Common Law Essay Examples for Free

Understanding Mandated Benefits: Federal and State Compliance in Ohio

Introduction Total rewards benefit packages are offered by companies for a variety of reasons, with the primary goal of recruiting and retaining top talent. In addition to offering voluntary benefits, companies must also comply with federal and state laws that dictate benefits not related to wages. At the federal level,...

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Legal Considerations for RNs in Texas

Introduction In the state of Texas, the registered nurse’s (RN) license renewal will likely be denied due to the second driving while intoxicated (DWI). Texas law requires the Texas Board of Nursing to take disciplinary action against any RN who has been convicted of a criminal offense (Nursing license requirements...

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The U.S. Legal System and Sociology

During this course, I got a good chance to improve my understanding of the U.S. legal system and pay attention to a sociological perspective, in particular. Among a variety of the offered sources, I would like to rely on such readings as the articles by Davis about law as a...

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US Supreme Court Decision in Brown v. Board

Introduction One of the most important legal decisions in American history is generally recognized as the ruling of the Supreme Court of the United States in the case of Brown v. Board of Education. The case was a challenge to the then-pervasive practice of racial segregation in public schools in...

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Air Rights in New York: Legal Framework and Development Opportunities

Air rights Air rights can be defined as ownership of space above one’s property which allows the owner to control, occupy and use the vertical space extending from their property all the way up. The law, however, requires that the owner implements reasonable use that abides by statutory laws and...

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The Issue of the Marijuana Legalization

Introduction The issue of whether or not to legalize marijuana has been the subject of intense discussion and disagreement over recent decades. Supporters of legalization argue that it will reduce crime associated with the illegal drug trade, provide a valuable tax source, and reduce policing costs (Hanson et al.). On...

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The Impact of Marijuana Legalization on the State

Introduction Marijuana legalization is a contentious issue that has raised debates on its potential impact on individuals and society. Proponents of marijuana legalization argue that it has various benefits, such as generating revenue for the state, reducing law enforcement costs, and offering medicinal benefits. Opponents of marijuana legalization argue that...

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Negligence in the Liebeck v. McDonald’s Case

The Liebeck v. McDonald’s case is a famous tort case in the United States in the 1990s. Stella Liebeck, a 79-year-old woman, was burned by hot coffee she purchased from a drive-thru window of McDonald’s. According to Supreme Court procedures (n.d.), Liebeck filed a lawsuit against the fast food chain,...

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The Warth v. Seldin Court Case Summary

Title, Citation, and Courts Administrative discretion is a prominent theme covered previously in the course. The legal concept of standing represents a component of the topic (West, 1984). Warth v. Seldin (1975) is a well-known court case cited as 422 U.S. 490 that provides insight into locus standi. It was...

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Motion to Transfer a Lawsuit to Federal Court from State Court

The law regarding a civil lawsuit where the plaintiff’s attorney wrongly filed a case in a state court is that the court must decide whether it should be transferred to the federal court or dismissed. The court will consider factors such as the complexity of the legal issues, the potential...

Words: 426 Pages: 1

Is It Justified to Break an Unjust Law?

Introduction Every society, state, or country is guided by laws to which members are obliged to adhere. The laws are designed to be both protective and regulatory, overseeing the actions of the members and concurrently protecting their rights from being violated by the governing bodies or organizations during their day-to-day...

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Hernandez v. Texas Case: Discrimination Charges Against Indigenous Peoples

Introduction The case Hernandez v. Texas, which occurred on May 3, 1954, defined how the American legal system handles discrimination charges against indigenous peoples. Based on this case study, the Supreme Court concluded that the Fourteenth Amendment applies to all forms of racial discrimination against minorities and other ethnic groups...

Words: 406 Pages: 1

Current Legal System After Colonization in Ghana

Summary Currently, Ghana uses a form of common law modeled after that of the United Kingdom. The colonial era saw the introduction of this system, which has remained in place in Ghana ever since. During the colonial era, the English common law system was adopted in Ghana. This system has...

