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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminal Investigation: Grand Jury Analysis

Introduction The term grand jury refers to a group of people who determine the propriety of imputed acts. The United States remains the only country that has this body as part of the judicial system. The purpose of this type of jury is to interact with the prosecutor to determine...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Parental Incarceration, Foster Children, and Delinquency

In most cases, the family is the first institution to which a young child is exposed, and the behavior of one’s parents and caregivers plays a significant role in shaping the child’s personality and behavior patterns. Therefore, a link can be established between the criminal behavior of parents and the...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Crimes Committed in College Campuses

Crimes on college campuses can affect the educational environment for students and other stakeholders. Various crimes occur in universities, colleges, and tertiary institutions, ranging from minute to high rates of criminal incidents. It is important to note that not all college campus offenses are committed by students. Rather, it may...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminology: Schools and Theories

Introduction While all three theories of crime and punishment – classical, positive, and neo-classical – are among the most popular and relevant in the study of crime, they differ significantly. The concept of crime and punishment for each school has its unique ideas and aspects of understanding. The current essay...

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Health Law

Marijuana Policy: Medical Laws and Regulation

Florida is one of the states in the US that have marijuana-related legislation. The state first passed the law in the Compassionate Medical Cannabis Act of 2014 CS for SB 1030 (2014) in 2014(Report state medical cannabis laws, n.d). In 2016, Florida voters approved a constitutional amendment that allowed for...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Aspects of Juvenile Sentencing Efficiency

Introduction Most nations throughout the world are seeing an increase in juvenile criminality. When children are involved in crime, it has a detrimental influence on their education, health, financial restrictions, and an increase in the legal system’s budget. According to Anderberg et al. (2022), young people misuse drugs and alcohol,...

Words: 2589 Pages: 12
Health Law

Health Care Reform as Government Responsibility

Regulation of the medical field is the factor that constantly creates problems for any country: authoritarian and democratic, capitalist and socialist. The existence and absence of a positive duty of government to guarantee medical care has its supporters and opponents in all political systems. Developed European countries are examples of...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Examination of the Supreme Court Cases in the United States

Introduction The Supreme Court has the power of judicial review, which allows it to declare acts of Congress and the executive branch unconstitutional. The Supreme Court has made significant decisions in thousands of cases since it was established in 1789, and these rulings have influenced decisions in the United States...

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Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law: Changing America’s Rights, Liberties, and Justice

The first Amendment has many advantages, such as giving citizens freedom, and they make it better and appreciated by many people. The liberties provided by the constitution cover every aspect of a person, including freedom of speech, freedom to practice their religion, freedom of assembly, freedom of the press, and...

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Constitutional Law

Legal Authority and Operation Geronimo

Introduction The term legal authority describes the legal right or power of an individual or group to do certain actions. Authority is the power to establish and implement legally binding rules and judgments. The Constitution, legislation, rules, case law, and other precedents are all potential sources of legal authority. For...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business

Introduction It’s likely that the wounded worker would prevail in court if they filed a lawsuit against the business. While they were aware of several slide accidents occurring in similar circumstances at their other sites throughout the region, the corporation failed to maintain a safe working environment for their employees....

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Constitutional Law

Restrictions on Voter Rights in the Context of Senate Bill 1

Introduction Getting electoral votes is a priority goal for any political movement. Thus, such motives significantly influence the course of the electoral process. However, voter suppression is one of the advanced tactics that is gaining popularity. The main problem is the dispersal of tactics used in different constituencies. Thus, in...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Frank v. Crest and Carter v. Tokai Cases

The case of Carter v. Tokai Financial Services, Inc. embodies the application of Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). The critical issues in the case include determining whether the agreement was a valid lease of a security and what the remedies would be for a repudiation by either...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Crime Prevention and Control in Society

Introduction The broken windows theory focuses on the concept that physical decline in societies, such as abandoned buildings, may contribute to disorder and result in more serious offenses by recommending to criminals that laws are not enforced because the building is old and not taken care of by the community....

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Social Bond Theory in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Social Bond Theory is a criminological theory that explains the relationship between an individual’s social bonds and their propensity to engage in criminal behavior. This theory puts emphasis on the essential role of social connections in shaping an individual’s actions and habits. It posits that people who have obtained...

