94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples

๐Ÿ“ Punishment Research Papers Examples

  1. Why Does Crime Require Punishment?
    Law essay sample: The law defines a crime as an act or intention to commit the act that is against the laid down moral standards for which the victim can be convicted.
  2. Capital Punishment and the Concept of Redemption
    Law essay sample: Death penalty as a concept goes against all principles of humanism, is in no way aimed at reforming a criminal, it must be banned from any legal system.
  3. China's Legal System: Crime and Punishment
    Law essay sample: The legal system creates institutions which help to settle disputes arising as a result of the scarcity of resources as people or institutions fight over the scarce resources.
  4. Criminal Law: Capital Punishment
    Law essay sample: The paper discusses capital punishment. It refers to the legally recognized imposition of death as a penalty and it has been used for a broad selection of felonies.
  5. Juvenile Delinquency: Punishment and Sentencing
    Law essay sample: The paper discusses punishment philosophies associated with the juvenile courts' process, sanctions involved, legal factors of sentencing, and the appeal process.
  6. Unusual and Cruel Punishment Cases in the United States
    Law essay sample: This paper will consider several cases that relate to extraordinary and excessive penalties for an offense against the law, including wrongfully establishing the death penalty.
  7. Researching of Utilitarian and Retributive Theories of Punishment
    Law essay sample: The utilitarian theory of punishment seems more reasonable because it can prevent wrongdoing instead of simply delivering the punishment.
  8. Misguided Assumptions About Crime and Punishment
    Law essay sample: Americans overestimate the likelihood of crime. Fear of crime is generated by media coverage and entertainment.
  9. Juvenile Justice on Delinquency
    Law essay sample: The main debate within the juvenile delinquency concept is the justification of dynamic corporal punishment among the youths.
  10. The Principle of Retributivism in Sentencing
    Law essay sample: Although the person whose rights were infringed may not get back what was taken away from them, retributive justice helps compensate the victims.
  11. Punishment for Criminal Offenders
    Law essay sample: The definition of punishment for various types of criminal offense is to take into account many factors and features.
  12. Lack of Air Conditioning in Prisons as Punishment
    Law essay sample: Lack of air conditioning in prisons violates the Eighth Amendment, which protects inmates from cruel and unusual punishment.
  13. Deterrence in the Criminal Justice System
    Law essay sample: Sentencing policies and imprisonment that involve punishment, rehabilitation, retribution, and incapacitation commonly have a diversity of goals.
  14. Crime: The Main Theories and Forms
    Law essay sample: The two main forms of crime are violent crime and nonviolent crime. The two main theories used to study crime are biological theories and sociological theories.
  15. Do We Need Harsher Punishments for Criminals?
    Law essay sample: The paper argues that criminals across the world should get harsh punishment for their illegal actions to prevent further cases and reduce the resources.
  16. Probation as a Future Punishment Alternative
    Law essay sample: The President's Council on Enforcement Agencies and Justice Administration report had just started to have a significant impact on public and professional opinion ten years ago.
  17. Sex Offenders: Crime Prevention and Punishment
    Law essay sample: Nowadays, there are several ways in which parents and the larger community can protect children from sex offenders.
  18. Drug Addiction and Violent Crime Rehabilitation
    Law essay sample: Drug addiction and violent crime are of grave concern to the people of the United States (U.S.). The problem of drugs contributes to the rise in crime.
  19. The Impact of Determinism on Crime and Punishment
    Law essay sample: Looking at crime and punishment through this lens implies that criminal offenders are not responsible for their actions but must be held accountable.
  20. Social Inequality in the Dudley and Stevens Case
    Law essay sample: Substantive criminal law reform that would reduce the breadth of punishments could reduce the prison population, but society would become unsafe.
  21. Criminology: Schools and Theories
    Law essay sample: This paper analyzes the three criminology theories, proposing that the neoclassical school provides the most valuable insights into why people commit crimes.
  22. Five Punishment Justifications in the U.S.
    Law essay sample: Excessive punishment would be unjust, and insufficient punishment would not completely destroy the offender's advantage due to his or her crime.
  23. Juveniles and the Criminal Justice System
    Law essay sample: The term juvenile is commonly used in the criminal justice system when people below the age of 18 have committed or are suspected of committing an offense.
  24. Male, Female, and Juvenile Sex Offenders: Punishment Difference
    Law essay sample: The paper has discussed the difference in punishment given to adult male and female sex offenders as well as juveniles.

