Criminology & Crime Theory Essay Examples for Free

The Role of Genetics and Upbringing in Shaping Behavior Within the Legal System

Introduction The complicated relationship between genetics and upbringing has long intrigued scholars and legal experts alike. They grapple with the challenging question of how much of a person’s behavior can be foreseen based on their early brain development. This puzzle creates a complex picture that challenges our understanding of human...

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The Role of Restorative Justice in Education: A Critical Analysis

Introduction The education sector is one of the most developed spheres in human life, and it is important to continue introducing new techniques to improve student performance worldwide. Gonzalez et al. (2018) stated that restorative justice combines all effective interventions that increase the level of studying outcomes. At the same...

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The Power of Restorative Justice: Insights from Shannon Sliva’s TED Talk

Title and Duration of the TED Talk The title of the selected TED Talk is “How Restorative Justice Could End Mass Incarceration.” In this video, the speaker explores the concept of restorative justice as an alternative to solitary confinement. The TED Talk is almost thirteen minutes long, which allows the...

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Critical Components of Crime Scene Sketches and Report Narratives in Investigations

Introduction A crime scene sketch is a significant visual tool in the cataloging and subsequent analysis of a crime scene. It provides a two-dimensional depiction of the scene, presenting an invaluable reference for investigators, attorneys, judges, and juries during the investigative and judicial processes. While photographs complement the crime scene...

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Forensic Analysis of Fingerprint Evidence in the Murder of Emily Anderson

Abstract This report details the evidence-gathering process for the murder of 35-year-old female Emily Anderson on June 3, 2023. The report details identifying, collecting, and developing fingerprints at the crime scene. In addition, the report contains information about the difficulties the team encountered in collecting fingerprints at the crime scene....

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Preserving Crime Scene Integrity: Standards, Techniques, and Search Patterns

In the meticulous field of crime scene investigation, the phrase “in as pristine condition as possible” captures the essence of the primary goal of crime scene processing. The crime scene technician operates with an acute awareness that every element of the scene, no matter how minute or seemingly unimportant, could...

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Key Protocols for Crime Scene Management by First Responders

Circumstances a First Responder Should Bear in Mind Upon Arrival Immediate Assessment of the Scene Upon arrival at the scene, first responders are faced with a multitude of challenges and responsibilities. First and foremost, they must ensure all persons’ immediate safety. This includes assessing the scene for threats such as...

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Crime Scene Investigation: Procedures and Evidence Integrity

Introduction Crime investigation is a complex and responsible process that requires the investigator to be thorough and systematic. At the crime scene, the investigator must follow specific steps to collect credible and reliable evidence. Maintaining the integrity of evidence is a crucial aspect of the investigation process, both legally and...

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Jurisdictional Decisions in Criminal Investigations

Introduction Jurisdictional decisions have a crucial impact on the activities of the law enforcement system and criminal justice agencies. The distribution of jurisdiction between different agencies is based on different principles and administrative procedures. This distribution defines areas of responsibility during investigations and trials in a particular case. Jurisdictional decisions...

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Advancements in Forensic DNA Analysis: Solutions for Blood Sample Challenges

Abstract Forensic science benefits significantly from deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) research, and it is necessary to improve methods of its extraction and analysis continuously. With blood DNA samples, it is especially challenging to perform procedures in laboratories, as these samples tend to deteriorate fast without proper conditions and are susceptible to...

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The Menéndez Brothers Case: Lessons Learned and Objections Raised

Introduction The Menéndez brothers’ case is one of the criminal proceedings that took much time before the perpetrators were brought to justice. Lyle and Erik Menéndez were believed to have been involved in the brutal killing of their parents in their Beverly Hills home. The case’s sensitivity attracted much attention...

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The Influence and Structure of the Italian Mafia: A Historical Overview

Organized crime has been a significant issue of public concern around the globe for many years. One of the widely known criminal organizations is the Cosa Nostra, commonly referred to as the Italian Mafia. This organization, as cited by Acemoglu et al. (2020), traces its origin back to the 19th...

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Challenges in Drug Investigations: Law Enforcement Barriers and Recommendations

Abstract Law enforcement should keep up with the drug industry’s various dynamics. New illegal drugs are introduced periodically, some of which are hard to recognize. Since manipulative people may file sexual harassment charges against innocent law enforcers, officers may need witnesses or secret video recordings when dealing with opposite-sex informants....