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Law Practice Management

Defense Attorney’s Role Regarding Their Clients

Defense attorneys have a challenging and complex role in the criminal justice system. They are tasked with advocating on behalf of their clients, who frequently face significant criminal charges, and assuring that their legal rights are upheld. Their responsibility goes beyond merely representing their clients in court. In general, the...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Smuggling and Trafficking of Humans

Over the years, many people have become victims of smuggling and human trafficking across the globe. Even though most societies have developed and countries have strong measures to curb the practices, illegal activities still thrive in the modern world. Several factors, such as drought, poor governance, immigration restriction, and lack...

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Corporate & Business Law

Contract Law: Basic Principles

There are many contracts made and broken daily that society uses to achieve common results over time. Contracts are part of many sales and purchases, labor law, the land code, health insurance, and more. A contract is the most common form used when both parties agree. Contract law governs the...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Isolation and Violence During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic led to numerous changes in the daily livelihood of people across the globe. These changes included isolation and stay-at-home orders, social distancing measures, and remote working guidelines (Williams et al., 2020; Aquino et al., 2020). These challenges created a potentially stressful and dangerous environment, especially when individuals...

Words: 2840 Pages: 8
Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminal Gangs Understanding

Introduction Modern societies involve such integrated criminal groups as gangs. They conduct unlawful actions and face problems with governments. Police and special forces conduct constant investigations to reveal as many groups as possible. It is necessary to identify what criminal gangs represent together with their members to understand the consequences...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Burglary and Its Specifics

Introduction Burglary should be viewed as a form of property crime that occurs when a perpetrator uses various unlawful means to enter any building with or without breaking doors and windows. The main goal of burglary is to gain possession of the property (Vito & Maahs, 2020). Discussion In the...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Federal Equal Time Rule: Equal Opportunities

Introduction Every industry and governmental domain involves specific rules and laws by which every person must abide. Among such laws is the federal equal time rule, which states that every candidate who runs for office must have equal opportunities in the context of broadcasting. That said, if the broadcaster sells...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Youth Violence in the United Kingdom

Youth violence in the UK has become a significant problem in recent years, with a rise in knife crime, assaults, and gang-related violence. The issue is of utmost concern as it threatens the safety and well-being of young people and the wider community. To better understand this issue, it is...

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Constitutional Law

Freedom of Expression: The First Amendment to the United States Constitution

Introduction Freedom of expression is a fundamental right enshrined in the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. It guarantees the freedom to express oneself, including opinions, ideas, beliefs, and other forms of communication, without the fear of government interference or censorship. In the United States, freedom of expression is...

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Health Law

Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized

Introduction There used to be a time when no one would consider legalizing marijuana, but that time has passed. Cannabis Sativa, or marijuana, has a long history that can be traced back centuries, with the plant being grown in different locations worldwide. It contains the chemical Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which leads...

Words: 609 Pages: 2
Criminology & Crime Theory

Juvenile Crimes and Decrease in Police Department Productivity

Considering the extent of juvenile crimes and the decrease in productivity in police departments, it is essential to come up with a valuable framework that can help reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency and improve police department productivity. Juvenile crime is a growing problem in many communities, as in Memphis,...

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Common Law

The Issue of the Marijuana Legalization

Introduction The issue of whether or not to legalize marijuana has been the subject of intense discussion and disagreement over recent decades. Supporters of legalization argue that it will reduce crime associated with the illegal drug trade, provide a valuable tax source, and reduce policing costs (Hanson et al.). On...

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Common Law

The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on the State

Introduction Marijuana legalization is a contentious issue that has raised debates on its potential impact on individuals and society. Proponents of marijuana legalization argue that it has various benefits, such as generating revenue for the state, reducing law enforcement costs, and offering medicinal benefits. Opponents of marijuana legalization argue that...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Improving Police Department Productivity and Reducing Juvenile Crimes

Introduction Memphis city police department provides public safety by forestalling crime, creating partnerships between police and public, and data controlled surveillance. Its staff are highly educated, technically adept, and compassionate about cultural diversity when working with different communities (Memphis Police Department, 2022). The WPD executes its work through administrative, uniform...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Components and Purpose of the Study

Research has always been the method used to pursue information, regardless of the topic. There are times when research leads to breakthroughs in science, technology, or the discovery of new species. However, any investigation design’s validity depends on the results’ reliability. In order to obtain accurate data, it is crucial...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminal Profile of the School Shooter

