The Humanities and Definition of Freedom

Freedom is defined as either having the capacity to act without restriction or having the power and means to pursue one’s goals without hindrance. Freedom has become one of the important concerns raised in all concepts of contemporary science as a problem that requires a solution which has been discussed by philosophers like Immanuel Kant (Russell 240). However, in terms of the sensitivity of human concepts and the ongoing feedback of human behavior from one another, the concept of freedom occupies a higher place in social sciences than employment and religion. In a modern perspective on human activities, it is required that humans have a rational and logical justification for their acts and behaviors, and such reasoning demonstrates human freedom (Russell 230). The potential capabilities of human beings are raised and appropriate societal space is defined for realizing these capabilities. People should pay attention to the definition of freedom bounds for the sake of society. Nonetheless, absolute views of freedom can assault the freedom of others and have harmful social consequences. Freedom is necessary for the survival of mankind as it leads to overall high quality of life. One of the human basic needs is freedom which plays a central role in the social process. Human growth implies the expansion of human options, which is required for the freedom concept.

Freedom as The State of Independence

People are accountable for their own actions when they have freedom. They are the ones who create the societal rules, so that explains everything. They get some autonomy as a result, with all the advantages and disadvantages that come with it. People must have the guts to accept responsibility for their actions if they are to be free to choose their path. As a result, people make an effort to foresee and minimize this cost. They must, however, pay for their actions in the end. They anticipate that their choice will have certain risks and particular effects. However, rarely are they the sole sculptor of reality, therefore this risk arises.

Being free and thinking entails the freedom and liberty to make mistakes. Not only that but having the license to fail and try again. A trade-off exists between accountability and cost in that to be accountable then one has to sacrifice the cost aspect. Many parents, for example, do not do precisely what they want when they want because they recognize their obligation to their children. They understand that following their heart will cost them their family. Freedom always requires a person to go beyond their perceived secure world. Freedom requires people to carry the consequences of their choices. It involves more than just doing as they please right now. Instead, it is about forging their own route. It entails making decisions on where to travel and who will accompany them. Being free means people have the freedom to make their own decisions.

Freedom of Thought, Opinion, Creativity, And Faith as Fundamental Human Rights

Everyone has the right to express their thoughts and ideas, as well as the freedom to look for, receive, and disseminate information using any means. This means that when an individual’s right to free expression is wrongfully curtailed, others’ rights to receive information and ideas are equally infringed. Free speech and expression are described as “indispensable requirements for the entire development of the individual” by the United Nations Human Rights Committee (Howie 13). Pluralist discourse is made possible by freedom of expression, which also provides a safe space for opposing viewpoints. It makes sure that everyone has the right to look for, get, receive, and keep information regarding human rights and abuses of such rights.

Furthermore, people have the right to act on their opinions and beliefs. This might include the right to wear religious clothes, express their views, and participate in religious worship. Without extremely good reason, public authorities cannot prohibit individuals from practicing their faith (Gill 120). This right, importantly, covers a broad spectrum of non-religious opinions, including atheism, agnosticism, vegetarianism, and pacifism (Howie 13). A belief must be serious, concern essential parts of human existence or conduct, be truly held, and be worthy of respect in a democratic society in order to be protected.

Violations of the right to free expression have far-reaching consequences for society as a whole. In addition to being a fundamental human right and a democratic ideal, freedom of speech is significant because it fosters the development of fresh ideas that advance society and boost the economy. Freedom of expression is crucial to democratic principles and is required for a free and independent media landscape. This includes the right of everyone, particularly human rights advocates, to have access to and utilize information technology and channels of their choosing, such as radio, television, and the Internet.

Social Aspects That Are a Reflection or an Extension of Human Freedom

Employment position, money, marital status, adult education level, and religion are some social factors that may or may not be influenced by human freedom. Numerous factors have an impact on employment status. Employees have the right to express their opinions, whether positive or negative (Corbellini 201). The employee’s work status might alter in any case due to this freedom of expression characteristic. Some businesses like a free spirit, while others merely want an employee to operate like a robot without having any ideas about the business. Individualism and strong opinions may make or break someoneā€™s financial progress. The wealthy group is influenced in almost the same ways.