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Examining Sampling Methodology in the Academic Performance‐Delinquency Study

Introduction Studies examining the foundation behind correlations often considered standard by society must have a robust methodology to challenge or support the status quo. The high quality of participant data is a major element of such analyses. For example, picking a sampling technique that represents the whole selected population is...

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Understanding the Complexity of Morality in Criminal Behavior

Introduction All societies have specific moral and ethical teachings developed to help people understand and uphold morality. However, sometimes, people tend to commit crimes and violate those norms. In this regard, many people wonder whether thieves have the same moral convictions and beliefs as other individuals and whether they know...

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Challenges in Social Services Within Criminal and Juvenile Justice

Social services may be difficult and stressful in criminal and juvenile justice domains. The inclusion of experts from the behavioral sciences in the criminal justice system raised hopes for successful rehabilitation. Nevertheless, the rehabilitative concept has yet to be proven very effective. Social workers frequently feel disoriented and ineffective since...

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Understanding Juvenile Deviance Through General Strain Theory

Introduction The General Strain Theory (GST) explains the causes of criminal or deviant behavior in people. Specifically, juveniles who experience stress at home or school are prone to aggressiveness. However, when addressing deviant behavior among juveniles, it is essential to consider other environmental factors. As described in the case study...

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Prison Classification and Rehabilitation: Importance and Evolution

Importance of the Prison Classification Process In the field of prison work, several principles are directly related to risks, which is the basis for the need to classify prisons. Some criminals who have been convicted pose different dangers, and in this regard, the importance of prison classification is visible. In...

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Integrating Risk-Need-Responsivity Model Principles with Biblical Teachings for Offender Rehabilitation

The Aims of the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) Model A well-studied therapeutic intervention strategy, the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) model aims to decrease offenders’ chances of recidivism by meeting their individual needs. In their work on this framework, Bonta and Andrews (2006) outline fundamental elements necessary for successful therapeutic intervention. The Principles of the...

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Rehabilitation in Halfway Houses and Correctional Centers

Introduction Halfway houses and correctional facilities are integral to the rehabilitation period for different vulnerable groups. For all the different types of these institutions, they have a common goal, which is to help people with different backgrounds to socialize. These centers are supposed to provide their visitors with access to...

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Criminal Justice System: History, Structure, and Modern Perspectives

Introduction The term “criminal justice system” is often used in criminal law, policy, and punishment discussions. In everyday usage, almost no one would think to question this phrase. This way of describing the thinking system, prisons, and accusations became popular in the 1960s (Mayeux, 2018). The idea of the criminal...

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Deductive Reasoning in Criminal Justice: Key to Effective Problem-Solving

The deductive method of thinking involves starting with a general statement or assumption and bringing it to a specific conclusion through a series of logical steps. In the context of criminal justice, it plays a critical role in problem-solving and risk management (Guy, 2020). In order to use deductive thinking...

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Women in the Criminal Justice System: A Gender-Responsive Approach

Introduction There have been discussions regarding how women criminals should be handled in the criminal justice system. For instance, the punishment handed to Pieper Lewis as a 15-year-old sexual victim who killed her tormentor has raised an issue on how the incarceration of women who have committed crimes should be...

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New York City’s Bail Reform: Systemic Issues in Criminal Justice

Introduction As a result of a years-long crisis in the sphere of criminal justice, the cash bail system has been reformed in New York City. It has been criticized for numerous reasons, the main one being that people of color with low incomes were disproportionately affected (Arnaud and Sims-Agbabiaka 19)....

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Early Release: The First Step Program in Federal Prisons

Early release, which means a shorter term, is one of the main advantages of participating in the First Step program. Prisoners who meet the criteria set out in the program and have undergone rehabilitation are entitled to be released from prison before their sentence is completed (Krent, 2021). This release...

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Wrongful Convictions: Causes and Consequences

Introduction When erroneous and unfair decisions are made during criminal or civil processes, it is easily interpreted as a wrongful conviction or miscarriage of justice has occurred. Detention, incarceration, and even monetary fines imposed on innocent offenders are a few examples. Many people in the American criminal justice system have...

