Management Impact on Community-Police Relations

Police chiefs have resorted to applying legitimacy and procedural justice as new management styles, as they do to policing, in an attempt to curb crimes successfully. Legitimacy refers to the trust given to police by the people to use the authority vested in them to maintain order, control conflicts, and solve issues arising within the community they are serving. It builds public trust where people believe that police are honest and effective in discharging services and their duty is community protection against crime and violence. Legitimacy instills confidence in the community to accept the police authority as an obligation and authority since it is lawful (Police Executive Research Forum, 2014). It also enhances public trust that police actions are lawful and appropriate to the circumstances they are directed to solve.

On the other hand, procedural justice refers to fairness in the process in which the police effectively solve issues presented to them. The police chiefs are embracing this technique because it allows the people to explain their circumstances, builds trust in decisions made as a result of an open and transparent process, and ensures people are treated with dignity by respecting their rights. It increases police trustworthiness by focusing on the affairs of the people they work for (Police Executive Research Forum, 2014). Both styles work best since they are complementary; legitimacy builds trust in the responsibilities of the police, while procedural justice builds confidence in discharging the duties.

To qualify as a police officer, a person must reflect the standards and vision of the law enforcement agency and society. These include integrity, service orientation, empathy, self-control, problem-solving skills, and team orientation, enabling them to discharge their duties effectively (Community Oriented Policing Services, 2017). On the other hand, law enforcement executives, law enforcement line officers, and law enforcement trainers are eligible to seek positions within their respective police organizations (International Association of Chiefs of Police, 2015). Each of the above processes is competitive and thus requires dedication and commitment.


Community Oriented Policing Services. (2017). Hiring for the 21st Century Law Enforcement Officer. Community Oriented Policing Services. Web.

International Association of Chiefs of Police. (2015). IACP National policy summit on community-police Relations. The IACP.

Police Executive Research Forum. (2014). Legitimacy and procedural justice: A new element of police leadership. Police Forum.

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LawBirdie. (2023, June 4). Management Impact on Community-Police Relations.

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"Management Impact on Community-Police Relations." LawBirdie, 4 June 2023,


LawBirdie. (2023) 'Management Impact on Community-Police Relations'. 4 June.


LawBirdie. 2023. "Management Impact on Community-Police Relations." June 4, 2023.

1. LawBirdie. "Management Impact on Community-Police Relations." June 4, 2023.


LawBirdie. "Management Impact on Community-Police Relations." June 4, 2023.