In the twenty-first century, violent acts such as shootings at schools have become commonplace. Many students who opened fire were the targets of social exclusion, bullying, and harassment from their fellow students. Instead, the individual’s psychological experience acts as the catalyst rather than the fact that they conflict with their...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Different Perceptions of the Past

Everybody recalls the same incident in various ways: memorization can be influenced by a person’s emotional involvement, his attitude to what is happening, and moreover, his memory. To study how different people react and remember the same story, it is important to take as an example and analyze this topic...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker of California

Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer and rapist who terrorized California in the mid-1980s. He was dubbed the “Night Stalker” by the media and is believed to have killed at least 14 people and sexually assaulted dozens of others (Hall, 2020). Ramirez hid from the police for months, but...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Law Enforcement in the City of Memphis, Tennessee

Introduction The chosen issue for consideration in milestone two revolves around juvenile crimes and decreased productivity in Wokefield Police Department. Most of the residents within the city of Memphis have been complaining about the high number of carjackings, specifically among young people. Similarly, the external issue within the department relates...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Vouching as a Profession: Working as a Bondsman

Introduction Many people are currently serving time for a crime they did not commit. This is due to miscarriages of justice, corruption, and other reasons. The bail bondsman’s profession is to reduce the percentage of innocents. Every person needs justice, but only some are willing to pursue it. In criminal...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Social Inequality in the Dudley and Stevens Case

Part A of Chapter 1 in “Criminal Law and its Processes: Cases and Materials” by Kadish et al. focuses on the fact that the crime rate in the United States is very high, and many of those convicted are black. As in other countries, most prisoners are from dysfunctional families...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Impact of Determinism on Crime and Punishment

If I possess a personal belief in determinism, it will profoundly affect my views of crime and punishment. Determinism is the philosophical idea that causes predetermines all events and choices outside our control (Prodanović, 2023). In other words, people’s actions are determined by forces beyond themselves, and they lack genuine...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Legal Defenses in the Criminal Justice System

The main function of the criminal justice system is to punish those who have done something wrong. As a rule, it is presumed that the lack of knowledge about the nature of a crime does not justify one for committing that crime. However, there are some instances in which criminal...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Gould v. North Kitsap Business Park Management

Gould v. North Kitsap Business Park Management court case started in 2009 when the applicant tripped over an unmarked wheel stop in the mall’s parking lot belonging to the defendant (Gould v. North Kitsap, 2016). Suzette Gould, Frontier Back’s former employee, aimed to visit several malls owned by Marshalls to...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Future Considerations in Criminal Justice

Something as complicated as the justice system will have a variety of entities influencing its destiny. To anticipate and prepare for that future, leaders must frequently pinpoint emerging trends, those important worldwide patterns that will impact various sectors. Plans for the criminal justice system must consider how to effectively mitigate...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Flaws and Benefits of Crime Statistics

Introduction For social scientists, determining how to quantify crime is a complicated matter. Without precise data, it is impossible to examine the time and frequency variations of crime rates or determine the effectiveness of policy measures. In light of this, official crime statistics may underreport or overestimate actual rates of...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Ireland’s Cannabis Policy Change

Introduction Cannabis is the most widely used illicit drug in Ireland, with usage rates and associated health harms steadily increasing over the past two decades. Regulation of cannabis in Ireland has remained rooted within a prohibitionist policy framework despite a substantially altered political and sociocultural context (Rálaigh and Morton, 2021)....

Words: 1988 Pages: 7
Employment Law

The Fair Labor Standards Act Modifications

The Main Features of the Fair Labor Standards Act The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), a piece of federal legislation, establishes standards for full-time and part-time workers in the public and commercial sectors, covering minimum wages, overtime compensation, record keeping, and child labor regulations. According to the law, employers must...

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Health Law

The Bystander Rule in the Kitty Genovese Case

Introduction The case of Kitty Genovese has remained in the public consciousness for over half a century, and its impact can still be felt in modern-day discussions on bystander intervention. The case has been studied in numerous academic and psychological studies, and it has been referenced in popular culture as...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Significance of Dual Court Systems in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system would be totally different today if there was no separate system of federal courts. Indeed, the investigation of many crimes would be made more complicated, since federal courts deal with crimes committed across the states or that take place at a national level (Neubauer & Fradella,...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Sleepwalking as a Criminal Defense

Introduction I agree that sleepwalking should be a valid defense for a murder case. People who suffer from sleepwalking tend to perform complex activities while still asleep. The actions happen during deep sleep and they are not intentional. The somnambulism defense has been used in a court of law to...

