The Impact of Illegal Video Leaks: Ethical and Legal Implications
The illegal publication of a video, photo, or similar content can cause serious harm to a person or organization. It might imply various types of damage, including emotional and financial. Sharing this content without the owner’s approval is considered serious misbehavior and is investigated in court. However, despite numerous attempts to stop the practice, the cases emerge and require much attention.
For instance, the article “‘Game of Thrones’ episodes leaked online, dealing a blow to HBO’s anti-piracy plans” focuses on a similar issue. It emphasizes the fact that regardless of numerous attempts to control the situation and avoid leakages of this sort, there are still many attempts to publish the video illegally. It introduces the necessity of discussing possible ways to prevent it in the future and avoid serious outcomes.
Case Review
Thus, speaking about the case, it is difficult to detect the person responsible for the illegal publication. Thus, HBO, the owner of the content and the party that suffered significant losses reported that the group approved by the organization to acquire this content could be responsible (“‘Game of Thrones’ episodes leaked online, dealing a blow to HBO’s anti-piracy plans,” 2015). It means that it is difficult to determine whether it had an inherent interest in the episodes being presented to the audience. The most apparent motif for this conduct is an attempt to cause financial losses to the studio, which considers Game of Thrones one of its most important products and hopes to generate significant income from its distribution. Another possible interest is familiarizing the audience with the events before the official premiere, as the series is popular and expected by thousands of people globally.
Article Review
The article focuses on several aspects of the leakage. First, it emphasizes the illegal status of publishing such material without their ownerâs approval. HBO states that it currently focuses on investigating the breach and designing possible ways of preventing similar problems in the future (ââGame of Thronesâ episodes leaked online,â 2015). Previously, the trailer was leaked over the phone, which also introduced the problem of illegal publishing of materials protected by copyright (ââGame of Thronesâ episodes leaked online,â 2015). It means that the legal framework ensuring the protection of such materials is discussed.
Additionally, the article shows the ethical aspect of the issue as cases such as the discussed one might deteriorate viewersâ experiences and prevent them from enjoying high-quality content. For this reason, the article touches upon a fundamental problem of illegal publications and violation of the major copyright rules, which should be strongly prohibited in the modern world.
Thus, the case shows that the problem of illegal publications of videos, photos, or images remains topical nowadays. The evolution and popularization of the Internet, along with the rise of cloud services for storing data, provide malefactors with numerous opportunities to commit crimes of this sort and avoid punishment. The high level of anonymity that can be achieved in the global net protects individuals responsible for these acts.
Thus, the possible solution to the problem might imply using stricter protection and security measures designed specifically for such cases. Every event should be investigated and supported with severe punishment. The high fines and risk of being imprisoned might threaten individuals who want to upload content that is protected by copyright laws. Additionally, it is essential to control this sort of control by using authorized access options and reducing the number of people with the right to use it.
âGame of Thronesâ episodes leaked online, dealing a blow to HBOâs anti-piracy plans. (2015). TVWeek. Web.