Substance Abuse: Summary of Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Empirical Articles

Shoenberger, N. (2021). Applying routine activity theory: A case study of the Sonya Farak drug scandal. Open Journal of Social Sciences, 9, 118-129. Web.

In this empirical research article, the author wanted to learn more about Sonya Farak’s criminal activities associated with his normal duties. As a laboratory specialist based in Massachusetts, Farak was found guilty of tampering with stored evidence because of the problematic issue of drug abuse. Despite being a law-abiding individual, the convict would be arrested since his move to use narcotics stored as court evidence affected the fate of thousands of court cases. Most of the proceedings revolved around the possession, selling, and use of illicit substances. To complete the analysis, the researcher used data from the grand jury and the presented testimony throughout the trial period (Shoenberger, 2021). This was followed by a qualitative approach to document analysis to come up with meaningful insights and arguments in accordance with the routine activity theory promoted by Felson and Cohen (Shoenberger, 2021). The model was instrumental in learning more about the nature of Farak’s crime.

The investigator was convinced that the offender’s behavior was in accordance with the selected theory. The emerging observations revealed that Farak’s situation was in tandem with the components associated with the framework. Specifically, Farak was motivated by the existing conditions; he had access to drugs while being an addict, and the laboratory lacked proper mechanisms for protecting evidence (Shoenberger, 2021). Through such a study, the reader is able to appreciate the argument that some individuals engaging in their normal routines could engage in misbehaviors that could amount to criminal acts. Such malpractices could take place if proper preventative mechanisms are not in place. The findings shed more light on the issues associated with drug abuse and their potential to trigger additional problems in the criminal justice system.

Gadd, D., Henderson, J., Radcliffe, P., Stephens-Lewis, D., Johnson, A., & Gilchrist, G. (2019). The dynamics of domestic abuse and drug and alcohol dependency. The British Journal of Criminology, 59(5), 1035-1053. Web.

In this investigation, the researchers wanted to learn more about the relationship between substance abuse and subsequent cases of domestic violence. To complete their empirical study, the professionals relied on interviews that had been completed for the ongoing ADVANCE program (Gadd et al., 2019). This initiative focused on the challenges romantic partners experience when some of them abuse various drugs. The project’s goal is to present evidence-based approaches for providing timely support and mitigating most of the recorded social problems. The scholars managed to reinterpret the available data to disclose how domestic violence could be examined from the lens of male drug abusers and their relationships with their wives (Gadd et al., 2019). The targeted insights could help the researchers learn more about the issues female drug abusers and nonusers experience and the manner in which their address them.

The researchers were able to examine the nature of this issue and how it affected the experiences of many individuals. Stakeholders could utilize such observations in the field of criminology by introducing evidence-based approaches for addressing domestic violence and empowering most of the affected individuals. The emerging information could be merged with the existing intervention contexts in an effort to deal with perpetrators while helping victims to receive the necessary treatment (Gadd et al., 2019). The study is timely and capable of promoting the use of practical strategies to support victims of abuse and guide them to seek relevant protection from established courts and police stations. The emerging ideas can inform future studies in an effort to learn more about this problem, promote additional interventions, and meet the demands of more victims of abuse in their respective family settings.

Håkansson, A., & Jesionowska, V. (2018). Associations between substance use and type of crime in prisoners with substance use problems – A focus on violence and fatal violence. Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 9, 1-9. Web.

In this study, the investigators wanted to analyze the occurrence of criminal activities and offenders’ use of addictive substances. The main aim was to examine whether a unique relationship existed between the continuous abuse of various drugs and engagement in violent behaviors. In an effort to deliver the outlined goals, the researchers completed a detailed study targeting prisoners who had reported various problems associated with substance use. The emerging findings would be compared and contrasted with the available data in the institution’s criminal register. From these analyses, it emerged that individuals who engaged in binge drinking and the use of sedative substances had increased chances of engaging in violent crime (Håkansson & Jesionowska, 2018). Some of the people who used cocaine, heroin, and other illicit substances committed little or no offenses (Håkansson & Jesionowska, 2018). In terms of violence, sedatives were observed as a common problem in most of the offenders.

From the recorded observations, it emerged that violent behaviors were associated with the use of addictive substances and sedatives. The findings went further to encourage community workers and rehabilitation centers to take the problems of alcoholism and drugs seriously since it had the potential to result in criminal behaviors. However, the professionals were keen to indicate that some of the findings could be erroneous since the interviews created room for self-reporting. The fact that the majority of the respondents were men could have affected the accuracy and reliability of the collected information (HĂĄkansson & Jesionowska, 2018). Nonetheless, the report presents additional information in the areas of drug abuse and criminology. The consideration of the emerging findings could guide more people to offer timely solutions to these problems. Such individuals will provide personalized solutions to mitigate the challenge of drug abuse as a risk factor for violent behavior.

Radcliffe, P., Gadd, D., Henderson, J., Love, B., Stephens-Lewis, Johnson, A., Gilchrist, E., & Girlchrist, G. (2021). What role does substance use play in intimate partner violence? A narrative analysis of in-depth interviews with men in substance use treatment and their current or former female partner. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(21-22), 10285-10313. Web.

