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Criminology & Crime Theory

Prison Classification and Rehabilitation: Importance and Evolution

Importance of the Prison Classification Process In the field of prison work, several principles are directly related to risks, which is the basis for the need to classify prisons. Some criminals who have been convicted pose different dangers, and in this regard, the importance of prison classification is visible. In...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Integrating Risk-Need-Responsivity Model Principles with Biblical Teachings for Offender Rehabilitation

The Aims of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) Model A well-studied therapeutic intervention strategy, the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model aims to decrease offenders’ chances of recidivism by meeting their individual needs. In their work on this framework, Bonta and Andrews (2006) outline fundamental elements necessary for successful therapeutic intervention. The Principles of the...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Rehabilitation in Halfway Houses and Correctional Centers

Introduction Halfway houses and correctional facilities are integral to the rehabilitation period for different vulnerable groups. For all the different types of these institutions, they have a common goal, which is to help people with different backgrounds to socialize. These centers are supposed to provide their visitors with access to...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Criminal Justice System: History, Structure, and Modern Perspectives

Introduction The term “criminal justice system” is often used in criminal law, policy, and punishment discussions. In everyday usage, almost no one would think to question this phrase. This way of describing the thinking system, prisons, and accusations became popular in the 1960s (Mayeux, 2018). The idea of the criminal...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Juvenile Sentencing and the Juvenile Court Debate: Hickey’s Article Review

Summary Does Sentencing a Juvenile to Life in Prison Without the Possibility of Parole Constitute Cruel and Unusual Punishment? is an article by Thomas Hickey, published in 2019. This article comprises an overview by editor Hickey, contrasting viewpoints by Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Roberts, and a summarizing section titled...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Incarceration and Public Safety: Global and U.S. Perspectives on Crime Reduction

Introduction When a person commits a crime, the police and the representatives of the criminal justice system take a number of steps to identify and solve a problem in a short period. Incarceration is one of the forms of punishment that is globally applied to punish law offenders, reduce crime...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Deductive Reasoning in Criminal Justice: Key to Effective Problem-Solving

The deductive method of thinking involves starting with a general statement or assumption and bringing it to a specific conclusion through a series of logical steps. In the context of criminal justice, it plays a critical role in problem-solving and risk management (Guy, 2020). In order to use deductive thinking...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Women in the Criminal Justice System: A Gender-Responsive Approach

Introduction There have been discussions regarding how women criminals should be handled in the criminal justice system. For instance, the punishment handed to Pieper Lewis as a 15-year-old sexual victim who killed her tormentor has raised an issue on how the incarceration of women who have committed crimes should be...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

New York City’s Bail Reform: Systemic Issues in Criminal Justice

Introduction As a result of a years-long crisis in the sphere of criminal justice, the cash bail system has been reformed in New York City. It has been criticized for numerous reasons, the main one being that people of color with low incomes were disproportionately affected (Arnaud and Sims-Agbabiaka 19)....

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Early Release: The First Step Program in Federal Prisons

Early release, which means a shorter term, is one of the main advantages of participating in the First Step program. Prisoners who meet the criteria set out in the program and have undergone rehabilitation are entitled to be released from prison before their sentence is completed (Krent, 2021). This release...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Wrongful Convictions: Causes and Consequences

Introduction When erroneous and unfair decisions are made during criminal or civil processes, it is easily interpreted as a wrongful conviction or miscarriage of justice has occurred. Detention, incarceration, and even monetary fines imposed on innocent offenders are a few examples. Many people in the American criminal justice system have...

Words: 1962 Pages: 7
Criminology & Crime Theory

Transnational Crime and Influence of Modern Technology

Transnational crime refers to any illegal activity conducted across national borders, often to maximize profits and minimize the risk of detection and prosecution. These criminal activities can take many forms, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, and money laundering. Four criteria define transnational crime. In order to understand and fight...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Comparing US Federal and State Prison Systems

State and federal correctional facilities both aim at penalizing and altering criminal conduct. The sort of crime performed causes a significant distinction between federal and state prisons. Federal detention facilities are for people who infringe on federal legislation, while state jails are for those who violate local regulations. At the...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important

Introduction The stable functioning of any society depends on the degree to which the rules regulating the interaction between individuals are observed. These laws protect citizens, establish the framework for interactions, and ensure people can feel safe and protected and enjoy numerous benefits available to them. Unfortunately, there have always...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

The Betty Griffin Center: Criminological Perspectives

Introduction The Betty Griffin Center is a program whose mission is to protect and provide services for recovery victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The program operates in St. Johns County, Florida, providing shelter assistance, guidance counseling, and other standard services. Many of the programs offered by Betty Griffin...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Leveraging Community Resources for Successful Reintegration

Introduction Community services are an essential element for the rehabilitation of parolees and their reintegration into society. They provide people on probation with the necessary support, which, for certain reasons, cannot be obtained from family and relatives. Community resources and services help parolees find work, stabilize their societal position after...

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Criminology & Crime Theory

Parole: A Path to Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Parole is a widely used criminal justice term defining a supervised release of convicts from prison into their communities before the completion of their sentence. The program aims to rehabilitate and reintegrate inmates into society, thereby reducing prison overcrowding and recidivism rate. However, despite its intended purpose, parolees still face...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Maricopa Diversion Program and Its Effects on Recidivism

An Examination of the Impact of Drug Court Clients’ Perceptions of Procedural on Graduation Rates and Recidivism Summary The chance that drug court clients will reduce recidivism is compared to their judgments of procedural justice in this study by Atkin-Plunk and Armstrong (Atkin-Plunk & Armstrong, 2016). The goal of the...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Construction of Crime in the United States Criminal Justice System

Constructed Aspects of America’s Criminal Justice System Used to Control and Exploit People with Less Power One aspect of the CJ system constructed by a powerful group to exploit and control those with less power is the mandatory minimum sentencing on drug offenses. White leaders have been at the forefront...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Organized Crime’s Impact: Profit Over Morality

Organized crime presents a severe threat to societies by committing a large variety of illegal actions. Their typical crimes include theft, gambling, drug/arms trafficking, sex businesses, and money laundering (Abadinsky, 2012). I believe that the primary reason for choosing these criminal actions is their profitability. Since people committing these crimes...

Words: 289 Pages: 1
Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Criminal Justice Process Stages

Summary The diagram of the criminal justice process stages from arrest through final appeal can be seen on Figure 1. Charge The charge should be a description of the nature of the crime, its legal qualification and an indication of a specific person accused of committing this crime. An accusation...

Words: 857 Pages: 3
Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

The Multi-Level Structure of the US Criminal Justice System

The criminal justice system in the United States is a complex system that combines several levels. The federal level is subdivided into state and local levels, which, in turn, have a different ability to respond to crime. Since the federal level has common goals for all Americans, it establishes rules...

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Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Thelma and Louise: Legal Analysis of a Notorious Crime Spree and Homicide Case

Homicide The facts of the case indicate that Thelma and Louise were in California at the time of the incident involving a man’s killing. The man was a rapist and had identified Thelma as his prey before being shot by Thelma and Louise, who fled the scene and went on...

Words: 459 Pages: 6
Criminal Law & Juvenile Justice

Multi-Facet and Complex Role of Culture in Organized Crime in Mexico

Introduction The war on illicit drugs in Mexico remains a puzzle that the judicial system has not managed to resolve. The country has witnessed the growth of powerful drug cartels that continue to run their enterprises with relative impunity. Worse still, young children are often involved in various supply chain...

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