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Constitutional Law

Social Justice, Recognition Theory, and the First Amendment

Introduction In public schools, religion is a concept that has been debated for a long time. According to the US Constitution’s First Amendment, people have a right, duty, or obligation to express themselves the best way they deem fit. Therefore, free expression is part of the constitution, and people must...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Gang Deterrence: Is Mentorship the Answer?

Summary The search and analysis of relevant and effective methods of gang deterrence in recent decades is an urgent topic for research. The need to find and analyze the effectiveness of various approaches to fighting gang violence is growing, as according to the National Youth Gang Survey, Over the last...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Paul’s Actions: First-Degree Murder

Introduction In the scenario described, Paul’s actions could potentially be classified as first-degree murder. First-degree murder is defined as the “intentional killing of another person by someone who has acted willfully, deliberately, or with planning” (Cornell Law School, 2022, para. 1). The purpose of this paper is to provide the...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Comparing Sentencing Practices in China & US

Introduction Welcome to this presentation, which aims to compare and analyze the differences in the criminal justice systems between China and the United States. The purpose of this presentation is to provide a comprehensive overview of the criminal justice systems in both countries, highlighting their similarities and differences. To gather...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Mechanisms of Combating Shoplifting

Introduction One of the most common methods of misappropriation of things today is shoplifting – a type of theft in which a conflict-free theft of goods in retail stores is committed. Due to the development of a system of modern supermarket stores, where the buyer can independently contact the goods,...

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Employment Law

Equal Employment Opportunity Laws

Employment law is an essential aspect of the modern workplace. Equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws exist to protect employees from discrimination based on specific characteristics, such as age, race, gender, or disability. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is a landmark piece of legislation that further solidifies...

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Common Law

Negligence in the Liebeck v. McDonald’s Case

The Liebeck v. McDonald’s case is a famous tort case in the United States in the 1990s. Stella Liebeck, a 79-year-old woman, was burned by hot coffee she purchased from a drive-thru window of McDonald’s. According to Supreme Court procedures (n.d.), Liebeck filed a lawsuit against the fast food chain,...

Words: 358 Pages: 1
Employment Law

The Janus v. American Federation of State Case

Introduction Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31, No. 16-1466, 585 U.S. (2018) was a case concerned about labor relations and union and determined by the Supreme Court. The main issue raised was the constitutionality of fair share fees, which are expected from the non-union...

Words: 1166 Pages: 4
Consumer Legislation

The Concept of General Data Protection Regulation

General Requirements and Major Impacts of the GDPR The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is legislation introduced by the European Union that provides data privacy protections for consumers. The GDPR significantly impacts companies worldwide, as it sets strict requirements for data protection, processing, and storage. According to Phillips (2018), the...

Words: 221 Pages: 1
Law Practice Management

Due Process: Impact and Examples

In the United States, there are many common laws and standards according to which people and agencies organize their life and work. Due process is one of such norms defined by the Constitution to ensure that individuals cannot be deprived of life, liberty, and property (Funk & Seamon, 2020). Most...

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Law Practice Management

Stand Your Ground Laws

Abstract Stand your ground laws permit a person to use lethal force in self-defense in public, even if such force may be avoided safely by retiring. As a result, these rules encourage the use of lethal force in daily disagreements between individuals. Many works of literature have suggested that SYG...

Words: 427 Pages: 18
Law Practice Management

Empathy and Communication in Micro Advocacy

Human service work is complex and unique and involves direct work with people. Specialists in this field should be able to interact with them to give them the most qualified help in solving their issues. Therefore, the key elements in the work of a human service professional at the micro...

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Corporate & Business Law

Negligence in Espinoza v. Arkansas Valley Adventures

Sue Ann Apolinar hired a guide with the help of a tour company that was required to accompany her throughout her river rafting trip. Apolinar was aware of the risks and the release of Arkansas Valley Adventures, LLC from liability for the risks and hazards. Nevertheless, her knowledge of the...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Alternative Programs to Incarceration in North Carolina

Pretrial Services in Franklin County Franklin County pretrial services have become an integral part of the justice system. This is due to the fact that the right to due process is fundamental to a dedication to freedom and justice (“Transforming the System”). All United States citizens are guaranteed the right...

