89 Labor Relations Research Topics & Essay Examples
📝 Labor Relations Research Papers Examples
- The Activities of Labor UnionsLaw essay sample: Labor unions should respond to the increasing globalization of businesses by expanding their employee-protection agenda to incorporate activities of international organizations.
- Labor Unions Impact in the New Global EconomyLaw essay sample: Throughout the world’s history, labor unions have always played a central role when it comes to fighting for employee’s basic rights by negotiating with employers for better working conditions.
- Employer and Employee Relationships - Labor LawLaw essay sample: This discussion has dealt with employer-employee relationships with particular focus on the United Arab Emirates and other countries in the Middle East.
- Legal, Safety and Regulatory Requirements - Labor LawLaw essay sample: Legal, safety, and regulatory requirements are critical during a human resource process, they exist to standardize human resource practices that are safe to employer and employee.
- Labor Unions in Today’s Global EconomyLaw essay sample: Labor unions have existed in the world for quite a long time. As early as 1912, there was a protest by a labor union when police shot and killed two participants in the Winnipeg General Strike in Canada.
- UAE Labour Law and Relations in the Aviation IndustryLaw essay sample: This paper gives a stringent analysis of the UAE carriers, which are among the fastest growing airlines in the world.
- Demand and Supply of Labor in the MarketLaw essay sample: Demand and supply of labor in the market is affected by a number of elements, one of the major factors that affect this shift is wages.
- Diamond Casino and the Gaming Employees Union: Collective Bargaining IssuesLaw essay sample: Diamond Casino interprets this to mean that such employees are not entitled to payment during such time and that they do not accumulate seniority.
- Labor and Employment LawLaw essay sample: The law requires that the covered employers provide employees with job security and unpaid leave for medical and family reasons.
- Human Resource Regulations: Working Hours and Minimum SalaryLaw essay sample: All countries have different working hour policies because there is no international regulation on this topic yet.
- Immigration Laws v. Labor Laws: Wage TheftLaw essay sample: The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) was ratified in 1935 to guarantee employees’ rights and protect them against employers who impose unfair labor.
- "Mueller v. Oregon" by Nancy Woloch: The Labor Law CaseLaw essay sample: Nancy Woloch wrote "Mueller v. Oregon" labor law case overview in 1996. The aim was to highlight the beginning of the formation of modern labor legislation.
- Railway Labor Act of 1926 and National Labor Relations Act of 1935Law essay sample: Allowing to maintain both employees’ and employers’ rights met, the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 and the Railway Labor Act of 1926 contributed to economic improvements.
- The National Labor Relations Act in Boeing's CaseLaw essay sample: Boeing infringed two parts of the National Labor Relations Act by trying to make aggressive declarations and dangers to workers for participating in statutorily protected events.
- Attorney’s Fees in the Graham County Elec. v. Local Union CaseLaw essay sample: This paper discusses a legal case involving the award of attorney's fees and costs in the context of Graham County Elec. Cooperative, Inc. v. Local Union.
- Unionization in Fast-Growing Manufacturing OrganizationLaw essay sample: The development of fast-growing non-union manufacturing companies depends on many factors, and one of them is promoting a union organizing process.
- The Acas Code of Practice on Disciplinary and Grievance ProceduresLaw essay sample: The Acas Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures is fair for employees and employers because it considers the rights of both parties.
- The Fair Labor Standards Act ModificationsLaw essay sample: The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), a piece of federal legislation, establishes standards for full-time and part-time workers in the public and commercial sectors.
- Classification of Employers: Legal Entities vs. Individuals in Labor RelationsLaw essay sample: The text defines how employers function by examining legal entities and individuals, and the overview clarifies their roles and obligations in labor relations.
