The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business


It’s likely that the wounded worker would prevail in court if they filed a lawsuit against the business. While they were aware of several slide accidents occurring in similar circumstances at their other sites throughout the region, the corporation failed to maintain a safe working environment for their employees. According to the business’s safety records, there had been past slip-and-fall occurrences nearby, but the response had been insufficient.


Due to the slick floor surface, the kitchen worker cracked her skull and is unlikely to return to work. Since the company’s negligence caused the employee’s injury, they ought to be held accountable for the losses. It is likely that the plaintiff will receive damages to cover her costs for medical care, lost wages, and emotional distress. The severity of the injury, the plaintiff’s age, and her earning capacity would all be taken into consideration when determining the number of damages awarded (Caristi et al., 2022). Since it is doubtful that the individual will find employment again, the damages could be considerable. Compensation for medical costs, lost wages, diminished future earning potential, and pain and suffering would probably be included in the damages.


In conclusion, the injured worker would probably succeed in his or her legal claim against the business, and the money paid in damages might be sizable. The incident serves as a reminder of how crucial it is to give workers a safe location to work and to take precautions to remove or reduce potential hazards (Caristi et al., 2022). The legal responsibility to protect an employee’s health and safety while they are at work is on the employer. Serious repercussions, including legal action and harm to the company’s reputation, could arise from disobeying this duty. To avoid workplace accidents and injuries, businesses must constantly review workplace dangers and take the appropriate steps to eliminate or reduce them.


Caristi, D., Davie, W. R., & Lee, L. T. (2022). Communication law : practical applications in the digital age. Routledge.

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LawBirdie. (2024, February 18). The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business.

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"The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business." LawBirdie, 18 Feb. 2024,


LawBirdie. (2024) 'The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business'. 18 February.


LawBirdie. 2024. "The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business." February 18, 2024.

1. LawBirdie. "The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business." February 18, 2024.


LawBirdie. "The Injured Worker’s Claim Against the Business." February 18, 2024.