National Security Studies on Migration and Terrorism Threats


National security and threats are critical topics for study to reduce risks and protect the nation. A selection of the articles by Adamson (2006) and Ibrahimi (2018) offers interesting information to explore these aspects and can be a foundation for further research of the related themes. Despite differences in the research focus, both pieces help study national security issues and the threat of terrorism.

Contributions of Key Studies

Each paper has value in its areas of research and contributes to scientific literature. Adamson (2006) builds a link between migration and national security, offering a comprehensive and balanced view. The researcher’s argument is thorough, as the article discusses multiple aspects of national security and migration, as well as their positive and negative impact. Ibrahimi (2018) offers a framework for analyzing Jihadi-Salafi groups, mainly the reasons for their emergence, which can be widely used for research. Such a selection of studies can be supplemented by other articles, which can contribute to understanding security issues.

Human Rights and Security Concerns

Ensuring security, including protection from the threat of terrorism, is related to the issue of human rights. In some models of security support, protection efforts lead to restrictions on people’s freedom, as discussed in the article by Kerr and Heiler (2022). Approaches in the fight against terrorism tend to limit the rights of people dominate among modern states. However, international organizations propose new strategies that require ensuring complete freedom for people (Kerr & Heiler, 2022). This article complements the selection above, as it critically assesses various approaches to ensuring national security, including protection against the threat of terrorism.


Thus, various studies consider national security, protection strategies, and the roots of threats. Studies present different perspectives, complementing each other and contributing to a comprehensive understanding of various security aspects. Articles by Adamson (2006) and Ibrahimi (2018) are interesting and valuable sources of information. They focus on issues of national security, migration, and terrorism. Kerr and Heiler’s (2022) study can complement the selection of these articles. They present the perspective of approaches to national protection from various threats and their impact on people’s rights.


Adamson, F. B. (2006). Crossing borders: International migration and national security. International Security, 31(1), 165–199. Web.

Ibrahimi, Y. (2018). Violence-producing dynamics of fragile states: How state fragility in Iraq contributed to the emergence of Islamic State. Terrorism and Political Violence, 32(6), 1245–1267. Web.

Kerr, S., & Heiler, J. (2022). Counter-terrorism, discrimination, and freedom of thought, conscience, religion, or belief. The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 20(4), 12-20. Web.

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 2). National Security Studies on Migration and Terrorism Threats.

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"National Security Studies on Migration and Terrorism Threats." LawBirdie, 2 Feb. 2025,


LawBirdie. (2025) 'National Security Studies on Migration and Terrorism Threats'. 2 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "National Security Studies on Migration and Terrorism Threats." February 2, 2025.

1. LawBirdie. "National Security Studies on Migration and Terrorism Threats." February 2, 2025.


LawBirdie. "National Security Studies on Migration and Terrorism Threats." February 2, 2025.