139 Court Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 Court Research Papers Examples

  1. Gay Marriage and the U.S Supreme Court
    Law essay sample: The same-sex marriages created implications regarding procedural elements in the American criminal justice system due to the tax matter that formed the basis.
  2. Sentencing, Appeals and Death Penalty in the US Court
    Law essay sample: A specific feature of American sentencing system is the death-defying sentence which lasts longer than any person is expected to live.
  3. Juveniles’ Competence and Procedural Rights in Juvenile Court
    Law essay sample: This paper presents the analysis of a juvenile justice case. The defender’s duty is to protect the rights of the boy who stole a car, drove it without a license, and crashed it into a storefront.
  4. Supreme Court and the Federal Court System
    Law essay sample: The US Supreme Court is the highest court on the land charged with the responsibility of interpreting important questions about the constitution.
  5. Wrongful Conviction in Criminal Court System
    Law essay sample: This paper has shown that the causes of wrongful conviction cannot be tackled in isolation since they are interrelated, for example, a misidentification isolates the wrong suspect.
  6. Criminal Court: O. J. Simpson Murder Case
    Law essay sample: The trial courts also known as district courts normally have jurisdiction to entertain all kinds of federal cases though their jurisdiction is limited.
  7. The Role of the Appellate Court System in the USA
    Law essay sample: The U.S. appellate court system is important to protect defendants’ rights and correct errors made in courts. The U.S. Supreme Court plays the main role.
  8. Antonin Scalia, an Associate Justice of the US Supreme Court
    Law essay sample: Scalia was an Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1986 to 2016, his career life began at an international law firm located in Cleveland.
  9. Legal Brief: U.S. Supreme Court Ruling in Maryland v. Pringle
    Law essay sample: According to the research, there were found 5 plastic baggies with a substance that was identified as cocaine.
  10. The Drug Court Programs: Historical Development
    Law essay sample: Drug courts refer to specialized types of courts that deal with cases of nonviolent offenders who have been incarcerated for having abused drugs.
  11. The Due Process of Law in Court Process
    Law essay sample: The paper describes the due process of law and due process rights that were covered in the case of Brown v. Mississippi and Powell v. Alabama.
  12. Supreme Court of the United States: Marbury v. Madison
    Law essay sample: The case Marbury v. Madison was one of the most important cases in American law history since it introduced the power of judicial review.
  13. Power of Unelected Judges: The Case of Dred Scott
    Law essay sample: The infamous case of Dred Scott proves the necessity for the selected jury as the foundation for fairness and unbiased judgment in court.
  14. Courtroom's Role in Case No. 59, White vs. Cuomo
    Law essay sample: The paper describes the experience of watching a recording of case No. 59, White vs. Cuomo based on The Racing, Pari-Mutuel Wagering, and Breeding Law.
  15. Court System and Alternative Dispute Resolution
    Law essay sample: The article argues courts and judges must dispense justice without fear or favor; they must be fair, just, and unbiased.
  16. Freedom of Speech and Related Supreme Court Cases
    Law essay sample: Some examples from history were when the Court, in the case of Brown against the Board of Education, decided that the division of education institutions by race is not fair.
  17. Brown v. Board of Education Landmark Case and Court’s Decision
    Law essay sample: The case was between Oliver Brown, Mrs. Sadie Emanuel, and Mrs. Richard Lawton. They were appellants against the board of education of Topeka.
  18. The Modern Problem-Solving Court Movement
    Law essay sample: This paper analyzes two articles about the modifications of the work of federal and state courts on the topics of the vanishing trial and the modern problem-solving court movement.
  19. Judicial Systems in the US and the UK
    Law essay sample: The advantages of the American judicial system include consistency, the correct response to unforeseen cases, speed and efficiency, and political independence.
  20. Regulation of Work in Court Cases Without Relevant Precedents
    Law essay sample: A decent including of culture and psychology can help conduct a comprehensive perception of the case regardless of the absence of relevant precedents.