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The No-Rescue Doctrine in the Yania v. Bigan Case

Emergencies are common in daily life and tend to arise at any moment. Whenever another person’s life is at risk, humans naturally want to help, even if it means the rescuer’s life would be in danger (Sterri and Moen 2621). However, when an individual dies due to a crisis, the...

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Influential Acts of Airport Legislation

Introduction The article by Kim et al. “A study on the effects of waiting time for airport security screening service on passengers” (2020) emotional responses and airport image’ involves four critical components that impact the development and operation of airports. These are the waiting time, airport security (screening), passengers’ emotional...

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How to Beat Shoplifting Charges

A special law protects customers’ rights as soon as they enter a store – whether physical or online. People can buy goods at a specified price tag and choose payment options. Not a single individual can be approached at the shop for holding an item. Additionally, one has a right...

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Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller, P.l.l.c.

Introduction No, the discriminatory damages available under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other related statutes do not include emotional distress compensation. The Rehabilitation Act and the Affordable Care Act, which provide remedies for discrimination victims, are implied as related acts in this context. Since the rights of action...

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How Law Influences a Social Movement’s Agenda

Introduction Law affects the process of agenda formation within a movement to a significant extent. Specifically, legal standards shape the attitudes and intentions within marginalized groups, mobilizing disenfranchised communities to change the existing regulations. Namely, the inconsistency between the concept of social justice and the set legal standards galvanizes the...

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Differences Between Civil and Criminal Law

Civil Law Civil law deals with actions that cause harm to a person or another private party, like a corporation. Official papers like a state’s enterprise and occupations code, the safety and health code, and other governmental regulations specify the guidelines for these conflicts (Erstad, 2022). The complainant seeks to...

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Comprehensive Plan to End Homelessness

The plan creates a mechanism to eradicate homelessness, and the single most crucial criterion for determining the strategy’s efficacy is whether the number of homeless persons is decreasing. In March, Pierce County (n.d.) formally approved a comprehensive plan to end homelessness. This strategy aims to record the need’s extent and...

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Navigating Commercial Lease Agreements

Introduction In a lease, the user or the lessee is contractually obligated to pay back the owner or the lessor for the use of an asset. Assets such as land, homes, and vehicles can all be found in rental properties. Landlords can also use the lease to acquire industrial or...

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District of Columbia v. Heller: Rights to Possess Arms

Introduction District of Columbia v. Heller was one of the most significant decisions made by the U.S. Supreme Court that influenced individuals’ rights to possess arms. During the proceedings, it was ruled that it is legal to bear and use a registered firearm for lawful purposes (District of Columbia v....

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Analysis of a Court Case: Major and Minor League Baseball Players

Introduction The players of Minor League Baseball filed a class-action lawsuit against the Office of the Commissioner of Baseball, Former Commissioner of Baseball, and Major League Baseball’s (MLB) 30 franchises. The court established the fact that they demanded damages from Major League Baseball (MLB) for violating federal antitrust laws (Miranda...

Words: 559 Pages: 2

Aspects of Gun Laws in the U.S.

Introduction Every state has the right to decide how to deal with the problem of private gun ownership. Most states have a jurisdiction that requires a permit to carry a handgun. In my opinion, private gun ownership should not be outlawed because of the guarantee of Second Amendment rights and...

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Does Gun Control Stop Crime?

Introduction The use of weapons is deeply rooted in American culture and has a long history. As in many other matters, the United States is divided into pro-gun and anti-gun groups of people, and “the way America must approach this issue” (Koduru 2). The reason for the formed position may...

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Researching of the Plea Bargains

The Question of Need The plea bargaining practice is valuable to the Criminal Justice System due to many reasons. Firstly, it is not possible for the courts to handle every single case trial due to the sheer number of filed cases requiring a court hearing (Frontline, 2004). Secondly, such a...

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Research Project: Voting Rights

Summary The power of liberal arts lies in their ability to examine various issues through four different lenses. Each lens allows an individual to gain new insights into the matter, thus improving their understanding of the world. For example, the lens of social sciences that relies on data from surveys...