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Constitutional Law

Constitutional Rights in the Berghuis v. Thompkins Case

In the case of Berghuis v. Thompkins, the United States Supreme Court held that detectives interrogating Thompkins did not violate his Miranda rights in obtaining his confession. This decision was based on the fact that Thompkins was informed of his rights and made a statement indicating that he understood them...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Social Conditions Leading to Juvenile Crimes

In a small Texas town in 2019, a 17-year-old boy called Tyler was detained and accused of killing a convenience store worker. The incident happened early on a Saturday morning when the store clerk was by himself. Tyler entered the business carrying a firearm and wearing a mask, according to...

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Corporate & Business Law

The Lehman Brothers Firm’s Corporate Scandal

The 2008 financial crisis was a complicated issue that ended in a variety of ways. However, a lot of economists agree that the collapse of the investment firm Lehman Brothers was the catalyst for the global downturn that followed the financial crisis (Zengin, 2019). Therefore, when the bank’s management sought...

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Employment Law

Hostile Environment and Sexual Harassment at Work

Sexual harassment is pervasive in today’s settings and may have devastating effects. When people think about sexual harassment, they often picture an environment where sexist remarks and jokes are commonplace. Harassment of any kind is unacceptable in the workplace, but sexual harassment, in particular, has far-reaching consequences, from decreased productivity...

Words: 1176 Pages: 4
Constitutional Law

“Our Blind Spot About Guns” Article by N. Kristof

The article “Our Blind Spot About Guns” by Nicholas Kristof deals with an acute topic of modern America – the need to regulate weapons use. In the United States, guns are considered an essential part of the culture. The Second Amendment of the Constitution protects the right to bear arms,...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Juvenile Delinquency Statistics

Introduction One of the acute problems today is the delinquency of minors and young people. In recent years, crimes committed by juveniles can easily be singled out from high-profile criminal cases. This becomes an even more critical issue for the entire society if considered that the commission of offenses at...

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Corporate & Business Law

Legal Protections for E-Commerce

Introduction E-commerce is a large segment of the economy in which payment for services or goods is made online. These transactions are carried out using computer systems, but sometimes it is not entirely safe. To prevent various types of dangers for consumers on the Internet, the United States has developed...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Mental Health Care in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction A long-standing problem, mental health in the criminal justice system, has recently gained attention in the media and public conversation. The number of people with mental health disorders entering the criminal justice system has soared, with mass imprisonment rates at an all-time high. Unfortunately, many prisons and detention centers...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Combating Juvenile Delinquency in Community

Ideas for Improving a Community’s Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Efforts Today, juvenile delinquency is a persistent problem in society on a worldwide scale. Juvenile criminality is seen to be a result of neglect, a lack of supervision and direction, or just bad parenting (Park, 2019). In fact, being neglected by anybody...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Drug Addiction and Violent Crime Rehabilitation

Introduction Drug addiction and violent crime are of grave concern to the people of the United States (U.S.). The problem of drugs contributes to the rise in crime as the addicts can engage in criminal acts, such as robbery and theft, to support the behavior. That is why illicit drugs,...

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Common Law

The Warth v. Seldin Court Case Summary

Title, Citation, and Courts Administrative discretion is a prominent theme covered previously in the course. The legal concept of standing represents a component of the topic (West, 1984). Warth v. Seldin (1975) is a well-known court case cited as 422 U.S. 490 that provides insight into locus standi. It was...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

Homeland Security: An Exploration of Critical Issues

Intelligence and Homeland Security Intelligence plays a significant role in homeland security, it helps collect information inside and outside the country in order to identify and eliminate threats to the state, its interests and citizens. The data obtained during the course of intelligence helps the government evaluate international politics to...

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Regulatory Law

Administrative Agencies and Separation of Powers

Ensuring responsibility for administrative agencies is the primary goal of administrative law. This body of law limits the executive branch’s authority and provides public transparency by allowing for judicial review of agency activities. An administrative agency first releases a draft rule. The rule is open to public comment, which may...

