The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments


The United States Bill of Right was passed in 1978. In the Bill of Rights, Congress outlined the rights of Americans with regards to the government. It establishes guidelines for due process of the law and provides powers that are not delegated by the US Federal government to the people or the States (National Archives, 2022). The Bill of Rights was ratified to 10 amendments which ensures a basic principle of liberties to the American people such as freedom of speech. While the Bill of Rights and Constitution provide general regulation, each individual state has their own Constitution which is to be followed as well.

The Ten Amendments vs. Illinois Constitution

The First Amendment in the U.S. Bill of Rights is the freedom of speech. This is one of the basic and essential rights of all Americans which outlines that everyone can express freely and openly their ideas and opinions, so long as it is peaceful. It also protects the right to individual religious beliefs and practices. With the First Amendment, American’s are allowed to declare ideas or beliefs through the press or protest and approach the government with these concerns in efforts to make change. This Amendment is similar to Section 3 and Section 4 of the Illinois Constitution, Article I, which protects Religious Freedom and Freedom of Speech. It is written that exercise and enjoyment of religious beliefs and profession is guaranteed to all without discrimination and in no case shall anyone be denied civil or political rights due to their religious beliefs (Illinois Constitution, 1970). All persons also are free to speak, write and publish their opinions so long as with good motives and for justifiable reasons.

In terms of the second comparison, it is feasible to emphasize the contribution and the role of the Fourth Amendment in the American Bill of Rights. According to the Fourth Amendment, no one’s or their personal and private property may be subject to an arbitrary search or seizure by the governmental authorities (National Archives, 2022). In contrast to the previous comparison, in this case, no direct analogy can be discovered between the Fourth Amendment and the Illinois Constitution. At the same time, as per the Article I and Section 15 of the Illinois Constitution, private property cannot be appropriated or harmed for public purposes without a legal justification (Illinois Constitution, 1970). In this situation, both statements are correlated regarding the legal protection of private property.

Concerning the third collation, it is possible to compare the Sixth Amendment of the Bill of Rights and the Section 8 of the Article I of the Illinois Constitution. According to the Sixth Amendment, people who are accused of committing crimes are additionally given appropriate rights, including the opportunity of a speedy and court trial and a jury trial that is free from bias (National Archives, 2022). As per the Illinois Constitution, in criminal cases, the accused is entitled to a speedy court proceeding by an unbiased jury from the county where the alleged crime was committed (Illinois Constitution, 1970). Thus, both parts of the legislative policies are identical in the field of dealing with criminal activity.


To summarize, all people are allowed to express their thoughts orally, in writing, or in print as long as they do it with integrity and for worthwhile purpose. Regarding the legal protection of private property, the Fourth Amendment, Article I, and Section 15 of the Illinois Constitution are relevant in this case. People who are suspected of committing crimes are further granted adequate rights, including the chance for a swift and court trial, in accordance with the Sixth Amendment and the Illinois Constitution.


Illinois Constitution. (1970). Article I. Bill of Rights. Web.

National Archives. (2022). The Bill of Rights: What does it say? America’s Founding Documents. Web.

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 1). The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments.

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"The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments." LawBirdie, 1 Feb. 2025,


LawBirdie. (2025) 'The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments'. 1 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments." February 1, 2025.

1. LawBirdie. "The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments." February 1, 2025.


LawBirdie. "The Bill of Rights: Ten Amendments." February 1, 2025.