๐ŸŽ“ Simple Research Topics about Punishment

  1. Kant and Aquinas’ Theories of Retributive Punishment
  2. Proportionality as a Moral Principle of Punishment
  3. Norm Expressivism and Punishment in International Relations
  4. Exploring the Rights Forfeiture Theory of Punishment
  5. Collateral Tax Sanctions as a Way to Correlate Punishment With Ability
  6. Retribution and Restitution in Locke’s Theory of Punishment
  7. Crime as Punishment: A Legal Perspective on Vigilantism
  8. Punishment and Brutalization in the English Enlightenment
  9. Monetary and Nonmonetary Punishment in the Voluntary Contributions Mechanism
  10. Loss of a Cause of Action as Punishment for Contempt
  11. Rehabilitative Penology as an Alternative Theory of Punishment
  12. The Metamorphosis of Definition of Punishment in International Criminal Law
  13. Punishment Outside Prison in Modern Penal Policy
  14. Asymmetric Roles of Different Punishments Under Centralized Sanctions
  15. The Implications of Remand Time Constituting Punishment
  16. Bargaining for Punishment as an Alternative Approach in Corruption Law Enforcement
  17. Probationary Supervision as a Form of Non-Custodial Punishment
  18. Between the Relative and Eclectic Theory of Punishment in Positive Criminal Law
  19. A Nietzschean Critique of Christianity and Retributive Punishment
  20. Effects of Punishment Certainty and Severity on Organizational Deviance
  21. Cultural Similarities and Differences in Punishment Decisions
  22. The System of Consideration of Circumstances Affecting the Amount of Criminal Punishment
  23. On the Theory and Practice of Punishment in Plato’s “Laws”
  24. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda: Politics and Pragmatics of Punishment
  25. Ecocide: Punishment for Crimes Against the Environment
  26. Analyzing the Practice of Applying Punishment for Human Trafficking
  27. Work as Punishment: Penal Subjectivities in Punitive Labor Regimes
  28. The Inevitability Principle of Punishment in the Age of Justice Digitalization
  29. Intuitive Anger in the Context of Crime and Punishment
  30. Durkheim on Crime and Punishment in “The Rules of Sociological Method”
  31. Historical Perspectives on Punishment and Social Control
  32. Bifurcation of Private and Public Responsibilities in Criminal Punishment
  33. The Political Economy of Punishment: Trends and Patterns
  34. Solitary Confinement as Punishment: In-Prison Sanctioning Disparities
  35. A Comparison of Punishment Systems in Europe and the US
  36. Legal Authoritarianism in the Impact of Punishment Severity on Juror Decisions
  37. Changes in Perceptions of Punishment Over Time
  38. The Role of Demonization in Motives for Punishing Powerful vs. Powerless Offenders
  39. Prosecution and Punishment of Corporate Criminality
  40. The Deterrent Effect of the Perceived Certainty and Severity of Punishment

โ“ Punishment Research Questions

  1. What Is the Definition of Punishment in Criminology?
  2. Should Punishments Be Strict, or Should People Be Given Second Chances?
  3. What Are the Justifications for Punishment?
  4. Is Public Service a Good Type of Punishment for a Crime?
  5. How Does the Victim’s Gender Impact the Severity of Punishment for the Offender?
  6. What Is the Most Effective Theory of Punishment?
  7. How to Make the Punishment Fit the Crime?
  8. What Did Foucault Consider to Be the Purpose of Public Punishments?
  9. Do People Respect the Law, or Do They Fear Punishment?
  10. Why Should Additional Punitive Measures Be Added to Community Sentences?
  11. Is Rehabilitation a Realistic and Achievable Goal Within the Context of Punishment?
  12. Can Various Forms of Punishment Be Rationally Compared?
  13. Should There Be a Difference Between Punishing Adults and Young People?
  14. Why Is Adultery Not Considered a Punishable Crime Anymore?
  15. How Do Victims Perceptions of Punishment Change When They Communicate With Offenders?
  16. What Is Meant by ‘Retributive Punishment’?
  17. Does the Punishment of Either Young Offenders or Their Parents Really Help Victims?
  18. How Can Society Be More Effective in Punishing Crime?
  19. What Can Explain Varying Degrees of Punishment for Similar Criminal Behaviors?
  20. Has Punishment Played a Role in the Evolution of Cooperation?
  21. Can Disproportionate Punishment Be Considered a Human Rights Violation?
  22. What Is Meant by ‘Just Deserts’ Within Ideas of Punishment?
  23. Is Severe Punishment the Answer to the Problem of Crime?
  24. What Is the Main Principle Underpinning Judgement and Sentencing in Criminal Punishment?
  25. Should the Victim Be Involved in Determining Punishment?
  26. How Does Criminology Research Impact Real-world Policymaking When It Comes to Punishment?
  27. How Does the Juvenile Justice System Balance Punishment With Rehabilitation?
  28. To What Extent Does Public Perception of Crime Influence the Severity of Punishment?
  29. How Does Forgiveness Intersect With the Goals of Punishment?
  30. What Are the Key Challenges Facing Contemporary Penological Practices?

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 13). 94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/punishment-research-topics/

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"94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples." LawBirdie, 13 Feb. 2025, lawbirdie.com/topics/punishment-research-topics/.


LawBirdie. (2025) '94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples'. 13 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 13, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/punishment-research-topics/.

1. LawBirdie. "94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 13, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/punishment-research-topics/.


LawBirdie. "94 Punishment Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 13, 2025. https://lawbirdie.com/topics/punishment-research-topics/.