The Stigma of Former Imprisonment

The stigmatization of prisoners by society has always been a pressing problem for the American system. The significant nature of the personality of the judicial officer, the existence of effective programs for the readaptation of feelings, the difficult economic situation after the seizure, and the stigmatization of people with a criminal record are the reasons for recidivism. People with a convicted history find it challenging to find a job, often cannot return to their families, do not have a permanent residence and a stable income. In the absence of adequate support and resources, a person can pursue profit that entails a more severe punishment, considering the already existing criminal record. However, the state practically does not pay attention to post-prison socialization.

The other issue of the former prisoners is homelessness after leaving the jail. There are frequent cases when people do not have their housing at all because they were carried out and occupied with an apartment, and without a starting situation, it is impossible to get settled quickly. The good outcomes for the prisoners were cases of employment and temporary residence; a settlement in all these instances is outside the US. However, there are no new programs, and the sphere of care for the convicts is in its infancy, and it is extremely risky from an economic point of view (Yin, 2020). In case of danger, it is safe to say that the criminals are at risk of returning to term due to deliberate stigmatization by society, and there is also no support after release.

In the current situation, attention should be paid to the effectiveness of the implementation of the concept of recovery and reintegration of the blocked. A study by Al-Idah et al. (2019) supposes methods for reintegrating prisoners as law-abiding, productive, capable, and pro-social citizens. Many of the apparently irreparable and potentially dangerous transformations initiatives have changed the course of the lives of criminals after they have gone through religious programs in prisons. It was also common that independent jails did not have extensive networks of chaplain services, and often these services were provided by religious intermediaries. Thus, people’s spiritual life and rehabilitation were driven by their religious motives and rarely were based on religious traditions. However, taking into account the provided consequences, the intervention impacts the further life of convicts.

It should be borne in mind that the views and experiences of the criminals should be taken into account to eliminate the stigma and promote reintegration and professional employment. For this purpose, Sinko et al. (2020) have studied how stigma is felt among ex-traders and its impact on their professional activity. Participation in the life of society, work, and school activities of subjects who were former prisoners have been observed with attention. It was determined that the role of occupational therapy as an intervention in the fight against stigma is essential from the point of view of persons previously found in the Chamber of Commerce. Thus, spiritual support influences the future of the prisoners and the possibility of having a decent job.

This experience has become part of the religious community method of reintegration, which is most effective in the issue of the restoration of prisoners in society. Religion abounds in its power to enable people to return and prosper in society because faith also provides hope. People resist and find the strength to reintegrate and embrace the community from which they were restrained. This intervention plays a significant role in the socialization of former prisoners, giving them much-needed psychological support.


Al-Idah, J. E., Gul, R., & Asad, A. Z. (2019). Role of Religious Interventions in the Reintegration of Prisoners (A Case Study of Selected Jails of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa/KP, Pakistan). Al-Idah , 36(- 2), 35 – 43. Web.

Sinko, R., DeAngelis, T., Alpajora, B., Beker, J., & Kramer, I. (2020). Experience of stigma post incarceration: A qualitative study. The Open Journal of Occupational Therapy, 8(3), 1–16. Web.

Yin, E. T. (2020). Religion, rehabilitation, and reintegration of prison inmates into mainstream society. Handbook of Research on Trends and Issues in Crime Prevention, Rehabilitation, and Victim Support, 398–414. Web.

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 9). The Stigma of Former Imprisonment.

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"The Stigma of Former Imprisonment." LawBirdie, 9 Feb. 2025,


LawBirdie. (2025) 'The Stigma of Former Imprisonment'. 9 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "The Stigma of Former Imprisonment." February 9, 2025.

1. LawBirdie. "The Stigma of Former Imprisonment." February 9, 2025.


LawBirdie. "The Stigma of Former Imprisonment." February 9, 2025.