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Transnational Crime and Influence of Modern Technology

Transnational crime refers to any illegal activity conducted across national borders, often to maximize profits and minimize the risk of detection and prosecution. These criminal activities can take many forms, including drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, and money laundering. Four criteria define transnational crime. In order to understand and fight...

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Comparing US Federal and State Prison Systems

State and federal correctional facilities both aim at penalizing and altering criminal conduct. The sort of crime performed causes a significant distinction between federal and state prisons. Federal detention facilities are for people who infringe on federal legislation, while state jails are for those who violate local regulations. At the...

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Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important

Introduction The stable functioning of any society depends on the degree to which the rules regulating the interaction between individuals are observed. These laws protect citizens, establish the framework for interactions, and ensure people can feel safe and protected and enjoy numerous benefits available to them. Unfortunately, there have always...

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The Betty Griffin Center: Criminological Perspectives

Introduction The Betty Griffin Center is a program whose mission is to protect and provide services for recovery victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. The program operates in St. Johns County, Florida, providing shelter assistance, guidance counseling, and other standard services. Many of the programs offered by Betty Griffin...

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Leveraging Community Resources for Successful Reintegration

Introduction Community services are an essential element for the rehabilitation of parolees and their reintegration into society. They provide people on probation with the necessary support, which, for certain reasons, cannot be obtained from family and relatives. Community resources and services help parolees find work, stabilize their societal position after...

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Parole: A Path to Rehabilitation and Reintegration

Parole is a widely used criminal justice term defining a supervised release of convicts from prison into their communities before the completion of their sentence. The program aims to rehabilitate and reintegrate inmates into society, thereby reducing prison overcrowding and recidivism rate. However, despite its intended purpose, parolees still face...

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Criminal Behavior: The Key Factors

The study of factors that influence human behavior as a multifaceted process is complicated by many aspects that must be considered. A wide range of factors, such as social environment, genetics, and cultural environment, can shape behavior. Thus, what a person constantly observes in front of him in childhood can...

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Criminal Behavior: The Key Influences

Biological and situational factors are likely to push Steve toward the criminal behaviour. According to certain criminologists, human biology may predispose people to criminal behavior (Walden University, n.d.). Biological characteristics, such as variations in physiological arousal and neuroendocrine functioning, have been found to enhance the risk that individuals would engage...

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Unraveling Crimes with Automated Fingerprint Systems

Introduction Dactyloscopic information obtained as a result of state fingerprint registration can be used not only for the prevention, detection, and investigation of crimes, prevention, and detection of administrative offenses but also for the search for missing persons, confirmation of the identity of corpses, identification of living persons who are...

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Undercover Investigations and Their Limitations

An undercover investigation is a tactical process used as a law enforcement strategy to perform criminal investigations and gather evidence. In this operation, police officers present as members of the general public to learn more about criminal groups or organizations to gather the needed information. Utilizing undercover investigations benefits law...

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Sex Trafficking Among Crimes Against Children

Introduction Millions of children worldwide are impacted by the horrible crime of child sex trafficking. Children’s human rights are violated in this type of trafficking, and the victims suffer severe emotional, psychological, and bodily repercussions. The problem of child sex trafficking is complicated and multidimensional, and there are many underlying...

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Transnational Crime: Human Trafficking and Money Laundering

Introduction Transnational crime is a form of illegal activity that involves different countries and international criminal organizations. Usually, transnational crimes are considered more serious as they involve law enforcements of different countries. It can be helpful in a sense of combining forces to stop the transnational criminal groups. However, it...

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The Presentence Investigation Report and Its Purpose

The Presentence Investigation (PSI) report serves as a multidimensional evaluation of an individual’s criminal background, personal characteristics, and current status. Its primary objective is to equip the sentencing judge with the necessary information to make an astute decision regarding the most suitable sentence for the offender (McClure & Eimermann, 2023)....

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Classification of Crimes and Mediating Mechanisms

Criminology is one of the most trusted and serious spheres of society. This is due to the fact that this field investigates crimes, their causes, and appropriate penalties for committing an act prohibited by law. However, with a more detailed study of modern criminology, it is possible to identify some...