👍 Court Court Essay Topics to Write about

  1. Should the US Abolish the Trial Jury System in Favor of Trial by Bench
    Law essay sample: Although the idea of a trial by jury is often criticized due to the lack of accuracy, this paper states that the trial must not replace the trial by jury by the judge.
  2. The Brown vs. Board of Education Court Case Analysis
    Law essay sample: This paper examines the Brown v Board of Education case as a major turning point in the United States education system.
  3. Supreme Court Case: Terminiello v. Chicago
    Law essay sample: In Terminiello v. Chicago case, the appellant was Father Arthur Terminiello and the respondents were Chicago, Illinois courts, Robert H. Jackson, and the Chicago police.
  4. How the Courts Address or Respect Our Rights as Citizens
    Law essay sample: The Clarence Gideon case began in June 3, 1961, when an unknown person broke into a Panama City pool hall and committed a minor theft.
  5. Marbury v. Madison: Court Case Analysis
    Law essay sample: The current paper examines one of the most influential court cases in American history – Marbury v. Madison (1803).
  6. Supreme Court on Native American Adoption Law
    Law essay sample: This paper discusses the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978 and the controversy surrounding its constitutionality, which led to lower court decisions declaring it unconstitutional.
  7. Judicial Restraint and Activism
    Law essay sample: The federal judiciary is a branch of the federal government created under the U.S constitution and federal government laws.
  8. Digital and Electronic Evidence in Court
    Law essay sample: To eliminate the identified issue and minimize potential risks, judges are recommended to transfer relevant digital evidence to IT experts.
  9. The COVID-19 Impact on the Judiciary System
    Law essay sample: It is vital to comprehend that although several affairs needed the attention of the judiciary system, COVID-19 played a role in changing the judiciary's operations.
  10. Moral Consequences of Fleeing the Unjust Court’s Decision
    Law essay sample: Consequently, even despite his followers, friends, and students encouraging him to flee the hand of justice and hide in exile, Socrates accepted the death sentence.
  11. The Florida Court System: Judicial Ethics Rules
    Law essay sample: The Florida court system comprises county and circuit courts at the trial level, district courts of appeal, and a Supreme Court at the appellate level.
  12. The Court System in the United States
    Law essay sample: The Supreme Court, which the United States Constitution founded, began to take shape with the passage of the Judiciary Act and has a long history.
  13. The Juror Number One v. Superior Court Case Brief
    Law essay sample: The paper states that the Court of Appeal ruled that the laws did not prevent the trial court from compelling the juror from disclosing their Facebook communication.
  14. Lilly Ledbetter Court Case: Analysis
    Law essay sample: The passage of the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act was caused by one woman's sex discrimination lawsuit against Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company.
  15. The Charkaoui v. Canada Supreme Court Case
    Law essay sample: The Supreme Court of Canada issued a decision in Charkaoui v. Canada about the legality of procedures for determining the proportionality of a security certificate.
  16. Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization Decision by the U.S. Supreme Court
    Law essay sample: After careful consideration, most judges decided that abortion is not a constitutional right and that no individual is given authority to regulate access to the matter.
  17. Landmark Court Cases Impact on Digital Communication
    Law essay sample: The court’s ruling impacted communication practices in various companies as it was confirmed that any speech on the internet should also have high First Amendment protection.
  18. Criminal vs. Civil Law in US Federal vs. State Courts
    Law essay sample: This article will analyze and contrast the distinctions between criminal and civil law in the United States and the structure of state and federal court organizations.
  19. Military Tribunals and Internal Processes
    Law essay sample: The paper states that a military tribunal is a court with the authority to decide legal questions and impose penalties for violations of military regulations.
  20. Influence of Court Decisions on Police Force Operation
    Law essay sample: Although the Supreme Court has addressed the Fourth Amendment and police use of force on countless occasions, the two most significant court cases involved Graham and Garner.
  21. Drugs Courts in Alberta: Therapeutic Justice System
    Law essay sample: The Provincial Court of Alberta has undergone a significant evolution the traditional approach is not always the most appropriate for every population.
  22. Judicial Process of Martha Monroe v. US Case
    Law essay sample: Martha Monroe v. United States is a demonstrative murder trial with numerous investigative aspects. Murder is one of the most complicated issues for trials.
  23. The Lyle and Erik Menendez Court Trial Analysis
    Law essay sample: Lyle Menendez, Erik Menendez, Jose Menendez and Kitty Menendez were involved in the crime. The brothers Lyle and Eric were killers; Jose and Kitty, their parents were victims.
  24. Analysis of a Court Case: Major and Minor League Baseball Players
    Law essay sample: The court determined the fact that in contrast to Major League Baseball players, Minor League players are not part of a union and need to engage in negotiation.

