94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples
๐ Punishment Research Papers Examples
- Why Does Crime Require Punishment?Law essay sample: The law defines a crime as an act or intention to commit the act that is against the laid down moral standards for which the victim can be convicted.
- Capital Punishment and the Concept of RedemptionLaw essay sample: Death penalty as a concept goes against all principles of humanism, is in no way aimed at reforming a criminal, it must be banned from any legal system.
- China's Legal System: Crime and PunishmentLaw essay sample: The legal system creates institutions which help to settle disputes arising as a result of the scarcity of resources as people or institutions fight over the scarce resources.
- Criminal Law: Capital PunishmentLaw essay sample: The paper discusses capital punishment. It refers to the legally recognized imposition of death as a penalty and it has been used for a broad selection of felonies.
- Juvenile Delinquency: Punishment and SentencingLaw essay sample: The paper discusses punishment philosophies associated with the juvenile courts' process, sanctions involved, legal factors of sentencing, and the appeal process.
- Unusual and Cruel Punishment Cases in the United StatesLaw essay sample: This paper will consider several cases that relate to extraordinary and excessive penalties for an offense against the law, including wrongfully establishing the death penalty.
- Researching of Utilitarian and Retributive Theories of PunishmentLaw essay sample: The utilitarian theory of punishment seems more reasonable because it can prevent wrongdoing instead of simply delivering the punishment.
- Misguided Assumptions About Crime and PunishmentLaw essay sample: Americans overestimate the likelihood of crime. Fear of crime is generated by media coverage and entertainment.
- Juvenile Justice on DelinquencyLaw essay sample: The main debate within the juvenile delinquency concept is the justification of dynamic corporal punishment among the youths.
- The Principle of Retributivism in SentencingLaw essay sample: Although the person whose rights were infringed may not get back what was taken away from them, retributive justice helps compensate the victims.
- Punishment for Criminal OffendersLaw essay sample: The definition of punishment for various types of criminal offense is to take into account many factors and features.
- Lack of Air Conditioning in Prisons as PunishmentLaw essay sample: Lack of air conditioning in prisons violates the Eighth Amendment, which protects inmates from cruel and unusual punishment.
- Deterrence in the Criminal Justice SystemLaw essay sample: Sentencing policies and imprisonment that involve punishment, rehabilitation, retribution, and incapacitation commonly have a diversity of goals.
- Crime: The Main Theories and FormsLaw essay sample: The two main forms of crime are violent crime and nonviolent crime. The two main theories used to study crime are biological theories and sociological theories.
- Do We Need Harsher Punishments for Criminals?Law essay sample: The paper argues that criminals across the world should get harsh punishment for their illegal actions to prevent further cases and reduce the resources.
- Probation as a Future Punishment AlternativeLaw essay sample: The President's Council on Enforcement Agencies and Justice Administration report had just started to have a significant impact on public and professional opinion ten years ago.
- Sex Offenders: Crime Prevention and PunishmentLaw essay sample: Nowadays, there are several ways in which parents and the larger community can protect children from sex offenders.
- Drug Addiction and Violent Crime RehabilitationLaw essay sample: Drug addiction and violent crime are of grave concern to the people of the United States (U.S.). The problem of drugs contributes to the rise in crime.
- The Impact of Determinism on Crime and PunishmentLaw essay sample: Looking at crime and punishment through this lens implies that criminal offenders are not responsible for their actions but must be held accountable.
- Social Inequality in the Dudley and Stevens CaseLaw essay sample: Substantive criminal law reform that would reduce the breadth of punishments could reduce the prison population, but society would become unsafe.
- Criminology: Schools and TheoriesLaw essay sample: This paper analyzes the three criminology theories, proposing that the neoclassical school provides the most valuable insights into why people commit crimes.
- Five Punishment Justifications in the U.S.Law essay sample: Excessive punishment would be unjust, and insufficient punishment would not completely destroy the offender's advantage due to his or her crime.
- Juveniles and the Criminal Justice SystemLaw essay sample: The term juvenile is commonly used in the criminal justice system when people below the age of 18 have committed or are suspected of committing an offense.
- Male, Female, and Juvenile Sex Offenders: Punishment DifferenceLaw essay sample: The paper has discussed the difference in punishment given to adult male and female sex offenders as well as juveniles.