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The Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. Case

Introduction The boundaries between First Amendment rights and school disciplinary guidelines are often unclear. This assumption is especially relevant given the students’ widespread use of technology and social media to communicate. Therefore, the case Mahanoy Area School District v. B.L. received much publicity – it was meant to bring clarity...

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How Firearm-Related Casualties Correlate with the Number of Firearm-Related Laws

Introduction Gun legislation is a controversial topic, as it can be used both as defensive and offensive weapons and, in addition, facilitate committing suicide. On the one hand, firearms may be used for self-defense, thus increasing households’ safety. On the other hand, however, they are widely used as offensive weapons...

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Obscenity: Analysis of Case Studies

Summary of Cases Miller was found guilty of violating a California law that makes it illegal to transmit obscene materials by the government of California. He conducted a massive mailing campaign to advertise the sale of material that contained naked pictures. He filed an appeal with the Superior Court’s Appellate...

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Landmark Court Cases Impact on Digital Communication

Reno v. ACLU (1997) Case Summary The legitimacy of two elements of the 1996 Communications Decency Act was contested by several claimants (Reno V American Liberties Union, 1997. The act made it illegal to intentionally disseminate obscene information and materials that portray sexual and excretory acts or organs in a...

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Check Fraud: Researching and Analysis

Check fraud alludes to any illicit attempts to gain funds via paper or electronic checks. This could involve writing a poor check on one’s account, counterfeiting a check in another person’s name, or creating a wholly fraudulent check (Check Fraud 101 | SQN Banking Systems, 2019). Due to the increase...

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Discussion: Should Marijuana Be Legalized?

The state of Alabama and the country should legalize marijuana due to its positive effects on medicine and relaxation. The legalization of marijuana will be beneficial for supporting the needs of the majority of citizens. The medical benefits of marijuana will help healthcare specialists treat chronic conditions. The use of...

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Andrea Yates Case: Graphic Organizer Analysis

Summary Dr. Dietz concluded with reasonable medical certainty that Mrs. Yates was aware of the wrongfulness of her homicidal conduct (Carmickle, 2017). Prosecution expert: Dr. Park Dietz, a forensic psychiatrist, was responsible for giving testimony that Yates was aware of her actions (Slobogin, 2003). Texas Penal Code §8.01 : “It...

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The Juror Number One v. Superior Court Case Brief

Introduction Juror Number One made Facebook posts about his participation in a trial when it was still on. Juror Number Five informed the court of Juror Number One’s actions. The court stated that Juror Number One’s activity was misconduct and a violation of the established rules. The court’s subpoenas issued...

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Selling Alcohol in Tennessee

Summary Alcohol laws in the US are stringent and can vary from state to state and sometimes even within the same state. This paper explains the characteristics of self-distribution of alcohol, its delivery, and sale on the Internet, as well as a sale on and off the premises in Tennessee....

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Security Interest and Transactions

Creation and Perfection of a Security Interest When a creditor lends a certain sum of money or assets to a debtor, they require a certain level of assurance that their investment will be returned. At the same time, there is always a danger of the debtor defaulting, refusing to uphold...

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Gun-Control Aspects Discussion

Introduction Gun control involves the laws and regulations that limit access to particular types of guns, restricting ownership and specifying where certain firearms may be carried. Reckless handling of firearms is a debated issue in the US and has sparked discussions about individual rights, state and federal oversight, and public...

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Florida v. Harris and Florida v. Jardines Cases Comparison

The cases of Florida v. Harris and Florida v. Jardines share some similarities. However, several peculiarities create a definite distinction between the two. Both instances involve charges associated with drugs and drug possession (Supreme Court of the United States, 2012a; Supreme Court of the United States, 2012b). In addition, both...

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A Comparison of New York and Dallas Police Departments

Introduction For each police department, there are both general organization rules and private ones. Differences appear against the background of the department’s environment, goals, and internal routines. In addition, the number of resources and the system of the organization also differ, so it is necessary to analyze different departments to...