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Computer Forensics in Combatting Cybercrime

Introduction In today’s digital era, cybercrime has grown prevalent, and stopping it has become more difficult for law enforcement organizations. It involves the use of a computer or the internet to commit a crime. It may involve hacking, identity theft, cyberstalking, and the dissemination of malware. Although there are tools...

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Combating Mara Salvatrucha: Government Efforts Against a Notorious Gang

Mara Salvatrucha, commonly known as MS-13, is a violent gang with roots in El Salvador. Since its formation in Los Angeles in the 1980s, the gang has expanded its reach and influence, leading to a significant increase in crime rates and violence in the United States, Central America, and beyond....

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The Ted Bundy Case Study in Criminal Psychology

Introduction During his formative years, Ted Bundy was raised as the sole child in a household primarily composed of adults in Vermont. However, his life underwent a transformation when his mother entered into matrimony, subsequently leading to the arrival of four additional siblings reasonably swiftly. Bundy’s academic performance during his...

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Medium-Security Prison Warden: The Security Mindset

As a medium-security prison warden, I would face several challenges, such as managing overcrowded cells, maintaining protection for staff and prisoners, and preventing the spread of violence, smuggling, and gang-related problems. To effectively address these issues, I would use a combination of the following methods. First, I would put in...

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Inmate Subculture: Understanding Values, Norms, and Behaviors

Inmate subculture refers to the distinct values, norms, and behaviors that develop among incarcerated individuals as they adapt to the prison environment. It forms due to the unique challenges and pressures inmates face, such as deprivation of basic needs, loss of autonomy, and isolation from the outside world. In response,...

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Professional Codes of Ethics in Criminal Justice

Professional ethical codes are a primary tool for regulating the behavior and activities of professionals in various fields. They formulate rules and principles that professionals should follow in their work, including ethical principles and standards of conduct. In criminal justice, professional ethical codes are related to the ethics of virtue...

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Computer Forensics: Convicting Criminals Based on Computer Usage Evidence

Digital forensics is one of the most significant ways that computer usage evidence may be utilized to prosecute a criminal. Evidence gathered from computer use may be utilized in various ways, such as tracking user behavior, retrieving lost data, and examining internet traffic. Recovering lost files is one method of...

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Hate Crimes in the United States

Abstract Hate crimes are contemporary issues facing not only the United States but also other countries across the globe. The definition of hate crimes has always been challenging for scholars, policymakers, and researchers. Scholars worldwide have not reached an agreement regarding the definition of hate crime. Nevertheless, this research paper...

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Enhancing Idaho’s Correctional System

Introduction Idaho Department of Corrections is one of the most significant correctional facilities in the USA. It has nine prisons, seven probation offices, and five community re-entry centers in Idaho states (Idaho Department of Corrections). This facility, whose headquarters are in Boise, has about eight thousand prisoners in the nine...

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Forensic Psychology in Juvenile Delinquency and Recidivism

Vitopoulos, N. A., Peterson-Badali, M., Brown, S., & Skilling, T. A. (2018). The Relationship Between Trauma, Recidivism Risk, and Reoffending in Male and Female Juvenile Offenders. Journal of Child &Amp; Adolescent Trauma, 12(3), 351–364. Web. The authors are affiliated with the University of Toronto as researchers in the field of...

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Effective Police Interactions With Youth

Police officers play a very crucial role in controlling juvenile delinquency. It is believed that police officers have better tolerance when it comes to juvenile delinquency because they are usually the first individuals at a crime scene or where there is an issue. The officers solve these small crimes committed...

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Violence against Women: Article Summary and Reflection

Despite measures taken to prevent instances of violence against women (VAW), instances of women being victims of male aggression remain disturbingly high. Therefore, further efforts must be geared toward introducing preventive measures and identifying emergent threats. In her article “Situating Institutional Responses to Latina Intimate Partner Violence Victims: An Argument...

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Crime Rates in the United States

Unfortunately, there are pieces of evidence suggesting that crime rates in the United States have increased significantly. Particularly, the overall violent crime indicator rose by +5.2% in 2020 (Grawert, 2022). At the moment, American society has to face a period of political, social, and economic reforms, the worsening of the...

