Violent Crimes Categorization and Prosecution


State-specific definitions of violent crimes may differ, although they frequently include significant property crimes like arson, assault, and battery on another person, as well as sexual offenses like rape. The Federal Bureau of Investigation divides violent crimes into four categories for statistical purposes: murder, forcible rape, robbery, and severe assault (FBI, 2022). Many jurisdictions include murder and non-negligent manslaughter as violent crimes, despite the fact that homicide crimes are frequently seen as a distinct category of criminal law.

Categorizing Violent Crimes

Most states classify crimes that involve causing bodily harm or fear of bodily harm to another person as violent crimes. Assault and battery are two of these crimes that occur most frequently. A deliberate act of assault makes another person fearful of impending physical danger. While battery and assault are comparable, the latter requires that there have been actual physical interactions or injuries. Historically, the two offenses were distinct from one another, several states today refer to assault and battery as a single offense. In situations where the threat of damage is highly offensive, such as when the assault is carried out with a lethal weapon, assault may also worsen.

Many states also categorize specific violent crimes according to specific victim groups who may be harmed or threatened with harm by a perpetrator. Domestic violence and child abuse are two of these. Abuse against people who are family members or with whom the perpetrator has a close relationship is classified as domestic abuse (NCSL, 2019). The federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) forbids it, and other states have passed comparable laws to handle the special circumstances of domestic violence crimes. Similar to this, the majority of states go above and above to safeguard children given their status as particularly vulnerable victims and to hold those responsible for child abuse accountable. These laws frequently include emotional and sexual abuse in their definition of child abuse, in addition to physical harm. Although several states have also passed separate abduction provisions, child abuse statutes may also prosecute kidnapping.

Offensive sexual offenses are often considered violent felonies under both state and federal law; these include sexual assault and rape. Sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent is considered rape, which is a type of battery. It may use violent physical contact, emotional manipulation, or the victim’s incapacity to give consent, among other methods (NIJ, 2022). Because the victim is subjected to extremely offensive violations in any of these situations, it is regarded as a violent crime. When an adult has sex with someone who is younger than the legal age of consent, which varies from state to state, it is referred to as statutory rape. Even if the youngster gave their genuine assent, the conduct is nonetheless classified as criminal rape because the younger participant is legally unable to consent.

Arson is one sort of property crime that has been defined by criminal laws as being so destructive as to constitute a violent crime, despite the fact that property crimes are typically considered to be a separate category of offenses. Arson is the deliberate burning of another person’s property, frequently a private residence (NIJ, 2022). Arson is penalized severely by the law because it is such a damaging crime.

The term “violent crime” refers to a wide range of offenses, from simple assault to murder. The use of weapons like knives, firearms, and caustic substances like acid are also included. Murder and manslaughter are crimes in which one person kills another without authorization (NIJ, 2022). Both offenses qualify as homicides. A rational person who murders another person illegally with the purpose of killing or seriously hurting them has committed murder. If there is a valid defense, such as self-defense, it is not regarded as unlawful killing. One of three actions constitutes manslaughter: When someone dies as a result of grossly negligent behavior, it is not considered murder because there was a loss of control (previously known as “provocation”), diminished responsibility, or a suicide pact. However, when someone dies as a result of an illegal and dangerous act, it is considered murder.

Other specific homicide offenses include infanticide, which is the intentional killing of an infant, and killing someone while driving recklessly or recklessly. Weapons made of acid and other corrosive materials, such as bleach or ammonia, are possible (Daly & Wilson, 2017). Attacks using caustic and acidic substances have a catastrophic impact on the victims. Attacks with acids or other corrosive substances can have long-term effects like blindness, irreversible body and facial scarring, and social or psychological issues.

Prosecution of Violent Crimes

A variety of criminal charges may be brought against someone for assaulting or physically harming another person. Prosecutors and police officers will weigh the seriousness of the victim’s injuries, the offender’s complicity in perpetrating the crime, and the anticipated punishment the court would impose when determining the proper charge. Depending on the severity of the injuries involved, three separate offenses can be taken into account. In the event that a person is found guilty, these various offenses will also result in a variety of potential penalties. Common Assault: when there are no injuries or only minor injuries. The maximum punishment for it is six months in prison and/or a fine. Actual Bodily Harm (ABH) refers to instances of grave injury. ABH has a maximum penalty of six months in prison, as well as a fine that is either limitless or not more than the legal maximum. The maximum sentence for causing grievous bodily harm (GBH), often known as wounding, is five years in prison. GBH occurs when there is an extremely significant injury. When there is a particularly serious injury, and the aim is to create GBH, this is referred to as Causing GBH or Injuring with Intent to Cause GBH. The maximum sentence for intentionally inflicting GBH is life in prison.