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Secured Personal Property Transactions

Any transaction in which the debtor’s personal property serves as a guarantee or security for the debt payment or where the debtor has a legal interest. Secured personal property transactions are governed by Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC). Consequently, in the situation mentioned, it is necessary to...

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Decriminalization of Marijuana

Introduction Marijuana is a substance whose use has been banned in many countries worldwide, the United States being among them. This action has failed to consider the benefits of the drug to the human population. Apart from its healing capabilities, producing and selling marijuana can create new job opportunities, which...

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Various Methods of Data Collection and Vulnerability

Background Personal data can be vulnerable to publication or information leakage. Conducting research requires scientists to work directly with raw data, which is usually obtained directly from the participants. Therefore, researchers must comply with the laws and regulations governing the publication, use, and dissemination of personal data. The protection of...

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Programs to Prevent Child Sexual Violence at the Federal Level

Introduction Sexual violence involves dependent, immature children and adolescents in sexual activity that they are not fully aware of, to which they cannot give informed consent. The situation of sexual abuse is disturbing for others; it is perceived by them as a catastrophe, as something irreversible. Difficulties arise regarding talking...

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Evicted: Analysis of the Issue of Eviction

One of the major issues surrounding eviction trends is that women are more likely to be evicted from inner-city neighborhoods than their male counterparts. However, the rate of female eviction is higher in black and Hispanic neighborhoods compared to white ones. The eviction rate of female renters is 1.87 times...

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Tenants’ Rights and the Renting Homes: Analysis

The common law evolved in a different direction to improve the distribution of power. Within the frame of common law, the landlord represented the ultimate authority, and the duty to repair the residence shifted to the tenant automatically, implying the lack of statutory protections for tenants (Miller, 2018). The law’s...

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The Marijuana Laws and the MORE Act

Summary Marijuana refers to dried seeds, stems, and flowers of the Cannabis indica or Cannabis sativa plant. Marijuana is considered the third most widely used drug globally after tobacco and alcohol. Although the drug is common among young adults, it is popular with people from different age groups. In the...

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Marijuana Legalisation in California and Texas

Introduction The legalization of marijuana is considered to be one of the most controversial but, at the same time, essential discussion topics nowadays. In the USA, it is considered less harmful compared to other types of relaxation. Thus, the popularity of this recreational drug increased and California became the first...

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How to Remedy Violent Crimes in Wichita, Kansas

The crime rates in Wichita are much higher than the state and national rates. 2020 violent crime rates report that for a hundred thousand people in Wichita there were 1141 incidences compared to Kansas’ 346.4 and the U. S’s 388 for a similar population in 2020 (Area Vibes). Violent crimes...

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The Common Law System of Precedent

Precedent Common Law System Common law is the law of the body that is customarily deployed upon judicial decisions and incorporates reports of cases that have been decided. The courts in England have managed the Common Law since some days back. It has emitted the legal system found in British...

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Gun Ownership Regulations in the United States

Introduction The topic of gun ownership among civilians in the United States has a long history of heated debates and has caused several controversies. The right to bear arms is given to the U.S. citizens in the Second Amendment, which states that “a well regulated Militia, being necessary to the...

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African Americans and ELL Disproportion in Special Education

Abstract The overrepresentation of African Americans and English language learners in special education have prompted much disquiet in the education society. Despite there being Acts like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which seek to ensure that all Americans access quality education regardless of their race, the overrepresentation of minority...

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Pre‐Emption of Credit Card Lawsuits

General description of the issue Preemption of Credit Card Lawsuits is a widespread phenomenon in numerous countries. When a credit card holder has an overdue debt and fails to pay it in time to the credit card company, the concerned company might file a lawsuit against the card holder to...

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Ban on Foie Gras: Public Perception, Public Discourse

Introduction Before going into the matter of the ban on Foie Gras some introductory material must be offered on the practice. Foie Gras is a French word that can be interpreted in English as “Fat liver” (Grant 54). The most common source of this popular delicacy is the fattened liver...