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Status Offenses and Female Delinquency

Introduction A status offense is a non-criminal act committed by a minor citizen. Hence, a person may be arrested for skipping school, violating a local curfew, refusing the authority of parents, or consuming alcohol and tobacco (“Status offenses by juveniles,” 2021). These actions are illegal due to a specific age...

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Gender-Based Sentencing Disparities in Homicide Criminals

The target population for the research study will primarily be homicide-convicted criminals in the prison system. An in-depth look at the American judicial system, wherein women are largely under-represented, will provide insight into gender-based sentencing disparity (Geppert, 2022). Incarcerated offenders will be divided according to the time spent, ranging from...

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Five Punishment Justifications in the U.S.

Introduction Punishment and the basis for punishing criminals considering a person’s right to dignity, as well as his or her rationality and responsibility, have been the subject of debate among philosophers, politicians, and jurists for centuries. The choice of punishment is further complicated by the differences between various classes of...

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Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Abstract The paper discusses the origin, scope, purpose, and reasons for the manifestation, as well as the principles and meaning of crime prevention through the concept of environmental design. The study’s relevance is expressed in the lack of actual knowledge and facts about the essence, meaning, significance, and nature of...

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Criminal Investigation: Grand Jury Analysis

Introduction The term grand jury refers to a group of people who determine the propriety of imputed acts. The United States remains the only country that has this body as part of the judicial system. The purpose of this type of jury is to interact with the prosecutor to determine...

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Crimes Committed in College Campuses

Crimes on college campuses can affect the educational environment for students and other stakeholders. Various crimes occur in universities, colleges, and tertiary institutions, ranging from minute to high rates of criminal incidents. It is important to note that not all college campus offenses are committed by students. Rather, it may...

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Criminology: Schools and Theories

Introduction While all three theories of crime and punishment – classical, positive, and neo-classical – are among the most popular and relevant in the study of crime, they differ significantly. The concept of crime and punishment for each school has its unique ideas and aspects of understanding. The current essay...

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Social Bond Theory in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction Social Bond Theory is a criminological theory that explains the relationship between an individual’s social bonds and their propensity to engage in criminal behavior. This theory puts emphasis on the essential role of social connections in shaping an individual’s actions and habits. It posits that people who have obtained...

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Criminal Gangs Understanding

Introduction Modern societies involve such integrated criminal groups as gangs. They conduct unlawful actions and face problems with governments. Police and special forces conduct constant investigations to reveal as many groups as possible. It is necessary to identify what criminal gangs represent together with their members to understand the consequences...

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Burglary and Its Specifics

Introduction Burglary should be viewed as a form of property crime that occurs when a perpetrator uses various unlawful means to enter any building with or without breaking doors and windows. The main goal of burglary is to gain possession of the property (Vito & Maahs, 2020). Discussion In the...

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Juvenile Crimes and Decrease in Police Department Productivity

Considering the extent of juvenile crimes and the decrease in productivity in police departments, it is essential to come up with a valuable framework that can help reduce the rate of juvenile delinquency and improve police department productivity. Juvenile crime is a growing problem in many communities, as in Memphis,...

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Improving Police Department Productivity and Reducing Juvenile Crimes

Introduction Memphis city police department provides public safety by forestalling crime, creating partnerships between police and public, and data controlled surveillance. Its staff are highly educated, technically adept, and compassionate about cultural diversity when working with different communities (Memphis Police Department, 2022). The WPD executes its work through administrative, uniform...

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Components and Purpose of the Study

Research has always been the method used to pursue information, regardless of the topic. There are times when research leads to breakthroughs in science, technology, or the discovery of new species. However, any investigation design’s validity depends on the results’ reliability. In order to obtain accurate data, it is crucial...

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Criminal Profile of the School Shooter

In the twenty-first century, violent acts such as shootings at schools have become commonplace. Many students who opened fire were the targets of social exclusion, bullying, and harassment from their fellow students. Instead, the individual’s psychological experience acts as the catalyst rather than the fact that they conflict with their...

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Different Perceptions of the Past

Everybody recalls the same incident in various ways: memorization can be influenced by a person’s emotional involvement, his attitude to what is happening, and moreover, his memory. To study how different people react and remember the same story, it is important to take as an example and analyze this topic...

