Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important


The stable functioning of any society depends on the degree to which the rules regulating the interaction between individuals are observed. These laws protect citizens, establish the framework for interactions, and ensure people can feel safe and protected and enjoy numerous benefits available to them. Unfortunately, there have always been individuals breaking the law for various purposes. They pose a threat to the preservation of order and slow down society’s development. For this reason, the government, as the central institution, is responsible for punishing these offenders and restoring peace. Jails play an essential role in this process and are an important part of the judiciary system. It can be determined as the short-term holding facility where arrested and awaiting sentencing individuals are placed. These functions are central to the work of the judiciary system and providing fair punishment.


Modern jails have several vital purposes necessary for the stable work of the judiciary system. They first emerged as the place where offenders were detained until the proclamation of the sentence. Nowadays, this function remains essential, and numerous suspects await court action on their charges (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2020). Moreover, jails are also used to readmit probation and parole violators or detain juveniles until their cases are transferred to juvenile authorities (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2020). In some cases, jail can be used to hold individuals for the military or hold inmates and transfer them to other institutions (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2020). Furthermore, witnesses necessary for courts might be held in jails to protect them from criminals or ensure they remain available (Roberson & Winters, 2019). In such a way, jails have numerous functions necessary for working with offenders, accused individuals, or those who require additional attention from other authorities.

The diversity of functions performed by jails and their importance for society mean there is a critical need for their stable work. For this reason, there are specific jail standards regulating the work of these units and introducing specific rules that should be observed. The primary purpose of these standards is to ensure that all jails operating within a state employ the same approach outlined in the law (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2020). It means that a set of these rules play an important role in the work of the whole system. The absence of standards will result in a lack of understanding of how to deal with various cases or interact with individuals who are accused, or wait for other actions. The non-compliance with standards might also lead to numerous violations and infringements on human rights. Under these conditions, they are essential for the work of jails and their effective functioning.

Jail inspections can be viewed as a potent tool to ensure the standards mentioned above are observed. The process implies the evaluation and assessment of the unit to determine its compliance with the existing regulations, outline violations if they are present, and create the basis for improving management and operations (Roberson & Winters, 2019). In such a way, jail inspections are a potent tool to control the system’s work and guarantee that individuals placed in these facilities are treated within the existing legal field. Furthermore, by gathering information about jails, inspectors create the basis for reforming the system and introducing improvements that might be necessary at the moment (Roberson & Winters, 2019). That is why the process is fundamental for the work of the system and its evolution, as its principal purpose is detecting flaws and offering ways to correct them.

Finally, jail accreditation is another process vital for the effective investigation of various cases and the provision of punishment. The activity implies that correctional facilities measure themselves against standards adopted at the national level and receive formal recognition and accredited status (Schmalleger & Smykla, 2020). Thus, accreditation aims to help facilities limit legal liability and remain within the existing legal field. Accreditation might help to protect the health of staff and inmates, protect a jail against potential lawsuits, and establish practices that might make certification easier in the future. Under these conditions, accreditation is fundamental for the work of jails and their ability to comply with the current standards and demands (Roberson & Winters, 2019). Facilities that fail to acquire necessary accreditation face the risk of additional investigation to find the causes for violations and undesired practices.


Altogether, jails are facilities vital for the functioning of society and its further development. The primary purpose is to detain suspects awaiting court action. Moreover, there are other functions, such as holding witnesses, readmitting individuals to other authorities, or protecting witnesses when it is necessary. The effective work of jails depends on their ability to meet the standards introduced by the government, meaning that these rules play a critical role. Moreover, jails inspections and accreditation are processes necessary for the improvement of the whole system and the timely response to problems that might emerge. In such a way, jails, as well as standards, inspections, and accreditations, are important for the work of the whole system. They ensure there are no critical problems that might impact the effectiveness of these facilities and deteriorate outcomes.


Roberson, C., & Winters, R. (2019). Procedures in the justice system (12th ed.). Pearson.

Schmalleger, F., & Smykla, J. (2020). Corrections in the 21st century (9th ed.). McGraw Hill.

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LawBirdie. (2024, August 3). Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important. https://lawbirdie.com/why-jails-standards-and-accreditation-are-important/

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"Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important." LawBirdie, 3 Aug. 2024, lawbirdie.com/why-jails-standards-and-accreditation-are-important/.


LawBirdie. (2024) 'Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important'. 3 August.


LawBirdie. 2024. "Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important." August 3, 2024. https://lawbirdie.com/why-jails-standards-and-accreditation-are-important/.

1. LawBirdie. "Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important." August 3, 2024. https://lawbirdie.com/why-jails-standards-and-accreditation-are-important/.


LawBirdie. "Why Jails Standards and Accreditation Are Important." August 3, 2024. https://lawbirdie.com/why-jails-standards-and-accreditation-are-important/.