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Australian Practices and Japanese Practices of Justice System

Introduction The Australian practice of the criminal justice system is anchored on the petit jury, a fundamental conviction in the rule of law, justice, as well as the independence of the judicial system (Edmond 2010). Any persons who comes before an Australian court is subjected to be treated equally with...

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Employee Law and Relations in the United Kingdom

In the United Kingdom labor relations dates back to the time of the industrial revolution which ushered the implementation of laws that govern the relationship between employers and employees. Under the Employment Rights Act workers in Britain are guaranteed of certain rights and benefits which they accrue upon the acquisition...

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Human Rights Act 1998 and Its Relationship to the European Convention

Introduction Under the European Union law on the convection of human rights, all the members are required to implement laws into their constitutions that uphold the fundamental rights of all humans. Likewise, laws enacted by the European court should be adopted into law by member countries and not be seen...

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USA Patriot Act: Position Paper

Introduction USA Patriotic act “is an acronym for Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism” (Fritscher, 2007). This act gives law enforcement agencies the power to do some things that never happened before like searching private records. Moreover, it allows more foreign intelligence...

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The Common Law Background of the Fourth Amendment

Privacy is a human right and the Fourth Amendment affirms this right by protecting the right of the people against searches and seizures that infringe upon their privacy. “Every man’s house is his castle” (Fourth Amendment, n.d., History and Scope of the Amendment, para. 1). This was a maxim that...

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Tort Law: The Case Against the Church of the Divine Light

People all over the world have used to the thought that Church is the sacred place, that Church is aimed to help people, and that people should trust Church. Unfortunately, there are cases when Church begins to abuse its power and tries to make people to commit wrong actions. There...

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Copyright and Plagiarism: US Copyright Law

Introduction The Copyright Law of the United States defines copyright as the opportunity for the creator of a material object or an innovative idea to claim exclusive rights for the result of his/her work and to apply for the legislative protection of these exclusive rights (Copyright Law of the United...

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UK Law: Contract Instructions

Contracts are legally binding agreements that regulate relationships between two parties, which are called an offeree and an offeror. A contract cannot exist without four features, including an offer, acceptance, consideration, and intention to create legal relations. The present paper aims at providing specific instructions concerning the establishment of legal...

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Legal System and Tradition in France

Introduction The legal system in any country depends on the country itself. It depends on how individuals in the country relate in terms of customs, religion, culture, and politics. Common law structure and civil are some of the mainly common forms of legal systems. There are others such as customary...

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Case of Australian Contract Law Performance

Introduction Under Australian law, contracts may be discharged in various ways, the most common being through performance by parties of contractual obligations (Kelly, 2010). Generally, it is assumed that a contract is discharged by contractual obligations performance. It is assumed that the contractual obligations must be fully and precisely performed....

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Violent Video Games Issue Analysis

Violence in our society has increased significantly over the period of time; people have completely forgotten the values which ones made a peaceful world. This has happened because of a lot of reasons, one of the biggest reasons is the violence portrayed in movies and especially video games. The demand...

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Common Law System in the United Arab Emirates

Introduction When the United Arab Emirates gained independence from the United Kingdom in December 2971, it became apparent that the leaders had to come up with a legal system that would be relevant to the local population. According to Ercanbrack, by the time the country gained its independence, its legal...

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English, Islamic and the Saudi Property Laws

Background Information Different legal jurisdictions and financial systems deal with property laws differently. As such, various aspects of property laws are defined and are operated differently under every legal system. It is worth noting that there are differences and similarities among various legal systems. This research paper endeavors to compare...

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The Legal Systems of Saudi Arabia, Germany and the US

Introduction This paper will discuss the legal systems of Saudi Arabia, Germany, and the United States. One should examine the judicial structure, corrections systems, and the legal tradition in these countries. Much attention should also be paid to the historical development of these nations and the way in which their...

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Importance of Drug Legalization in the USA

Introduction Over the past twenty years, numerous states have allowed the purchase of marijuana albeit in small amounts. Moreover, in the United States, over 22 states have allowed the use of marijuana in the medical field. In 2012, Washington and Colorado allowed the use of marijuana for recreational purposes. The...