⭐ Simple & Easy Court Essay Titles

  1. The Bush vs. Gore Case in the Supreme Court
    Law essay sample: If the Supreme Court is to rule over a case such as Bush vs. Gore, the ruling issued should not form part of the precedence to rely on when providing judgment.
  2. Change in Role of Supreme Court Over Time
    Law essay sample: The Supreme Court is the most powerful in the country and hears all issues and disagreements relating to other American laws and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
  3. Judicial Activism and the Role of the Judiciary
    Law essay sample: The US Constitution describes a set of laws that all individuals, private institutions, and government agencies should adhere to for a safe, just, and prosperous society.
  4. Motion to Transfer a Lawsuit to Federal Court from State Court
    Law essay sample: The law regarding a civil lawsuit where the attorney wrongly filed a case in a state court is that the court must decide whether it should be transferred to the federal court.
  5. A Distinctive Feature of the American Judiciary System
    Law essay sample: A distinctive feature of America’s judiciary institution is its duality. It is divided into two sub-systems: state and federal courts.
  6. The Warth v. Seldin Court Case Summary
    Law essay sample: Warth v. Seldin (1975) is a well-known court case cited as 422 U.S. 490 that provides insight into locus standi.
  7. Constitutional Rights in the Berghuis v. Thompkins Case
    Law essay sample: In the case of Berghuis v. Thompkins, the United States Supreme Court held that detectives interrogating Thompkins did not violate his Miranda rights in obtaining his confession.
  8. The Janus v. American Federation of State Case
    Law essay sample: Janus v. American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31 was a case concerned with labor relations and unions and determined by the Supreme Court.
  9. Negligence in the Liebeck v. McDonald's Case
    Law essay sample: After considering the facts and evidence presented in the Liebeck v. McDonald's case, it is clear that McDonald's was negligent in their actions.
  10. The Significance of Dual Court Systems in Criminal Justice
    Law essay sample: At the heart of criminal justice system lies the dual court system, a unique arrangement that divides the responsibilities of administering justice between state and federal courts.
  11. Examination of the Supreme Court Cases in the United States
    Law essay sample: The paper examines some of the most significant Supreme Court cases in U.S. history, their associated constitutional principles, dissents, and significance.
  12. The Veteran vs. Traditional Court System
    Law essay sample: The main difference between veteran courts and traditional courts is that offenders need to pass a special treatment program.
  13. Account for War Crimes: the International Criminal Court
    Law essay sample: Illegal actions of this kind include war crimes. It is worth noting that they require special attention from the International Court of Justice and the Tribunal.
  14. US Supreme Court Decision in Brown v. Board
    Law essay sample: The Brown v. Board of Education ruling, which ended segregation in public schools, sparked agitation and marked a key victory for civil rights.
  15. The U.S. Legal System and Sociology
    Law essay sample: In the United States, the federal government and the various states each have some responsibility for enforcing the law.
  16. Landmark Court Cases That Shaped Education System
    Law essay sample: This paper examines landmark court cases that shaped the education system in the United States through the change of outdated and discriminatory laws.
  17. Criminal Justice Process Stages
    Law essay sample: The charge should be a description of the nature of the crime, its legal qualification and an indication of a specific person accused of committing this crime.
  18. Maricopa Diversion Program and Its Effects on Recidivism
    Law essay sample: The Maricopa diversion program offers an alternative to traditional case processing for substance use disorder cases. Explore the effects of this alternative on recidivism.
  19. Juvenile Sentencing and the Juvenile Court Debate: Hickey's Article Review
    Law essay sample: To explore the effectiveness of juvenile sentencing and the court system, Hickey's article contrasts viewpoints and critiques current policies.
  20. Evidence and Trial in the Case Against Mickey Spence Under the Theft Act 1968
    Law essay sample: In the legal case under the Theft Act 1968, Mickey Spence faces charges of attempted theft, and CCTV, DNA, and witness testimony play a key role here.
  21. Gideon v. Wainwright: Landmark Ruling on Right to Legal Representation
    Law essay sample: Establishing a landmark precedent, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed in Gideon v. Wainwright that defendants in courts must receive legal representation.
  22. Access to Justice: Courts vs. Alternative Dispute Resolution
    Law essay sample: If one examines access to justice, one reveals the strengths and weaknesses of courts compared to alternative dispute resolution, emphasizing efficiency.
  23. Implement and Use Court Performance Measures: Ostrom and Hanson's Article Analysis
    Law essay sample: Ostrom and Hanson's article discusses how measuring court performance, which is essential for upholding justice and due process, enhances court administration.
  24. Legal Liability and Climate Change: Courts Holding Governments Accountable
    Law essay sample: As climate change escalates, courts compel governments and businesses to meet their commitments while also defining citizens' legal rights and responsibilities.
  25. The Roles of Defense Attorneys and Juries in the U.S. Court System
    Law essay sample: Since defense attorneys protect defendants’ rights and juries determine case outcomes, the U.S. court system ensures justice.