The researchers involved in this study wanted to learn more about intimate partner violence (IPV) and its association with drug abuse. As an empirical report, the professionals identified 14 men who had benefited from various drug abuse services and their current romantic partners. The inclusion of the individuals in different study settings allowed the investigators to collect high-quality and timely information (Radcliffe et al., 2021). The respondents revealed that withdrawal or increased levels of intoxication would be the leading reasons for engaging in abusive and violent behaviors (Radcliffe et al., 2021). Most of the women indicated that cravings and financial disputes could compel their partners to look for drugs and eventually engage in unacceptable behaviors. The respondents revealed that there were unique psychological challenges associated with substance abuse and the absence of money to purchase them.

The findings were instrumental since they presented information regarding the challenges many helping professionals, social workers, and counselors experience in their careers. These professionals were unable to bring couples together and ensure that they were equipped with the necessary support. Some of the individuals had their unique interpretations for abuse and violence in romantic relationships (Radcliffe et al., 2021). The insights were inspirational since they supported the need to increase the amount of resources and support mechanisms available to most of women. The idea of quitting relationships whenever there is violence and abuse emerged as a good practice from the investigation. The findings reveal that substance abuse could be one of the leading causes of violent behaviofamiliesrs in the domestic setting. It becomes necessary that social workers and family focus on the reported findings to introduce personalized support and care to most of the affected individuals.

Review Article

Iorfa, S. K., Ugwu, C., Ifeagwazi, C. M., & Chukwuorji, J. C. (2018). Substance use among youths: Roles of psychoticism, social alienation, thriving and religious commitment. African Journal of Drug & Alcohol Studies, 17(2), 133-146. Web.

In this article, the authors completed a review of two articles that had been completed earlier to understand the problem of substance abuse among the youth in Nigeria. To provide the best support, the researchers were convinced that there was a need to be aware of the nature of the problem and some of the leading causes. In the selected articles, the focus was on the roles of religious commitment, peer pressure, social alienation, and psychoticism on drug abuse (Iorfa et al., 2018). The researchers went further to examine the kind of psychoactive substances that had become common in the country of study. The observations would be instrumental in learning more about the problem of substance abuse and how it affected the experiences and outcomes of more young individuals in Nigerian colleges and secondary schools.

From the article’s findings, the researchers were able to note that social alienation and increasing cases of psychoticism were leading predictors of substance abuse among individuals in secondary schools. The report was able to identify religious commitment as a positive factor that discouraged more people from abusing or using various addictive substances in institutions of higher learning (Iorfa et al., 2018). To support the implementation of superior policies and support systems, the investigators indicated that it was necessary for stakeholders to consider the selected factors and understand how they impacted youth behavior. Additionally, the move to examine social alienation, commitment to religion, and psychoticism could inform most of the interventions aimed at empowering most of the affected teenagers to lead high-quality lives. The effort could guide more young citizens in the country and discourage them from abusing most of the available substances and illicit drugs.

Position Article

Olson, J., Sarver, R. S., & Killian, B. (2022). Seeing the harm to happiness: Integrating satisfaction with life into restorative practices. Criminal Justice Policy Review. Advance online publication. Web.

In this position paper, the authors sought to investigate some of the common challenges associated with people who have experienced harm or different forms of substance abuse in their respective settings. Psychologists appreciate the importance of intervention since they have the potential to improve the experiences of victims, thereby making it possible for them to benefit from restorative justice. In some cases, substance abusers tend to violate the rights of their relatives, intimate partners, or even children (Olson et al., 2022). To achieve positive social outcomes, this article proposes the promotion of positive interpersonal relationships (Olson et al., 2022). The involved professionals can embrace the concept of happiness since it has the potential to maximize personal satisfaction. This attribute explains why it becomes necessary for counselors to rely on the idea whenever promoting personalized restoration plans.

The outlined model could be applied in diverse settings where criminal activities are involved. By embracing the proposed strategy, it would be possible for more individuals in the criminal justice system to reduce the use of punitive measures and integrate the concept of life satisfaction (Olson et al., 2022). Most of the behavioral therapists focusing on criminal offenses associated with substance abuse would promote interpersonal relationships and consider the most appropriate ways to promote restorative justice. The initiative can result in increased levels of commitment whereby offenders focus on the best ways to lead high-quality lives. By introducing this model, Olson et al. (2022) believe that more parties involved in the criminal justice system would be willing to focus on desirable outcomes. The emerging results will encourage more people to appreciate their substance abuse problems and be ready to engage in acceptable behaviors. They will identify and utilize most of the available therapies, relationships, and counseling sessions.

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LawBirdie. (2024, May 18). Substance Abuse: Summary of Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles.

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"Substance Abuse: Summary of Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles." LawBirdie, 18 May 2024,


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LawBirdie. 2024. "Substance Abuse: Summary of Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles." May 18, 2024.

1. LawBirdie. "Substance Abuse: Summary of Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles." May 18, 2024.


LawBirdie. "Substance Abuse: Summary of Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles." May 18, 2024.