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The Abortion Debate – Understanding the Issues

Introduction Abortion is probably one of the most controversial debates not only in the United States, but also in other countries around the world. According to Ferree (71), abortion has been in existence for a very long time, used in Dynasties such as Late Han Dynasty as a form of...

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Life in Prison and Death Penalty Comparison

Introduction It is a common belief that most people sentenced to life imprisonment soon leave the prison walls and end up in the streets. Once they are out of prison, the greatest fear among law-abiding citizens is that most criminals will continue with their criminal intents. As a consequence, members...

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Gay Marriage and the U.S Supreme Court

Introduction The case of Windsor v United States that came to its conclusion in June 2013 is a landmark case about same-sex marriages mainly due to the outcome of the case and its far-reaching implications on elements of justice in the future of the American justice system. Although cases on...

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Capital Punishment and the Concept of Redemption

Introduction Society needs boundaries. While, according to some theories, anarchism is the only possible form of an individual’s existence, it still goes without saying that people need to know where the line is drawn between the legal and the illegal lies. Thus, the need in-laws and the principles of punishment...

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Legal, Safety and Regulatory Requirements – Labor Law

Legal, safety, and regulatory requirements are critical considerations during a human resource process. These considerations exist to standardize human resource practices that are lawful and safe to both employer and employee. Legal requirements are part of the government’s statutes that protect potential employees from discrimination practices based on race, sex,...

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Cannabis Legalization Effects in the United States

Abstract The authorization of Marijuana imposes significant benefits in the US economy as it consents to lawful tax policy and dissemination. At the demand of 5-10 cents in every joint where taxation is absent, the permitted marketplace value of the authorized cannabis might become exceedingly low. In Washington, for instance,...

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Is Gay Legalization Necessary?

Introduction Does a licensing gay marriage break the constitution? Many courts have ruled that the constitution does not allow gay marriages explicitly. The Supreme Court had recently ruled that denying gays the right to marry violates the equal protection rights and due process in the constitution. This made the ban...

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Gay Marriage Should Be Legal?

The society has various controversial issues that affect people’s perception about others. The need to follow traditional and religious teachings has pushed people to develop negative perceptions regarding practices that are not promoted by their beliefs. Modernization has cultivated fertile grounds for polluting cultural practices and some people attribute this...

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Illegal Immigration: Birthright Citizenship

Introduction Illegal immigrants are the people who leave their country to other nations in which they reside without permission (U.S. Immigration Support, 2011, p.1). There are several reasons why people may leave their country some of which include wars, natural disasters like floods and droughts, political unrests among others. The...

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DNA Evidence – Criminology

In this era, the most substantial evidence, according to many people is DNA testing. People believe this is the only evidence that cannot be tampered. It is not possible to alter the DNA evidence, but the samples can be contaminated. High tech criminals who commit serious offenses such as; murder...

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Gun Control Problem

Introduction Guns have been part of American society for a long time. They have been used for various purposes as part of sports and some use them for hunting. However, in the last few decades there have been so many questions raised on whether guns should be left out to...

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Employer and Employee Relationships – Labor Law

Introduction Employer employee relationships are defined as the types of relations that exist within the work place for most organizations. The relationship that existed between employers and employees in the past was mostly based on the assumption that employers were the owners of companies and they therefore had the authority...

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Death Penalty

For many people, the use of the death penalty is thought of as a terrible example of cruel and unusual punishment. People against the idea of capital punishment, or the death penalty, feel that the government shouldn’t have the right to put its citizens to death. They also claim that...

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Motivation Theories & Law Enforcement Motivation

Introduction Motivation is the driving force that inspires people to take action and pursue our goals. It gives us the energy and determination to overcome challenges and achieve success in studies and career.   Motivation is important in any activity, and especially for a police officer while they are working. It...

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Getting Rid of the Death Penalty

Introduction The criminal justice system is an integral part of modern society. Through this institution, penalties are imposed on individuals who break the law. The criminal justice system serves society by creating an incentive for people to obey the law and providing a means for those who disobey to be...

