Aspects of Priority in United States Administrative Law

Priority in US administrative law is given to issues of administrative and legal regulation of the status of institutions and their officials in the exercise of their managerial functions and tasks. Administrative law includes several key concepts, but it is necessary to highlight the three most important of them. First of all, this is a legal summary, expressed in the empowerment of the subjects of executive power with the powers of administrative rule-making. For example, the body performing a similar function is the department of justice at the level of the federation. In turn, the legislative competence of this body is sub-delegated by the President.

The second no less important concept of administrative law is law enforcement. The bodies ensure both the observance of the legal regime established in the field of public administration, and the protection of the legitimate interests and rights of citizens, organizations and other participants in administrative relations regulated by administrative law. The most striking example may be the police, which applies sanctions against persons who have committed an administrative offense. This leads to the protection of the rights of other parties to administrative legal relations.

Finally, the third concept is the division of power between authorities. Each branch of power must be independent, which presupposes the prevention of substitution of one branch of power by another, excludes the intrusion, for example, of the legislature into the sphere of executive power, and implies the business interaction of all branches. Only in this case, public administration will be effective, and the interests of the individual are guaranteed and protected. Proper implementation of the norms of administrative law is possible if this principle is observed. This is most clearly seen in the Commission on Civil Rights and the Department of the Interior. The second body performs normative activity, and the first is engaged in executive power.

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LawBirdie. (2023, April 11). Aspects of Priority in United States Administrative Law.

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"Aspects of Priority in United States Administrative Law." LawBirdie, 11 Apr. 2023,


LawBirdie. (2023) 'Aspects of Priority in United States Administrative Law'. 11 April.


LawBirdie. 2023. "Aspects of Priority in United States Administrative Law." April 11, 2023.

1. LawBirdie. "Aspects of Priority in United States Administrative Law." April 11, 2023.


LawBirdie. "Aspects of Priority in United States Administrative Law." April 11, 2023.