The Americans With Disabilities Act Overview


Employment laws are meant to protect people from being mistreated in the workplace. One example of a regulation that safeguards workers is the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (Blanck, 2022; Brooks, 2019). In particular, ADA’s Title I forbids employment discrimination, and the ordinance bans discrimination against individuals with disabilities (Brooks, 2019). ADA is an influential statute requiring personnel and employers to comply with certain requirements.


ADA has been used in court cases concerning employees’ grievances. For instance, the regulation mandates employers to provide appropriate accommodations to enable the sound performance of qualified staff members with disabilities (Blanck, 2022; Brooks, 2019). Moreover, ADA precludes organizations from imposing selection criteria that discern people based on health impairment (Brooks, 2019). However, when violations occur, ADA can protect organizations, for example, by requiring the plaintiffs to prove that they have a condition that makes them eligible for ADA defense (Aoun & Appelbaum, 2019). ADA oversees court cases involving workers’ grievances but also guards employers.


ADA is a significant law meant to prevent employment violations against people who have disabilities. An additional insight I gained is how the ordinance seeks justice and protects both workers and employers. Finally, if I were a manager in an establishment that overstepped regulations of ADA, I would have abided by the law’s reasonable judgment and then changed internal policies to prevent any future violations.


Aoun, E. G., & Appelbaum, P. S. (2019). Ten years after the ADA Amendment Act (2008): The relationship between ADA employment discrimination and substance use disorders. Psychiatric Services, 70(7), 596-603. Web.

Blanck, P. (2022). Disability-inclusive employment, cancer survivorship, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 16(1), 142-151. Web.

Brooks, W. (2019). The application of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act to employment discrimination: Why the circuits have gotten it wrong. Touro Law Review, 35(1), 73-100. Web.

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LawBirdie. (2024, May 23). The Americans With Disabilities Act Overview.

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LawBirdie. 2024. "The Americans With Disabilities Act Overview." May 23, 2024.

1. LawBirdie. "The Americans With Disabilities Act Overview." May 23, 2024.


LawBirdie. "The Americans With Disabilities Act Overview." May 23, 2024.