๐ Simple Research Topics about Punishment
- Kant and Aquinas’ Theories of Retributive Punishment
- Proportionality as a Moral Principle of Punishment
- Norm Expressivism and Punishment in International Relations
- Exploring the Rights Forfeiture Theory of Punishment
- Collateral Tax Sanctions as a Way to Correlate Punishment With Ability
- Retribution and Restitution in Locke’s Theory of Punishment
- Crime as Punishment: A Legal Perspective on Vigilantism
- Punishment and Brutalization in the English Enlightenment
- Monetary and Nonmonetary Punishment in the Voluntary Contributions Mechanism
- Loss of a Cause of Action as Punishment for Contempt
- Rehabilitative Penology as an Alternative Theory of Punishment
- The Metamorphosis of Definition of Punishment in International Criminal Law
- Punishment Outside Prison in Modern Penal Policy
- Asymmetric Roles of Different Punishments Under Centralized Sanctions
- The Implications of Remand Time Constituting Punishment
- Bargaining for Punishment as an Alternative Approach in Corruption Law Enforcement
- Probationary Supervision as a Form of Non-Custodial Punishment
- Between the Relative and Eclectic Theory of Punishment in Positive Criminal Law
- A Nietzschean Critique of Christianity and Retributive Punishment
- Effects of Punishment Certainty and Severity on Organizational Deviance
- Cultural Similarities and Differences in Punishment Decisions
- The System of Consideration of Circumstances Affecting the Amount of Criminal Punishment
- On the Theory and Practice of Punishment in Plato’s “Laws”
- The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Politics and Pragmatics of Punishment
- Ecocide: Punishment for Crimes Against the Environment
- Analyzing the Practice of Applying Punishment for Human Trafficking
- Work as Punishment: Penal Subjectivities in Punitive Labor Regimes
- The Inevitability Principle of Punishment in the Age of Justice Digitalization
- Intuitive Anger in the Context of Crime and Punishment
- Durkheim on Crime and Punishment in “The Rules of Sociological Method”
- Historical Perspectives on Punishment and Social Control
- Bifurcation of Private and Public Responsibilities in Criminal Punishment
- The Political Economy of Punishment: Trends and Patterns
- Solitary Confinement as Punishment: In-Prison Sanctioning Disparities
- A Comparison of Punishment Systems in Europe and the US
- Legal Authoritarianism in the Impact of Punishment Severity on Juror Decisions
- Changes in Perceptions of Punishment Over Time
- The Role of Demonization in Motives for Punishing Powerful vs. Powerless Offenders
- Prosecution and Punishment of Corporate Criminality
- The Deterrent Effect of the Perceived Certainty and Severity of Punishment
โ Punishment Research Questions
- What Is the Definition of Punishment in Criminology?
- Should Punishments Be Strict, or Should People Be Given Second Chances?
- What Are the Justifications for Punishment?
- Is Public Service a Good Type of Punishment for a Crime?
- How Does the Victim’s Gender Impact the Severity of Punishment for the Offender?
- What Is the Most Effective Theory of Punishment?
- How to Make the Punishment Fit the Crime?
- What Did Foucault Consider to Be the Purpose of Public Punishments?
- Do People Respect the Law, or Do They Fear Punishment?
- Why Should Additional Punitive Measures Be Added to Community Sentences?
- Is Rehabilitation a Realistic and Achievable Goal Within the Context of Punishment?
- Can Various Forms of Punishment Be Rationally Compared?
- Should There Be a Difference Between Punishing Adults and Young People?
- Why Is Adultery Not Considered a Punishable Crime Anymore?
- How Do Victims Perceptions of Punishment Change When They Communicate With Offenders?
- What Is Meant by ‘Retributive Punishment’?
- Does the Punishment of Either Young Offenders or Their Parents Really Help Victims?
- How Can Society Be More Effective in Punishing Crime?
- What Can Explain Varying Degrees of Punishment for Similar Criminal Behaviors?
- Has Punishment Played a Role in the Evolution of Cooperation?
- Can Disproportionate Punishment Be Considered a Human Rights Violation?
- What Is Meant by ‘Just Deserts’ Within Ideas of Punishment?
- Is Severe Punishment the Answer to the Problem of Crime?
- What Is the Main Principle Underpinning Judgement and Sentencing in Criminal Punishment?
- Should the Victim Be Involved in Determining Punishment?
- How Does Criminology Research Impact Real-world Policymaking When It Comes to Punishment?
- How Does the Juvenile Justice System Balance Punishment With Rehabilitation?
- To What Extent Does Public Perception of Crime Influence the Severity of Punishment?
- How Does Forgiveness Intersect With the Goals of Punishment?
- What Are the Key Challenges Facing Contemporary Penological Practices?