💡 Essay Ideas on Labor Relations
- Exploring the Role of Government in Labor-Management Relations
- Risks in the Sphere of Social-Labor Relations on the Municipal Level
- Industrial Relations’ Implications for Labor Economics and HR Management
- Race, Gender, Class, and Attitudes Toward Labor Unions
- Emerging Issues in Agricultural Labor Relations
- EU Competition Law and Its Impact on Collective Labor Agreements
- Recent Developments in Public Employee Labor Relations
- Analyzing Macroeconomic Consequences of Reciprocity in Labor Relations
- Transformation of Labor Relations in Conditions of Digitalization
- Accountability Regimes as Means to Eradicate Forced Labor From Supply Chains
- Self-Determination vs. Stability of Labor Relations
- Employee Interests and Freedom of Expression Under the National Labor Relations Act
- Legal Guarantees of Legality in Labor Relations With a Judge
- Discussing Labor Rights Protection of Foreign Employees
- Wage Distribution Mechanism Based on Harmonious Labor Relations
- Loss of Chance in Labor Relations: A Civil Liability Perspective
- Group of Employees as an Independent Subject of Labor Relations
- Preferential Protection of Incomplete Labor Relations and Its Future Legislative Approach
- Normative and Legal Provision of Gender Equality in Labor Relations
- Application of Self-Defense in Labor Relations
- Deinstitutionalization of Traditionally Organized Labor: The New Normality of Labor Relations
- Labor Migration Effects on Pension Systems in the European Union
- Legal Regulators of Civil Relations in the Resolution of Labor Disputes
- Labor Relations Differentiation in a Modern High-Tech Enterprise
- Freedom of Labor in the Context of Constitutionalization of Social and Labor Relations
- Environmental Concerns of Labor Union Members in the US
- Labor Relations Culture Management at Industrial Enterprises
- Correlation Between an Accident and an Insured Event in Labor Relations
- Non-Standard Labor Contractual Relations on Digital Platforms
- Gender-Specific Differences in Labor Market Adjustment Patterns
- Exploration of Harmonious Labor Relations Under the New Business Model
- The Role of State Agencies in Public Employee Labor Relations
- Centralized and Local Legal Regulation of Labor Relations
- Labor Relations: A Perspective in the Law of a Post-Industrial Society
- Individual Labor Relations: Theoretical and Legal Aspects
- Rationalization of Labor as a Function of Systemic Economic Thinking
- Experimentation and Decentralization in China’s Labor Relations
- Structural and Market Predictors of Corporate Labor Relations Strategies
- Analyzing Labor Relations From the Standpoint of the Union
- Racism and Sexism as Functional Substitutes in the Labor Market
❓ Labor Relations Research Questions
- What Are the 4 Important Processes of Labor Relations?
- Are Labor Relations and Labor Standards Mutually Exclusive?
- What Is the Difference Between HR and Labor Relations?
- How Has Technology Changed Bargaining in Labor Relations?
- Why Are Labor Relations Important in HR Management?
- What Is the National Labor Relations Board’s Role?
- How Do Unions Get Bargaining Rights?
- Which Employees Are Protected Under the National Labor Relations Act?
- What Is the Role of Government in Labor Relations?
- Can Organized Labor Discourage Human Trafficking?
- What Are the Phases in the Labor Relations Process?
- How Can We Make Labor Relations Better?
- What Is the Significance of Effective Labor Relations in an Organization?
- Who Is an ‘Ideal’ Victim of Labor Exploitation?
- What Are the Key Principles of the Unitarist and Pluralist Perspectives in Labor Relations?
- What Laws Govern Collective Bargaining in Public Employment?
- Can There Be a Strike or Lock-Out During the Term of the Collective Agreement?
- What Is the Definition of a “Company Union” in Labor Relations?
- Why Is It Necessary for HR Practitioners to Study Labor Relations?
- What Is the System Framework for Labor Relations?
- How Did the New Deal Change Labor Relations in America?
- What Are Some Examples of Moral Virtues in Labor Relations?
- Is the Current Pace of Business and Labor Relations Towards Employees Sustainable?
- What Is the Role of a Labor Relations Specialist?
- Why Is the US Labor Law Less Protective of the Workers, Compared to European Countries?
- Are Multinationals Attracted to Weak Labor Standards?
- How Do Labor Relations Practices Differ in the Public vs. Private Sector?
- To What Extent Does Corporate Culture Impact Labor Relations?
- What Is the Significance of the Union Walkouts Concerning Labor Relations?
- How Do Marxism and Capitalism Differ in Terms of Labor Relations?