual influence on each other. As practice shows, modern society tends to have natural improvement and development, as well as the number of laws in the aggregate, increasing to...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

State of Wisconsin Probation System Research

The United States criminal law has various penalties to which an individual who commits a crime is subjected. In addition to fines and imprisonment, a standard option is a probationary sentence, which implies placing a person on probation. Probation can also be used as an addition to the main punishment...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Evidence-Based Corrections in Criminal Justice System

The book states the current need to incorporate changes into the Criminal Justice System. It suggests implementing modifications that essentially make the entirety of criminal justice evidence-based. To grasp the importance of such alteration, it is necessary first to gain an understanding of several points regarding the subject, which will...

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Tax Law

Survey Responses on the Effects of Tax Morality

One of the daunting things about being an adult is financing the government through paying taxes. An increase in taxes means an increase in pricing for services and commodities, which bores holes in people’s pockets, especially in developing countries. In 2018, the United Arab Emirates introduced a Value Added Tax...

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Environmental Justice

The Air Rights Concept in New York

Introduction Recent developments in population growth, urbanization, and socio-economic development are changing land use planning, particularly in commercial areas. An increase in urban populations leads to higher demand for land for settlement public utilities such as roads and commercial infrastructure. New York is among the rapidly growing cities in population...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

Intelligence-Led Policing and Its Features

Intelligence Features Policing is a key element in efforts to enhance regional security and stability. There are clear challenges that traditional incident-based law enforcement models face in dealing with today’s dangers and threats. Difficulties also exist in responding to new opportunities for crime. They may be due, among other things,...

Words: 8365 Pages: 30
Consumer Legislation

Consumer Protection Final Assessment

Consumer protection laws are guidelines to ensure maximum protection of a buyer or the so-called purchaser. Therefore, consumer protection laws play a significant role in the market as they protect the buyers from fraudulent business practices and engagement, deceptive, and defective products that they are likely to encounter. Historically, there...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Analysis of § 1983 of the Title 42 United States Code

Introduction It is essential to keep the law representatives at the highest standard, as they serve as role models for society. The need to upkeep the image and the violent incidents that occurred in the 19th century made Congress specify the rights of citizens to sue government officials for breaching...

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Tax Law

Legal Framework of Value-Added Tax in the UAE

Introduction In order for the concept of tax morality to be determined, it is essential to identify the legal framework for the flat tax that consumers pay once they purchase an item. Since this type of taxation is implied with every purchase, consumers cannot avoid it. Hence, the morality aspect...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

New Beginnings Episode of This American Life Podcast

Podcast Summary The topic of the first episode was “New Beginnings”, streamed on November 17, 1995, where multiple people, including Ira Glass himself, speculate on how their life or a new stage of life began. It was so simple to recognize the host’s distinctive voice and speaking manner, which was...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Internal and External Trends in Criminal Justice System

Internal and external trends are important elements of the modern criminal justice system. They play a big role in rapid intervention, as they are aimed at more effective development of criminal law policy and implementation of reactions. Both external and internal factors present various challenges that are important to consider...

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Constitutional Law

Gun Ownership Regulation in the US

Introduction The right of U.S. citizens to own guns is enshrined in the country’s constitution. It is guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the fundamental law, and Americans use it; according to a Gallup Institute survey, 47 percent of private households in the United States own guns (Kolbe, 2020). Meanwhile,...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

The Department of Homeland Security Reform

As the new Director of the Department, I would like to address the mission that stands before us. This mission is formed by our core values: Integrity, Vigilance, and Respect. While these values are important, we need to re-address what they mean in practice. The Department needs to be closer...

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Health Law

Roe v. Wade Overturn from a Technological Value Choice Theory Perspective

Summary The recent ruling that the Supreme Court issued in regard to Roe v. Wade has affected the entire country, leaving women deprived of one of their basic rights. The court decision in question implied that the right to abortion should not be provided to all women on a countywide...

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Law Practice Management

Property and Trusts Case Analysis

This case is connected with cases of violation of the trustee’s obligations to the money entrusted to them and legal ways to compensate for the damage caused to the trust. In particular, we are talking about two different trusts that suffered serious financial damage due to selfish and irresponsible policies...

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Corporate & Business Law

Contract Law: Acceptance and Termination of an Offer

Introduction of the Issue Kat saw a poster at Steaks Alive restaurant that invited customers to a challenge where they would not pay for ten steaks eaten within an hour. Although Kat signed up for the challenge and ate ten steaks in 59 minutes, Nikita, the restaurant manager, forfeits the...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

Corruption as the Biggest Security Challenge

Global security has always been one of the main problems of humanity, but in recent decades, due to globalization of the world economy, interdependence of countries, and the development of technology, including the military, it has come to the fore. This is such a complex concept that there are disagreements...

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Corporate & Business Law

Contract Law: Equitable Estoppel

Introduction of the Issue Liza agreed to stay in Julian’s house while the latter worked in New York for two years on the condition that Julian would leave her barbeque behind for Liza to use. However, Julian carried the barbeque with her, breaking the promise upon which Liza relied to...