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Richard Ramirez: The Night Stalker of California

Richard Ramirez was an American serial killer and rapist who terrorized California in the mid-1980s. He was dubbed the “Night Stalker” by the media and is believed to have killed at least 14 people and sexually assaulted dozens of others (Hall, 2020). Ramirez hid from the police for months, but...

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The Impact of Determinism on Crime and Punishment

If I possess a personal belief in determinism, it will profoundly affect my views of crime and punishment. Determinism is the philosophical idea that causes predetermines all events and choices outside our control (Prodanović, 2023). In other words, people’s actions are determined by forces beyond themselves, and they lack genuine...

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Gould v. North Kitsap Business Park Management

Gould v. North Kitsap Business Park Management court case started in 2009 when the applicant tripped over an unmarked wheel stop in the mall’s parking lot belonging to the defendant (Gould v. North Kitsap, 2016). Suzette Gould, Frontier Back’s former employee, aimed to visit several malls owned by Marshalls to...

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Future Considerations in Criminal Justice

Something as complicated as the justice system will have a variety of entities influencing its destiny. To anticipate and prepare for that future, leaders must frequently pinpoint emerging trends, those important worldwide patterns that will impact various sectors. Plans for the criminal justice system must consider how to effectively mitigate...

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The Flaws and Benefits of Crime Statistics

Introduction For social scientists, determining how to quantify crime is a complicated matter. Without precise data, it is impossible to examine the time and frequency variations of crime rates or determine the effectiveness of policy measures. In light of this, official crime statistics may underreport or overestimate actual rates of...

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The Significance of Dual Court Systems in Criminal Justice

The criminal justice system would be totally different today if there was no separate system of federal courts. Indeed, the investigation of many crimes would be made more complicated, since federal courts deal with crimes committed across the states or that take place at a national level (Neubauer & Fradella,...

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Sleepwalking as a Criminal Defense

Introduction I agree that sleepwalking should be a valid defense for a murder case. People who suffer from sleepwalking tend to perform complex activities while still asleep. The actions happen during deep sleep and they are not intentional. The somnambulism defense has been used in a court of law to...

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Paul’s Actions: First-Degree Murder

Introduction In the scenario described, Paul’s actions could potentially be classified as first-degree murder. First-degree murder is defined as the “intentional killing of another person by someone who has acted willfully, deliberately, or with planning” (Cornell Law School, 2022, para. 1). The purpose of this paper is to provide the...

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Alternative Programs to Incarceration in North Carolina

Pretrial Services in Franklin County Franklin County pretrial services have become an integral part of the justice system. This is due to the fact that the right to due process is fundamental to a dedication to freedom and justice (“Transforming the System”). All United States citizens are guaranteed the right...

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Experimental Designs versus Non-Experimental Designs

The three major types of research design include quasi-experimental, non-experimental, and experimental formats. The former is similar to the experimental design, but the researcher does not have complete control over the assignment of subjects to the experimental or control group (Maxfield, 2015). Quasi-experimental designs are often used in field settings...

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Drug Use Challenges in the Criminal Justice System

Introduction The criminal justice system is made up of various institutions, judiciary, and police, that ensure drug abuse is reduced and punishable. Increased tolerance, corruption, and ineffective mechanisms are the major challenges facing the criminal justice system’s efforts in curbing drug and substance use. However, the system can take advantage...

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Analysis of Trayvon Martin’s Case

On February 26, 2012, Trayvon Martin, a 17-year-old African American, was shot and killed by a neighborhood watch volunteer, George Zimmerman, in one of Florida’s gated communities. Zimmerman claimed that he shot Martin while defending himself and was ultimately acquitted of manslaughter and second-degree murder charges. The question of whether...

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Racial Discrepancy and Ethnicity of Drug Dealers

Summary of the Study The Purpose of the Study The purpose of the reviewed article is to analyze and identify the reasons for the racial discrepancy in the arrests of drug traffickers. The study uses data analysis from two sources, the first being the current National Survey of Drug Use....

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The Future of Criminology: Crime Scene Investigation of the Future

Based on the readings, it is evident that the development of technology has played a critical role in not only complicating the execution of crimes but also in resolving crime mysteries. After undertaking the module, one thing that stood out is that technology has provided mechanisms that have made it...

