The Criminal Justice System: Probation and Parole


Throughout this course, I’ve developed a better knowledge of community supervision, which has led to a shift in my initial opinions. I needed to gain more awareness of the work of probation and parole officers and the issues they encountered in overseeing persons who had been released from prison or sentenced to probation at the outset of the course. But, after reviewing the course content, I realized how vital community supervision is in the criminal justice system.

Insights from Course Material on Probation and Parole Systems

The readings shed light on the intricacies and limits of today’s probation and parole systems. The chapter on probation and parole officials discussed their duties, the challenges they confront in overseeing criminals, and their role in rehabilitation and reintegration into society (Abadinsky, 2018). The chapter on research and the future of probation and parole offered insights into the evidence-based strategies that are critical for improving outcomes and lowering recidivism rates. The study of the Harvard Kennedy School (2018) emphasized squandered opportunities and the need for stakeholder participation. After a study of the course content, I now believe that probation and parole are necessary components of the criminal justice system. Nonetheless, I acknowledge that issues must be addressed to improve the system’s effectiveness according to The Pew Charitable Trusts (2018). The current system might benefit from evidence-based methods and stakeholder participation to solve the present difficulties.


Obtaining a degree in criminal justice or a similar discipline, acquiring relevant job experience, and staying current on the latest research and best practices in community supervision are all necessary if you want to work in this sector. The profession of probation and parole is both fascinating and rewarding. Personally, I believe probation and parole to be a fascinating and possibly rewarding subject. I’ve always been interested in promoting public safety and assisting people in overcoming obstacles, and seeking a job in probation or parole coincides with those objectives. As a result, I recommend everyone interested in this sector look into job prospects and make a difference in their communities.


Abadinsky, H. (2018). Probation and parole: Corrections in the community (13th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education.

Statement on the future of community corrections. (2018). Web.

Probation and parole systems marked by high stakes, missed opportunities. (2018). Web.

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LawBirdie. (2024, June 1). The Criminal Justice System: Probation and Parole.

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"The Criminal Justice System: Probation and Parole." LawBirdie, 1 June 2024,


LawBirdie. (2024) 'The Criminal Justice System: Probation and Parole'. 1 June.


LawBirdie. 2024. "The Criminal Justice System: Probation and Parole." June 1, 2024.

1. LawBirdie. "The Criminal Justice System: Probation and Parole." June 1, 2024.


LawBirdie. "The Criminal Justice System: Probation and Parole." June 1, 2024.