Penalties for robbery cases can be very severe. Robbery, and particularly armed robbery, can result in prison term if a person is convicted, depending on the jurisdiction. In facing such charges, one should choose a criminal defense attorney with experience in defending clients accused of robbery or armed robbery. Various forms of harassment, abuse, or harm are included in assault and battery, which are frequently charged simultaneously. Finding a criminal defense attorney with experience in defending clients accused of violent offenses is essential if a person is accused of assault or battery.

Carjacking, or the theft of a motor vehicle from another person, can carry extraordinarily heavy penalties. Particularly, if other circumstances, including the movement of the vehicle across state lines, are present (Jacobs & Cherbonneau, 2022). Choosing the best criminal defense attorney to assist with the case if one is accused of carjacking could be the greatest opportunity to preserve freedom. Allegations of child abuse can be distressing; because of the unfavorable nature of the allegations, suspected child abusers frequently feel victimized by the legal system. If a person requires legal counsel due to allegations of child abuse, they should choose a committed and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney to handle the case.

Abuse, aggression, or threatening behavior perpetrated within a family framework is referred to as domestic violence. Authorities occasionally choose to press charges even when the alleged victim does not want to. A competent criminal defense lawyer can defend a person’s rights and try to reduce punishments if they are accused of domestic abuse. In most places, harsh penalties are applied to hate crimes, which are acts of violence committed against someone because of their race, sexual orientation, or other characteristics. Prison time, probation, or fines are all potential punishments. A criminal defense attorney with experience defending clients accused of violent crimes should be retained if a person has been accused of a hate crime.

The crime of kidnapping has heavy penalties; kidnapping is the act of taking someone else against their will, and the consequences are worse if there are extra factors involved, such as taking a juvenile or doing it while committing a carjacking. A knowledgeable criminal defense attorney should be contacted soon away if one has been accused of abduction. In many parts of the nation, those who commit acts of terrorism or even make terrorist threats face terrible punishment. In the event that a person is charged with terrorism, they will require a criminal defense attorney who can effectively defend them and stand up for their rights in court.

Analysis and Impact

In the United States, violent crime is a persistent and significant social and political issue. A number of factors are known to affect crime, including ever-accelerating societal change, the cumulative impacts of unemployment, racism, dwindling resources and output, inflation, and an unresponsive bureaucracy. Local law enforcement officials alone are unable to address the issue of violent crime in their neighborhoods (IACP, 2022). The issue is too complex and widespread to be solved by one-off solutions. Just as it committed to putting a man on the moon thirty years ago, the country must make a commitment to itself to put an end to violent crime. The work would be considerably more difficult and unquestionably one that needs to be shared by all facets of society.


In conclusion, a violent crime is a particular subcategory of crime in general that involves the use or threat of harmful force against a victim. The definition of a violent crime differs between nations and even between states. What constitutes a violation of a certain jurisdiction’s laws is determined by that jurisdiction. Violent crimes include many variations all of which has their peculiarities and ways of prosecution. Their types differ in accordance with the level of harm that one has made to another person.


Daly, M., & Wilson, M. (2017). Homicide. Routledge.

FBI. (2022). Violent crime. Web.

IACP. (2022). Violent crime in America: Summit recommendations. Web.

Jacobs, B. A., & Cherbonneau, M. (2022). Carjacking: Scope, structure, process, and prevention. Annual Review of Criminology, 6. Web.

NCSL. (2019). Domestic violence/Domestic abuse definitions and relationships. Web.

NIJ. (2022). Violent crime. Web.

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 9). Violent Crimes Categorization and Prosecution.

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"Violent Crimes Categorization and Prosecution." LawBirdie, 9 Feb. 2025,


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LawBirdie. 2025. "Violent Crimes Categorization and Prosecution." February 9, 2025.

1. LawBirdie. "Violent Crimes Categorization and Prosecution." February 9, 2025.


LawBirdie. "Violent Crimes Categorization and Prosecution." February 9, 2025.