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Abortion in the United States of America

Several questions crop up when the issue of abortion is raised. Arguments for allowing abortion vary from emotional to socio-economic aspects. People who support the idea of substantiating abortion argue that every woman has a right to motherhood; it should be her decision whether or not to become a mother....

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Law and Policy in Business Organizations

Introduction One of the major goals of any business organization is to make generate revenues or profits. For businesses to achieve such goals, they must put in place structures that facilitate their functionalities towards the set objectives. This document will put emphasis on the legal and policy structures that a...

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Animal Testing Role

Introduction Animal testing has played a major role in many medical and scientific developments during the 19th century and has continued to assist human in the treatment of different illnesses. Animal testing came to the spotlight following the thalidomide tragedy which occurred during the late1950s and early 1960s. Thalidomide was...

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Legalizing Marijuana in America

One of the most controversial issues in the US is whether marijuana should be legalized or not. Marijuana is a popular illegal drug and the World Health Organization estimates that 2.5% of the world’s population uses it recreationally (1). This psychoactive substance is very popular in the US and millions...

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Death Penalty For and Against

Introduction As the global world progresses, nations form a consensus that certain penal practices may no longer be tolerable. Examples of such practices include slavery, physical torture, and capital punishment. Much progress has been made to end such practices. In fact, many countries have already abolished death penalty as part...

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Equal Rights for Homosexual People

Introduction The civic rights of the LGBT community have long been a subject of heated debate among politicians, lawyers, and journalists. Currently, these people do not face any criminal prosecution in the United States and many other countries. In the twentieth century, many Western societies have become much more tolerant...

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The New York Times vs Sullivan Case

Introduction The issue of defamation and freedom of speech has dominated public debates for a long time. The New York Times v Sullivan case of 1964 was one of the landmark rulings that raised the bar regarding the way defamation cases filed by aggrieved parties against media companies would be...

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New York City’s Health Care Reform Policy

Abstract New York City’s government utilizes several policies to improve the welfare of its citizens. The city executes the Health Care Reform Policy to ensure its conformity to the Health Care Reform Act of the US. In New York, the Affordable Care Act Prevention and Population Health law provides a...

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Citizens and Citizenship Rights

Introduction Every country in the world has special privileges and rights that are reserved for its citizens. Therefore, in every country’s set of rules and regulations, there is always special reference to the issues of citizenship. Countries are formed and run by citizens who abide by the rules and responsibilities...

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Antitrust Laws

Summarize the four major pieces of legislation collectively known as the Antitrust Laws Antitrust laws are regulation set by the different government which seeks to set a competitive business environment. There is four legislation governing Antitrust Laws in the world. These include the Sherman Act of the 1890s, the Federal...

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Animal Testing in Experiments

Introduction Use of animals in scientific experiments dates back to the nineteenth century. It involves conducting sciethe ntific experiments using animals as test objects. In past decades, the number of animals used in experiments has increased significantly. Ithe n the 1980s, the number was smaller owing to public resistance and...

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Why Does Crime Require Punishment?

Introduction The law defines a crime as an act or intention to commit the act that is against the laid down moral standards for which the victim can be convicted. In case of intention to commit a crime, the intellectual apprehension of facts and factual elements must be enjoined in...

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Labor Unions Impact in the New Global Economy

Introduction Throughout the world’s history, labor unions have always played a central role when it comes to fighting for employee’s basic rights by negotiating with employers for better working conditions and remuneration packages. Generally, the principal purpose of any labor union is to make sure that its members get the...

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The Activities of Labor Unions

Trace the evolution of the legal status of American unions. What activities were restricted by laws and courts? Did constraints increase or decline with time? The legal status of American unions has undergone numerous transformations in the search for recognition as legitimate organizations. Before the 19th century, labor unions faced...

Words: 969 Pages: 4

International Law vs Local Law

International law entails the body of rules and principles that are established through customs or treaties, and are accredited by nations and international organizations as binding in their interactions with each other. (Malanczuk 2). International law is not a world law, but is instead a law that exists between compliant...

Words: 690 Pages: 3