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Anti-terrorism Legislation

Blockchain for Secure Homeland Security Records

Abstract This essay discusses the potential benefits of implementing blockchain technology in the public sector. The technology is seen as a network of trust that utilizes data transfer protocols on the internet, enabling businesses to be conducted automatically and at a lower cost. The decentralized structure of the blockchain ensures...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Experimental Designs versus Non-Experimental Designs

The three major types of research design include quasi-experimental, non-experimental, and experimental formats. The former is similar to the experimental design, but the researcher does not have complete control over the assignment of subjects to the experimental or control group (Maxfield, 2015). Quasi-experimental designs are often used in field settings...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Drug Use Challenges in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system is made up of various institutions, judiciary, and police, that ensure drug abuse is reduced and punishable. Increased tolerance, corruption, and ineffective mechanisms are the major challenges facing the criminal justice system’s efforts in curbing drug and substance use. However, the system can take advantage...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Analysis of Trayvon Martin’s Case

On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American, was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, in one of Florida’s gated communities. Zimmerman claimed that he shot Martin while defending himself and was ultimately acquitted of manslaughter and second-degree murder charges. The question of whether...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Differences Between Federal and State Criminal Laws

Introduction Federal and state criminal laws differ primarily in their application to different territories and their relation to various characteristics of offences. Federal laws apply to the entire territory of the United States, and state laws apply only within the borders of the state in which they have been enacted....

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Felons’ Voting Rights and Restrictions

Felons, or individuals who have been convicted of a crime, often have their voting rights restricted or taken away entirely once they have served their sentence. This practice is known as felon disenfranchisement, and it affects millions of individuals in the United States. Opponents of felon disenfranchisement argue that it...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Aspects of Juvenile Sentencing Efficiency

Introduction This assignment will test the efficiency of juvenile incarceration and rehabilitation strategies. It is known that recidivism rates after jail time remain high among young delinquents (Tisdale, 2020). The efficiency of juvenile sentencing must take this factor into account and seek ways to improve the outcomes. By considering the...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Racial Discrepancy and Ethnicity of Drug Dealers

Summary of the Study The Purpose of the Study The purpose of the reviewed article is to analyze and identify the reasons for the racial discrepancy in the arrests of drug traffickers. The study uses data analysis from two sources, the first being the current National Survey of Drug Use....

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Criminal and Civil Law: What Are the Differences?

Criminal and civil law are two distinct bodies whose purpose is to punish or deter violations and compensate victims for associated harm. However, criminal and civil law encompasses different rules, regulations and procedures and adopt varying approaches to resolve disputes and deliver justice. Criminal law addresses crimes against individuals and...

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Health Law

Affordable Care Act and Medicaid Expansion Policy in Washington State

Introduction The U.S. is one of the developed countries with advanced healthcare systems. Consequently, the country has formulated legislation that ensures all Americans have access to medical care. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was a hallmark for the provision of healthcare services to Americans regardless of their financial status. Various...

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Health Law

Information Technology Impact on Healthcare System

Introduction Healthcare organizations and professionals have a responsibility to ensure that patients’ confidentiality is properly safeguarded. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is one of the legislations that has been established to ensure that confidentiality is maintained in the healthcare sector. HIPAA has played a significant role in...

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Constitutional Law

The United States Constitution and Related Concepts

Basic Structure of the Constitution The United States Constitution details the three branches necessary for the national government: legislature, judiciary, and executive. The preamble functions as the introduction and states goals such as justice, tranquility, defense, and general welfare. Other articles cover the amendment process, ratification, the legal status of...

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Constitutional Law

The StuffMart Firm’s Social Media Policies

Each American’s fundamental, unalienable rights are outlined in the United States Constitution. Business leaders should be familiar with constitutional law to prevent enforcing laws, policies, and practices that can be declared unconstitutional. A company will face legal repercussions if it violates the constitutional rights of a client or an employee....

Words: 392 Pages: 1
Law Practice Management

Criminal Justice Leadership Strategies and Practices

Criminal Justice Criminal justice is a set of laws, rules, and bodies designed to charge criminals who commit illegal acts and allow them to rehabilitate their victims. The criminal justice system includes law enforcement agencies, prosecution of offenders and protection from these persecutions, punishment and rehabilitation of criminals, witness protection,...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Future of Criminology: Crime Scene Investigation of the Future

Based on the readings, it is evident that the development of technology has played a critical role in not only complicating the execution of crimes but also in resolving crime mysteries. After undertaking the module, one thing that stood out is that technology has provided mechanisms that have made it...

