The Activities of Labor Unions

Trace the evolution of the legal status of American unions. What activities were restricted by laws and courts? Did constraints increase or decline with time?

The legal status of American unions has undergone numerous transformations in the search for recognition as legitimate organizations. Before the 19th century, labor unions faced legal restrictions that prohibited activities such as strikes and boycotts.

However, the implementation of the Wagner Act emphasized the rights of employees to address malpractices by employers through union activities. Also, the Norris-LaGuardia Act stipulated restrictions on the injunctions that federal courts issued against labor unions.

Towards the end of the 19th century, the Supreme Court eliminated the illegalization of collective organizing and bargaining by labor unions but maintained that activities, which compromised trade and other important activities were illegal.

Who were the most effective union leaders during the 1930s and 1940s? What are your criteria for effectiveness? Would these same leaders be effective now?

One of the most effective union leaders in the 1930s and 1940s was John Lewis. Lewis’ aggressive leadership strategies led to increased wages for workers through the Union Mine Workers organization.

Another effective union leader was Sidney Hillman who promoted the concept of industrial unionism and was instrumental in the formation of the Congress of Industrial Organization (CIO).

The two leaders sought to address the grievances of both the skilled and unskilled workers unlike the leaders of AFL who preferred to exclude unskilled workers from the union.

Lewis and Hillman would be effective today because their activities focused on promoting the objectives of labor unions, which is the case for modern labor unions.

In the absence of federal labor laws, what do you think the scope and nature of labor relations would be in the United States?

Federal labor laws protect employees from unfair practices by employers through the stipulation of regulations regarding working hours, safety at the workplace, workers’ compensation and benefits, and other aspects of employee protection.

In this regard, the absence of labor laws would limit the scope of labor unions in bargaining for workers’ rights.

Labor laws give labor unions the authority to present workers’ grievances in courts by defining various legal responsibilities in labor relations and thus enable workers to lobby for the improvements of work conditions.

Without the federal labor laws, labor relations in the United States would be in jeopardy due to the lack of legal liability for employers who violate worker’s right.

Are current labor laws capable of dealing with labor-management problems, or should they be abolished? If abolished, what should their replacements (if any) address?

Globalization has led to a significant decline in the current labor laws because they entail rules and regulations relating to labor management in the national context and thus expose a large number of employees to inhumane working conditions.

The international nature of most organizations presents loopholes relating to the jurisdictional application of labor laws, which current laws fail to address appropriately.

In this regard, the adoption of labor laws that tackle the diversity of corporate codes and social clauses in different countries is crucial to the creation of a framework that ensures the promotion of employee protection in the global context.

How should the union movement respond structurally to the increasing globalization of business?

Labor unions should respond to the increasing globalization of businesses by expanding their employee-protection agenda to incorporate activities of international organizations.

Incorporating the International Framework Agreements (IFAs) within the structure of labor unions will provide a system for social dialogue in the international context.

IFAs ensure that labor unions agree with multinational companies on working conditions with the assistance of Global Union Federations (GUFs). Also, labor unions should form alliances at the transnational level to address issues relating to international business and trade agreements.

Labor unions that are members of the Global Unions can address employees’ issues through organizations such as the TUAC.

How can the inclusion of women in the top leadership positions in local and national unions be increased?

To increase the number of women in top leadership positions in both the local and national unions, union leaders should create programs for training women on various leadership roles to eliminate the discomfort associated with conflicts and aggression in union activities.

Labor unions should define specific roles for women leaders to promote flexible schedules that ensure women can balance work and family issues. Traditionally, unions focused on addressing men’s issues because they were the majority of workers.

The lack of gender-sensitive policies in trade unions discourages women from joining unions and seeking leadership positions. Addressing women concerns in labor unions will encourage their active involvement in union activities.

Why has the labor movement been in decline?

The activities of labor movements have been on the decline due to the increase in governmental regulation. In this regard, aspects of collective bargaining have minimized because governments are implementing policies that define a framework for the civil litigation of employers.

The shift away from labor arbitration by unions is because governmental regulations enforce labor laws using approaches that counter managerial interests with greater formality in comparison to labor unions.

Governments have greater influence over the activities of employers in comparison to labor unions and begin enforcing labor laws as early as the recruitment stage.

What is your belief about the appropriate role of unions in society?

Unions provide a system for individuals with common interests to lobby administrative bodies to address their concerns. Enrolment in unions should be a neutral process that incorporates both the skilled and unskilled workers to ensure that employers maintain appropriate practices.

Labor unions should create a framework that promotes the realization of workers’ goals without subjecting the employer to malice. Thus, unions should promote the protection of the right of both the workers and employers as defined in the corporate and legal frameworks.

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 11). The Activities of Labor Unions.

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"The Activities of Labor Unions." LawBirdie, 11 Feb. 2025,


LawBirdie. (2025) 'The Activities of Labor Unions'. 11 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "The Activities of Labor Unions." February 11, 2025.

1. LawBirdie. "The Activities of Labor Unions." February 11, 2025.


LawBirdie. "The Activities of Labor Unions." February 11, 2025.