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Why Billy the Kid Can Be Considered an Outlaw

Introduction Billy the Kid is a prominent example of a famous outlaw. He was born in New York City in 1859 and spent his early years in Indiana and Kansas (Etulain 4). At a young age, he became involved in criminal activity and developed a reputation as a troublemaker. Discussion...

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Intersectionality Theory and Practice

The intersectional approach has drawn significant scholarly attention and has been used in various fields, including criminology. This viewpoint emphasizes the need to work toward structural changes to advance social justice and equity and the interconnectedness of oppressive institutions. Racial differences exist within the health communities and at the intersection...

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Crime and Its Sociological, Biological, Psychological Causes

Introduction Crime is a very complicated phenomenon that cannot be adequately explained by a single theory or theoretical framework. It is an unlawful act that is punishable by law. Theft, robbery, sexual assault, and manslaughter are examples of crimes done against humanity. When describing the reasons for each of these...

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A Comparative Ethical Analysis of the FBI and INTERPOL

Introduction The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is a U.S. federal criminal justice agency, while the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) is an international law enforcement agency. The FBI is an intelligence-driven and threat-based national security agency and the primary investigative arm of the United States Justice department. Additionally, it...

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Criminal Justice System Components and Processes

Introduction The criminal justice system is a complex process that includes three main parts. These are the police, the courts, and the corrections, which in turn have many subchapters and different aspects. Each of these parts has its own characteristics depending on the crime, offender, state, legal framework, etc. However,...

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Is Criminal Profiling an Efficient Method?

Introduction Criminal profiling, also widely recognized as perpetrator prefoliation, is a method that uses up-to-date knowledge of crimes and crime scenes to create psychological depictions of the perpetrator or victim. It is referred to as the third wave of police prosecutions that characterizes the criminal mind. According to Flinders et...

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Criminal Investigation: Be on the Lookout Analysis

The police department in Port St. Lucie is asking the public for assistance in locating two house burglary suspects. A man who appears to be wearing a blue labor uniform short-sleeved shirt knocked on the front door of a property in Port St Lucie along Quay Street on Monday in...

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Subcultural Theories and Criminal Behavior

Introduction Culture is a set of unspoken rules and principles of behaviors, attitudes, and perceptions in a particular society. In this regard, the relevant cultural values ​​of a certain community can be associated with delinquency and crime if these values ​​are based on distorted notions of interaction between people. Discussion...

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Is Harry Faced with an Ethical Dilemma: Criminal Investigation

As a correctional officer, Harry has issues handling George, an inmate. Harry feels that George is intentionally challenging his authority leading to bad blood between them. Harry encounters an ethical dilemma as he tries to punish George. He is torn between either using an informal process or maintaining a formal...

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Footwear and Firearm Evidence: Crime Scene Investigation

It is important to note that footprint and firearm evidence can be highly useful in identifying and narrowing the pool of suspects. In the case of the former, footwear leaves an impression, which needs to be photographed and cast procedurally in order to ensure its future use for examinations. Firearms...

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Shoeprint Evidence: Crime Scene Investigation

Shoes and various types of footwear are crucial evidence. They may be soiled with dust, mud, debris, plants, or blood. In addition to the availability of trace evidence, footwear is valuable for comparing pattern impressions (Fisher & Fisher, 2022). Shoes should be wrapped separately in paper bags to prevent cross-contamination...

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Psychological Science in the Public Interest

A pre-trial hearing is often scheduled after an accused’s first arraignment in court. A pre-trial hearing is intended to resolve and clarify any concerns before to court case such that it runs swiftly when held. In essence, pre-trial proceedings allow the parties to share relevant information and assess the case....

Words: 637 Pages: 2

Theoretical Justifications for Crime

Among the many social issues, crime tops the list due to its impact on society, which calls for understanding its motives. That means that crime against people, communities, and institutions at the societal level also affects society. These effects are mainly financial and outcome from spending on forestalling crime, impacts...

Words: 1139 Pages: 4

How Forensic Scientists Examine Textile Fibers

In forensics, various instrumental fabric and fiber analysis methods allow the identification of perpetrators and victims, making assumptions about the crimes committed. This essay discussed a case scenario in which a suspected sexual assault victim was apprehended by law enforcement. The victim’s green sweater, made from a blend of cotton...

Words: 807 Pages: 2