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Corporate & Business Law

Unfair Contracts With Independent Contractors

Introduction of the Issue Gators Pty Ltd was contracted on June 7 to provide gate entry services to a concert by Lil’ Z for a sum of $100,000 on September 7. However, petrol prices skyrocketed; increasing transportation costs and labor shortages doubled the wage rates for Gator’s staff hiring. Gator’s...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Environmental Criminology and Theory Evaluation

One of the important areas of research in criminology is crime prevention. There are many concepts and theories that focus on the causes of crime, but little attention has been paid to the environment in which crimes occur. Despite this, spatial and environmental factors are often not only incidental but...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The October 1st, 2017 Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Introduction October 1st, 2017 was a tragic day for US citizens as thousands of people were exposed to one of the deadliest mass shooting incidents in US history. A 64-year-old man, known as Stephen Paddock opened fire on the general public, particularly targeting individuals gathered at the function, packed with...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Piracy as a Crime: True Crime Issues

Piracy is the phenomenon describing the commission of an armed attack on seagoing vessels to gain profit from material financial resources. Piracy has existed throughout the historical river, but the golden age came in the 17th and 18th centuries (Mazyar 62). People were taken on pirate ships either as crew...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Ethical Issues in the Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system in the United States is founded on a changing ideology of criminal conduct, reformation, and fairness. This perspective, in essence, is founded on ethics, which establishes the guiding values for law and criminology processes. Public trust is essential for criminal justice professionals to conduct their jobs...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Counteraction to Criminal Groups Aspects

Departmental Units Included in the Task Force One of the departments included in the task force will be the criminal gangs unit, whose activities are aimed at preventing and suppressing criminal groups. Counteraction to criminal groups consists in the development and implementation of specific measures based on a general analysis...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminology and Its Role on Society Improving

Criminology as a science is a powerful tool for analyzing and studying criminality. The conclusions formed in such studies can then be applied in real settings to improve the social situation. Therefore, from my perspective, the most important of all aspects of criminology is experimental, which is most closely related...

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Matrimonial Law

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Scotland

Over the past half-century, academia, civil society, and generally the young people have consistently called for the incorporation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into the Scots law. Incorporation of child’s right meant legally protecting the rights of children in the United Kingdom, especially those...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Need for Planning in Criminal Justice Policies

Introduction The launch of the program or policy does not automatically mean that the work on the intervention is finished. Policymakers must realize that policies do not exist separately from the environments within which they were implemented. Moreover, these environments can rarely be controlled, as they live their own dynamic...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Civil Asset Forfeiture Aspects

Laws are practically efficient in regulating the criminal behavior of U.S. citizens. Illegal activity can lead to asset forfeiture, a legal measure that involves government seizure of property gained from or related to the committed crimes (Harr et al., 2017). In that way, police departments and other law enforcement institutions...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Bill of Rights and Criminal Justice System

Introduction The Bill of Rights is the unofficial name of the first ten amendments to the US Constitution, which enshrines the fundamental rights and freedoms of man and citizen and provides a mechanism for their implementation. Already in the early years of the American state’s existence, the absence of articles...

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Employment Law

The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on Oklahoma Employment Law

Introduction The number of American states legalizing the use of recreational marijuana is on the rise. According to Cork (2022), local communities in the affected jurisdictions are struggling with a variety of regulatory obstacles, such as safe use in specific environments, such as workplaces. Because the cannabis industry is extremely...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Law: The Picture of Crime

A new way to grasp the picture of crime should combine the practices of existing approaches. UCR (Uniform Crime Reports), NIBRS (National Incident-Based Report System), and NCVS (National Crime Victimization Survey) all have a long history of assessing crime rates (Pazzani & Tita, 2009). However, NIBRS and NCVS were created...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

Recruitment in the Homeland Security Anti-Terrorism Wing

Introduction Homeland security is a United States military department working to improve U. S security. It was incepted in 2003 for community policing and responding to disasters. Over time the organization has broadened its scope of operation to respond to rising issues such as fraud, human trafficking, immigration enforcement, identity...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Boston Marathon Bombing Case

Introduction The Boston Annual Marathon in the USA is one of the oldest marathons in the world, held since 1897 (Ray, 2022). On April 15, 2013, more than 24 thousand athletes participated in the event (Ray, 2022). At 14:49, an explosion occurred in the northern part of Boylston Street near...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Discretion in a Criminal Justice System

Discretionary decision-making is influenced by internal as well as external factors. The example of an internal factor can refer to the way the crime was committed, mitigating circumstances if any, and the severity of the crime itself. Similar crimes may be classified differently when discretionary decision-making is used, and offenders...

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Corporate & Business Law

Business Laws of the Fifth Discipline

Any organization resembles a living organism that requires various parts to function well individually and in concert. Senge’s (2006) eleven laws described in the chapter “The laws of the fifth discipline” of his book can help understand the nuances of relations in an institution. When I did my summer internship...

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Corporate & Business Law

Title Insurance and Conventional Insurance

Creditors and purchasers are protected from monetary loss due to flaws in an estate’s title through title insurance, a type of indemnification insurance. Borrower’s title insurance, which the debtor acquires to safeguard the lender, is the most typical sort of title insurance. Lenders and homebuyers are covered by title insurance...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Issue of Drug Abuse in the Criminal World

The issue of drug abuse in the criminal world is ambiguous due to the radically different opinions related to the punishment of criminals. While some people believe that sending criminal drug addicts to special drug-treatment programs is effective, I think that the majority of people judge differently. There is a...

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Constitutional Law

The Humanities and Definition of Freedom

Freedom is defined as either having the capacity to act without restriction or having the power and means to pursue one’s goals without hindrance. Freedom has become one of the important concerns raised in all concepts of contemporary science as a problem that requires a solution which has been discussed...

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