89 White-Collar Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples

📝 White-Collar Crime Research Papers Examples

  1. White-Collar Crime: Fiduciary Fraud
    Law essay sample: White-collar crimes are crimes that affluent people commit in society due to their position of influence or occupation.
  2. White-Collar Crime: History, Future, Examples
    Law essay sample: White-collar crime is a big business in the corporate world because it enables financial institutions to make huge profits for not following the law.
  3. Bernard Madoff’s Fraud Case
    Law essay sample: This paper investigates the conditions that led to the success of the Madoff pyramid scheme and recommends steps for preventing such a scheme from occurring in the future.
  4. Criminology: White-Collar Crimes
    Law essay sample: The purpose of this article is to review the various theories that attempt to explain the rise in white-collar crime.
  5. White-Collar Crimes in the USA
    Law essay sample: White-collar crimes are majorly committed by wealthy individuals, who take advantage of their positions in high-profile organizations for their own personal and financial gains.
  6. White Collar Crime: Term Definition
    Law essay sample: This paper analyzes white-collar crime in general, as well as the contributions of Edwin Sutherland to that field as a first approach to address this issue.
  7. Political White Collar Crime and State-Organized Crime
    Law essay sample: White-collar crime is defined as any crime that is committed by people of respectability or with high social status within their spheres of occupation
  8. White-Collar Crime and Its Consequences
    Law essay sample: White-collar crime is an essential modern issue that may lead to irreparable consequences. It includes illegal enrichment.
  9. White-Collar Crimes in Corporations
    Law essay sample: Usually, big companies use their strength and resources to advertise a certain new product, made with maximum savings for maximum profit.
  10. A White Collar Crime and Its Impact on the Country
    Law essay sample: Nowadays, White Collar Crimes are becoming more threatening, as their scale and negative consequences are getting more substantial.
  11. Money Laundering Through Cryptocurrencies: An Analysis of Responses to Risks
    Law essay sample: This study aims to analyse the concept of cryptocurrency and gaining a legal understanding in different jurisdictions especially in the US.
  12. Illegal Prostitution, Drug Use, and Money Laundering
    Law essay sample: The research analysis focuses on reviewing the recent and credible literature on the topics of illegal prostitution, illegal drug use, and money laundering.
  13. White-Collar Crime and Other Business-Related Crimes
    Law essay sample: Acknowledging the existence of white-collar crimes and developing strategies to limit these crimes can help organizations eradicate the vice.
  14. Check Fraud: Researching and Analysis
    Law essay sample: As discussed herein, the four types of check fraud include paper hanging, check kiting, check floating, and check forgery.
  15. White-Collar Crime and Theories to Apply
    Law essay sample: The justice system has a soft spot for white-collar crime because the offenders tend to have positively perceived labels of wealth and whiteness.
  16. White-Collar Crimes: The Main Types
    Law essay sample: White-collar crime is a non-violent crime that involves deception or concealment to obtain or avoid the loss of money or property, personal or business gain.
  17. White-Collar Crime: Martin Frankel's Case
    Law essay sample: Martin Frankel’s Ponzi scheme qualifies as a white-collar crime because it is a non-violent crime whereby his primary motivation was typically financial.
  18. White-Collar and Street Offenders: Differences in Processing
    Law essay sample: The processing of white-collar offenders differs from the processing of street offenders since while the former are allowed plea deals, the latter are rejected such an option.
  19. Legal Analysis of Embezzlement Case: Mental Health and Miranda Rights
    Law essay sample: The embezzlement case analyzed, the investigation reveals flaws in the apprehension process, including violations of his Miranda rights.