The degree to which people have a say in who they marry might have an impact on their marital status. Giving adults their independence has a cost for their ability to complete their education. Since attending college these days is considered a luxury, many individuals have decided to forgo their education in favor of getting a job that pays the bills. Human freedom has been both the finest and the worst thing ever. Making their own judgments based on their own unique thoughts and judgment is difficult for the less intelligent. Additionally, because of free will, people who are committed to making the “correct” choices throughout life make it difficult for everyone to learn from mistakes made by others.

People Must Not Jeopardize the Freedom of Others

The most essential constraint of freedom is the connection with other freedoms, morality, and ethics. People are free within a restricted space. This space is governed by the principles and what the law permits. In certain locations, these regulations will be tougher than personal values. In others, the reverse will be true, resulting in conflict. Liberty and autonomy provide people with a range of mobility that is limited only by their imagination. One value that most people share is the desire to avoid causing damage. That is where the well-known phrase “my freedom begins where yours ends” originates from. Following this guideline is a learning experience in and of itself. The law imposes a penalty on the perpetrator who breaches it. It is an attempt to make amends for the harm that the individual did.

People in every nation have various liberties from which they can choose. However, it does not imply they do not have any laws to follow. Their liberty is to be utilized wisely and for good. People may enjoy “free speech,” but that does not give them the right to defame or threaten others. The same may be said about the Christian life. People have been set free from the Law that brought death and gave sin strength, but that does not give them license to sin.

Absolute Freedom Does Not Exist

The most difficult aspect of the idea of freedom in a democracy is not the freedom that individuals desire for themselves, but the freedom that others expect from them. The ability to exist without constraints is defined as absolute freedom (Carpani 7). However, in a democratic society, ultimate freedom does not exist. Freedom in a democracy is a collaborative endeavor that needs individuals to be as respectful of the rights of others as they want others to be of theirs. Thus, the freedom to listen to music as loud as one wants is fine as long as it does not interfere with the freedom of their neighbors to live in peace and quiet.

Individuals can have freedom, but only within and through the community. Indeed, unless one lives alone on an island, one will never have complete freedom to do anything one chooses. Living in a community necessitates respect for the rights and liberties of others. Living in a democratic community necessitates much more: people must accept the opinions of others, even if they disagree with their own. People can agree to disagree and express their dissatisfaction. Finally, they must respect the rights of those to differ. Building community inside a democracy is difficult and necessitates compromise.

America was founded as a great experiment to explore the boundaries of liberty and freedom within the framework of a democratic society. That experiment is still ongoing today, as people’s freedoms and rights are tested, change, and, if they are lucky, increase. Marriage equality, which the Supreme Court just upheld, expands people’s rights and liberty. Recent Boy Scouts of America rulings to abolish discrimination against LGBT Boy Scouts and Boy Scout leaders broaden their independence and liberty (Gill 120). When the rights of others are increased, everyone gains. Each of these rulings, while directed at specific populations, broadens the frontiers of liberty for all Americans. Everyone wins when justice is served to one person because it adds another pillar to the democracy that underpins the society.

Works Cited

Carpani, Stefano. “Introduction: Absolute Freedom is ā€˜Freedom After Freedom’.” Individuation and Liberty in a Globalized World. Routledge, 2022. 1-14.

Corbellini, Gilberto, and Elisabetta Sirgiovanni. “Science, self-control and human freedom: a naturalistic approach.” The freedom of scientific research (2018): 201. Web.

Gill, Emily R. “Private Voluntary Organizations.” Free Exercise of Religion in the Liberal Polity. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, 2019. 103-132.

Howie, Emily. “Protecting the human right to freedom of expression in international law.” International journal of speech-language pathology 20.1 (2018): 12-15.

Russell, Bertrand. “Freedom and government.” Freedom. Routledge, 2019. 229-244.

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LawBirdie. "The Humanities and Definition of Freedom." February 1, 2024.