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Matrimonial Law

Justice Anthony Kennedy: Same-Sex Marriage’ Obergefell vs. Hodges’

Justice Anthony Kennedy held the majority opinion with other Justices in the Obergefell vs. Hodges case, stating that the same-sex marriage ban violated the Fourteenth Amendment of the charter. He adduced that the freedom to marry is a fundamental right that every individual should enjoy as it is protected under...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Why Billy the Kid Can Be Considered an Outlaw

Introduction Billy the Kid is a prominent example of a famous outlaw. He was born in New York City in 1859 and spent his early years in Indiana and Kansas (Etulain 4). At a young age, he became involved in criminal activity and developed a reputation as a troublemaker. Discussion...

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Law Practice Management

Police Use of Force: Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System

The use of force is a critical subject in the United States. Law enforcement agencies have taken a severe blow to their reputation due to such encounters. Strict policies for such actions allow them to be applied only in cases where civilians’ or officers’ lives are immediately threatened by a...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Intersectionality Theory and Practice

The intersectional approach has drawn significant scholarly attention and has been used in various fields, including criminology. This viewpoint emphasizes the need to work toward structural changes to advance social justice and equity and the interconnectedness of oppressive institutions. Racial differences exist within the health communities and at the intersection...

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Constitutional Law

Ideals of Declaration of Independence Protected in Constitution

The Declaration of Independence is a paper written to announce the Thirteen Colonies’ independence from Great Britain and the formation of the United States of America. It embodies the nation’s founding goals, beliefs, and values. As such, one of the ideals of the Declaration of Independence is equality (“all men...

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Legal Ethics

The Role of Empathy in Criminal Justice

Empathy as a human characteristic is quite essential, considering that it allows one to understand and respond to other people’s emotions. Naturally, it can be, and most importantly, should be applied in the field of criminal justice. To elaborate, not only does it shape the interactions between the workers of...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Crime and Its Sociological, Biological, Psychological Causes

Introduction Crime is a very complicated phenomenon that cannot be adequately explained by a single theory or theoretical framework. It is an unlawful act that is punishable by law. Theft, robbery, sexual assault, and manslaughter are examples of crimes done against humanity. When describing the reasons for each of these...

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Employment Law

Employee Rights and Their Protection by Trade Unions

Human rights are the inalienable property of all human beings, without distinction based on nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or any other aspect. Collins (2022) shows that all organizations must respect human rights throughout their value chains, regardless of the ability or willingness...

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Law Practice Management

Mandatory Mediation in the United Kingdom

Introduction Mandatory mediation is a growing trend in the UK justice system, and debates about its future have intensified. Supporters view it as an effective way to provide access to justice for those who cannot afford costly court proceedings. Critics of mandatory mediation argue that it takes away personal autonomy...

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Law Practice Management

Alternative Dispute Resolution: Pros and Cons

Introduction Solving disputes through Alternative Dispute Resolution is faster and more cost-effective. Alternative Dispute Resolution can solve conflicts without a trial imposed during the proceedings. Mediation, neutral evaluation, and mediation are used during Alternative Dispute Resolution. According to the research, almost 62 counties in New York State are using Alternative...

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Corporate & Business Law

Starting Business: What Legal Factors to Consider?

Introduction It is no secret that opening a new catering subsidiary company is a qualitatively new stage of development for the hotel and resort corporation. Accordingly, implementing such a project from scratch requires thinking through several ideas. For instance, before creating a firm, one should carefully study a wide range...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

A Comparative Ethical Analysis of the FBI and INTERPOL

Introduction The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a U.S. federal criminal justice agency, while the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is an international law enforcement agency. The FBI is an intelligence-driven and threat-based national security agency and the primary investigative arm of the United States Justice department. Additionally, it...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

A Distinctive Feature of the American Judiciary System

Introduction A distinctive feature of America’s judiciary institution from those in other countries is its duality. It is divided into two sub-systems: state and federal courts. Each of them has the same stepped structure consisting of trial, appellate, and last resort courts. State courts deal with cases of a precedential...

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