Criminal Justice Program Evaluation in Texas

Description of the Selected Program

The criminal justice program selected is the Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF) Program in Texas. SAFPF provides services to qualified inmates identified with the need for substance use treatment. It is a part of the state’s Substance Abuse Treatment Program (SATPF), run by the Rehabilitation Programs Division of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility, n.d.). Assessments must be done to ensure those who are included in the program have substance abuse issues.

SAFPF is composed of a first phase of at least a six-month in-prison program. This step allows the intimates to undergo cognitive and behavioral treatment with interventions aimed at helping them start their journey of recovering from drug abuse. This is followed by a second phase of up to three months of residential aftercare in a transitional treatment center. In this period, there is treatment and attempts to transition to the community by helping participants seek employment. The third step is six to nine months of outpatient aftercare and up to one year of follow-up supervision and support groups (SAFPF, 2022). The program provides a nine-month in-facility program for special needs inmates with medical or mental health issues. Individuals who participate in SAFPF often have a history of lower levels on the treatment continuum, repeated treatment failure, a history of absconding, and severe substance and drug addiction. The program is designed to help intimates recover from substance abuse and become useful members of society.

A judge is responsible for sentencing inmates to SAFPF as a condition of community supervision in place of state jail or as voted in the Board of Pardon and Parole. The program aims to provide different treatment options for persons suffering from drug abuse and addiction-related problems. SAFPF special needs unit addressed mental health issues, physical disability, medication, personality disorder, and their relation to drug and substance abuse (SAFPF, 2022). The general idea is that when they treat these persons, Texas will not have the same crime repeatedly and prevent recidivism. The program additionally focuses on making a successful transition to the community by finding sustainable family reintegration, peer support, and employment.

Purpose of Evaluation of the Program

The significance of evaluating the SAFPF program is to survey its adequacy in providing treatment for drug abusers and diminishing substance use among members. Performing the assessment would be helpful to the organization for it to decide if the program is accomplishing its set goals and objectives. The program is implemented to enable inmates to oppose peer strain and revolt against drug use (Tarrant County, TX, n.d). The evaluation will require the organization to make confusion about its effectiveness in solving the challenge. Positive results will indicate that the program is compelling in decreasing substance and drug use among members.

Impact of Policy on SAFPF Program

Drug misuse policies involve laws that control the use and distribution of prescription and illicit drugs. Guidelines have been implemented to help people recover from drug dependence and prevent misuse. Drug abuse policies address prevention methods and how drugs affect different populations (Eslami & Abdolahi, 2021). Policies work in the prevention of substance abuse and educate people on the dangers of drug use and sale. Policies are essential for the SAFPF program as they enable it to perform its drug abuse treatment and prevention functions. The policies provide guidelines for the program on how to help affected individuals. The policies offer the program initiatives to lower drug usage among the members.

The Evaluation Process

Evaluation of the program is essential to assess its effectiveness and to check any modifications that need to be implemented. Measuring the effect of the SAFPF program on its participants is a step in the evaluation process. The program involves various operations, such as defining the problem, implementing research-based programming, collecting and analyzing data, reassessing the program, and finding solutions (SAFPF, 2022). It is critical for the organization to see how it works and the improvements that can be made to achieve better outcomes. It is not good to put money into programs that ate not working or helping the community to achieve its intended goal of eliminating drug abuse. Participants’ data will be collected and evaluated on how well drug use has been reduced. The organization needs the assessment to know how well its members gain help. Members will be assessed for the usage of education acquired on the effects of drug abuse and its impact on their current lives. Peer pressure will be evaluated by increased self-esteem, and the capacity to react positively to peer pressure will link to training acquired.

Data to be Collected During Program Evaluation

Information gathered throughout the SAFPF program assessment includes self-reports on drug usage by the participant. Data on changes in the participant’s drug use will be collected following the completion of the program. Self-esteem changes of the members will be essential a reaction to peer pressure, especially drug abuse. Additionally, mental health improvement will help check the treatment options’ effectiveness and evaluate how well the program works to improve the condition.

Expectations from Evaluation

The evaluation expectations involve the need to determine the SAFPF program’s effectiveness in countering the drug abuse challenge. The review will be essential to show whether the program has accomplished the intended outcomes. Knowledge of implementation and strategy as designed will help gather confidence in the program’s success. The evaluation will assist in knowing the most cost-effective and beneficial programs. The main agenda is to cut down on drug and substance abuse, and without the help of the community and the criminal justice system, programs may not work effectively.


Eslami, R., & Abdolahi, A. (2021). The circle policy makes drug abuse according to general anti-narcotics policies. Quarterly Journal of the Macro and Strategic Policies, 9(35), 532-556. Web.

SAFPF: Substance abuse felony punishment facility: Criminal defense. Hoeller McLaughlin PLLC. Web.

Substance Abuse Felony Punishment Facility (SAFPF) program and SAFPF Re-Entry Court. Tarrant County, TX. (n.d.). Web.

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 2). Criminal Justice Program Evaluation in Texas.

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"Criminal Justice Program Evaluation in Texas." LawBirdie, 2 Feb. 2025,


LawBirdie. (2025) 'Criminal Justice Program Evaluation in Texas'. 2 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "Criminal Justice Program Evaluation in Texas." February 2, 2025.

1. LawBirdie. "Criminal Justice Program Evaluation in Texas." February 2, 2025.


LawBirdie. "Criminal Justice Program Evaluation in Texas." February 2, 2025.