💡 Essay Ideas on Court

  1. The Evolution of Court Systems: A Historical Perspective
  2. Fast Track Courts for Rape Cases in India
  3. The Role of Court Decisions in Shaping Legal Precedents
  4. Orders Given by a Court Amid the Pendency of a Proceeding: Interim Orders
  5. The Impact of Technology on Modern Court Proceedings
  6. International Courts: A Comparative Analysis of Jurisdiction
  7. The Function of Appellate Courts in the Judicial System
  8. Pros and Cons of Abolishing the Juvenile Court System
  9. Environmental Law: Courts as Guardians of Natural Resources
  10. The Influence of Public Opinion on Court Decisions
  11. Juveniles in Adult Criminal Court and the Legal Process
  12. Sentencing Disparities: Exploring Inequalities within the Court System
  13. The Role of Expert Witnesses in Court Proceedings
  14. Courts and the Challenges of Cybercrime Prosecution
  15. The Use of DNA Evidence in the Court
  16. Immigration Courts: Balancing National Security and Human Rights
  17. How the Court Works: The Chief Justice’s Role
  18. Court System of the UK: Evaluation, Development, and Perspectives
  19. Drug Courts: An Alternative Approach to Substance Abuse Cases
  20. The Psychology of Witness Testimonies in Court
  21. Analysis of the Weaknesses of the International Court of Justice
  22. Tribal Courts: Preserving Indigenous Legal Traditions
  23. Courts and the Intersection of Technology and Privacy
  24. The Role of International Criminal Courts in Promoting Accountability
  25. Military Courts: Balancing Discipline and Fairness
  26. The Role of International Courts and Tribunals
  27. Courts and the Constitution: A Dynamic Relationship
  28. The Vital Role of Courts During a Pandemic: Ensuring Justice and Safeguarding Rights
  29. Juvenile Courts: Rehabilitation vs. Punishment
  30. The Role of Courts in Safeguarding Intellectual Property Rights
  31. Adult vs. Juvenile Court: Understanding the Key Differences
  32. Federal and State Courts: Structure and Interaction
  33. Access to Justice: Examining Barriers within the Court System
  34. The Intersection of Family Law and Courts: Custody Battles and Beyond
  35. American Court System: Design and Functions
  36. Contempt of Court: Defining and Addressing Disruptive Behavior
  37. Role of State Courts and the American Judicial System
  38. The Future of Virtual Courts: Opportunities and Challenges
  39. Understanding the Dual Court System: Its Impact on Legal Cases
  40. Courts and the Evolution of Hate Crime Legislation

❓ Court Research Questions

  1. Why Is the International Court of Justice Important to the United Nations?
  2. Can Courts Effectively Integrate Technology for Streamlined Proceedings?
  3. What Is the Highest Punishment in Court?
  4. How Do Appellate Courts Shape Legal Precedents?
  5. What Is the Structure of the Civil Court System in the UK?
  6. In What Ways Is Technology Impacting the Dynamics of Modern Court Proceedings?
  7. What Specific Roles Do International Courts Play in the Resolution of Disputes Between Nations?
  8. How Does the Court System Navigate and Address Ethical Considerations in the Pursuit of Justice?
  9. What Are the Landmark Judgements of the Supreme Court of India?
  10. To What Extent Has Media Portrayal Influenced Public Perceptions of Court Proceedings?
  11. How Do Courts Actively Combat Gender Bias in Their Proceedings?
  12. What Is the Impact of Court-Ordered Mediation on the Resolution of Legal Disputes?
  13. What Are the Functions of the State Courts in the United States?
  14. How Is Technology Enhancing Access to Justice within Court Systems?
  15. What Is the Role of Courts in Enforcing Environmental Law and Protecting Natural Resources?
  16. How Does Public Opinion Influence the Decision-Making Process within Courts?
  17. What Are the Differences Between Adult and Juvenile Courts?
  18. Why Does the US Have a Dual Court System?
  19. Does Political Ideology Influence Judicial Appointments and Subsequent Court Decisions?
  20. What Role Do Small Claims Courts Play in Simplifying Legal Processes for Individuals?
  21. Does Media Portrayal Significantly Influence Public Trust in Courts?
  22. Why Is the American Court System Built on a Hierarchy?
  23. How Does the Relationship Between Courts and Constitutional Principles Evolve in Shaping Decisions?
  24. What Do Most Juvenile Courts Emphasize?
  25. In What Ways Do Courts Combat Corruption within Society from a Legal Standpoint?
  26. Which Court System Conducts Most of the Criminal Trials?
  27. How Are Courts Addressing Sentencing Disparities in the Justice System?
  28. What Is the Highest Court in the US?
  29. How Do International Courts Handle Challenges in Ensuring Fairness?
  30. What Are the Types of Courts in the US and What Are Their Functions?

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 4). 139 Court Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/court-research-topics/

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"139 Court Research Topics & Essay Examples." LawBirdie, 4 Feb. 2025, lawbirdie.com/topics/court-research-topics/.


LawBirdie. (2025) '139 Court Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 4 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "139 Court Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 4, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/court-research-topics/.

1. LawBirdie. "139 Court Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 4, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/court-research-topics/.


LawBirdie. "139 Court Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 4, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/court-research-topics/.