💡 Essay Ideas on White-Collar Crime

  1. Examining the Concept of White-Collar Crime in Law and Legal Theory
  2. Class, Status, and the Punishment of White-Collar Criminals
  3. Investigating Regulatory Failures in Addressing White-Collar Crime
  4. The Treatment of White-Collar Crime in the Post-Enron Context
  5. Rule-Violating Behavior in White-Collar Offenders
  6. Reintegrative Shaming Theory in the White-Collar Crime Context
  7. Perceptions of White-Collar Crime Culpability: Bribery, Perjury, and Fraud
  8. White- vs. Blue-Collar Crime: Classifying Criminal Offenses
  9. Increasing Firm Value Through Detection and Prevention of White-Collar Crime
  10. The Rule of Law: Legal Provisions Against White-Collar Crime
  11. Profiling the Modern White-Collar Criminal
  12. Current Investigations and Future Directions in White-Collar Crime
  13. Relationship Between Organizational Culture and White-Collar Crime in Financial Institutions
  14. Measuring White-Collar Crime Using Uniform Crime Reporting Data
  15. White-Collar Crimes: Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme
  16. Psychological Profile of White-Collar Offenders: Demographics, Criminal Thinking, and Psychopathology
  17. The Patterns of White-Collar Crime in the Public Sector
  18. Analyzing the Challenge of White-Collar Sentencing
  19. Greed & Opportunity: White-Collar Crime Causation and Consequences
  20. White-Collar Crime as Organized Institutional Crime
  21. The Role of Race in a Culture of Elite White-Collar Offending
  22. Tangible and Intangible Costs of White-Collar Crime
  23. Promises, Deceit, and White-Collar Criminality Within the Theranos Scandal
  24. Negative Organizational Dynamics as Enabler of White-Collar Crime
  25. White-Collar Crime Online: Deviance, Organizational Behavior, and Risk
  26. Trusted Chief Executives in Convenient White-Collar Crime
  27. Social Identification and Public Opinion on White-Collar Crime
  28. Private Policing of Financial Crime: Fraud Examiners in White-Collar Crime Investigations
  29. Exploring the Development of Self-Reported White-Collar Offending
  30. White-Collar Crime: Detection and Neutralization in Religious Organizations
  31. Insider Trading as an Aspect of White-Collar Crime
  32. White-Collar and Professional Crime: The Challenge for the 2020s
  33. The Trajectory of White-Collar Crime Following the Great Economic Meltdown
  34. Regulatory Rollback and White-Collar Crime in the Era of Trump
  35. Suspicion of White-Collar Crime: Retaliation Against Whistle-Blowers
  36. An Application of Sensation Seeking to White-Collar Crimes
  37. Wrongfulness and Harmfulness as Components of Seriousness of White-Collar Offenses
  38. The Myth of Community Tolerance Toward White-Collar Crime
  39. Discussing the Intersection of White-Collar Crime and Cybercrime
  40. Theorizing the Drop in White-Collar Crime Prosecutions: An Ecological Model

❓ White-Collar Crime Research Questions

  1. What Is the Difference Between White- and Blue-Collar Crime?
  2. How Common Are White-Collar Crimes?
  3. Are White-Collar Offenders Privileged?
  4. What Is the Dark Figure of White-Collar Crime?
  5. Who Investigates White-Collar Crime?
  6. Should White-Collar and Corporate Crimes Also Be Considered ‘Organized Crimes’?
  7. What Is the Biggest White-Collar Crime in History?
  8. How Is a Federal White-Collar Crime Case Developed?
  9. What Are the Social Effects of White-Collar Crime?
  10. How Can Companies Avoid Getting Tangled Up in White-Collar Crime?
  11. What Are Some of the Penalties for White-Collar Crimes?
  12. Which White-Collar Crime Is the Most Serious?
  13. How Do Law Enforcement Agencies Investigate White-Collar Crime?
  14. What Can Be Done to Prevent White-Collar Crime?
  15. How Are White-Collar Criminals Able to Get Away With It?
  16. What Are the Differences Between State and Federal White-Collar Crimes?
  17. Why Is It Difficult to Prosecute White-Collar Crime?
  18. What Are the Consequences of a White-Collar Crime Conviction?
  19. How Does the Policing and Regulation of White-Collar Crime Differ From Conventional Ones?
  20. What Are Some Common Defenses Used by White-Collar Offenders?
  21. How Do White-Collar Crime and Fraud Intersect?
  22. What Are Some Common Motives for Committing White-Collar Crimes?
  23. Why Elite White-Collar Criminals Are Rarely Punished?
  24. How Has the Prevalence of White-Collar Crime Changed Over Time?
  25. Is White Collar Crime “Less Bad” Than Other Forms of Crime?
  26. What Is the Most Appropriate Strategy for Dealing With White-Collar Crime?
  27. How Can Criminology Help Us Understand White-Collar Crime?
  28. Do Men and Women Commit Different White-Collar Crimes?
  29. What Role Do Financial Regulations Play in Preventing White-Collar Crime?
  30. How Is the Psychology of White-Collar Crime Different From Other Crimes?

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 8). 89 White-Collar Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/white-collar-crime-research-topics/

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"89 White-Collar Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples." LawBirdie, 8 Feb. 2025, lawbirdie.com/topics/white-collar-crime-research-topics/.


LawBirdie. (2025) '89 White-Collar Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 8 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "89 White-Collar Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 8, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/white-collar-crime-research-topics/.

1. LawBirdie. "89 White-Collar Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 8, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/white-collar-crime-research-topics/.


LawBirdie. "89 White-Collar Crime Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 8, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/white-collar-crime-research-topics/.