Gun Regulations to Reduce Mass Shootings in the USA

The United States of America is one of the most celebrated democracies in the world, and the citizens enjoy privileges enshrined in the bill of rights. The most contentious adjustment in American laws was the second amendment which permitted people to own guns. However, the law increased the number of guns in the wrong hands, and innocent Americans have suffered from mass shootings. It is unfortunate to note that whenever a mass shooting occurs, it is associated with mental health issues. However, the relationship between gun violence and mental health is complex and should never be a stooge for mass shootings. The cases of gun violence are increasing exponentially and require strict regulations to be stopped. Other nations such as Britain, Australia and Canada have managed to lower the rates of gun violence by ratifying strict regulation laws. Strict gun regulation laws must be endorsed to reduce gun violence because they will ensure that guns are in the right hands.

Mass Shooting Cases in the USA

Gun regulation is one of the most significant legislative controversies in the USA. Over 67% of the American population has been affected directly or indirectly by cases of gun violence (Best et al., 2022). In 2022, the USA witnessed several cases of gun violence, indicating a deficiency in gun laws. On November 22, seven people were killed and four others injured during a horrific mass shooting at Walmart in Chesapeake, Virginia (Best et al., 2022). Further, one exceptional mass shooting in 2022 was the Texas event on May 24 at Robb elementary school (Milbrand, 2022). Over twenty-two, people were massacred in cold blood during the shooting, and over forty were injured. Despite numerous lobbying and affirmative action on gun violence, the USA is yet to achieve a state of safety where Americans would enjoy the dispensation of their rights to own guns without jeopardizing safety. Although the second amendment had a positive intention of protecting US citizens, it led to more guns in the wrong hands, consequently jeopardizing safety. In 2020, the US experienced over 45,000 deaths due to gun shootings (Everytown Research & Policy, 2022). All states in the US have recorded multiple shooting incidences in public spaces, and better strict laws must be put forward to regulate guns.

Causes of Gun Violence and Mass Shootings

The three leading causes of gun violence and mass shootings include access to guns, mental health issues, and the offender’s socio-cultural orientation. The government should make laws that eliminate all the causes of gun violence to improve gun safety by ensuring guns are owned by the right people. Training and background checks can eradicate socio-cultural and mental health factors. Stakeholder engagement is critical in the process of making gun regulation laws.

Higher Access to Guns

Access to the gun is articulated as a ratio of the number of guns owned by every one hundred citizens. The USA has the highest availability of guns globally, with 120.5 guns for every 100 people compared to other parts of the world (Korn, 2022). Since guns are highly available to people, mass shootings are likely to happen in public spaces. Minor squabble may lead to mass shootings in public places such as hotels, bars, and cubs. If guns were limited to only a few mentally stable people, it could lead to fewer incidences of mass shootings and homicide due to guns. The percentage of gun availability for civilians in the USA increased in 2015 by 11% annually (Milbrand, 2022). Access can be lowered with the relevant gun control laws.

Mental Health Issues

The incidences of mass shootings in the USA, which led to the deaths of more than four innocent civilians, were associated with mental health issues. The perpetrators of gun violence were either drunk or not in the correct state of mind (Korn, 2022). The psychiatric associations in the USA reported that 97% of the offenders either had histories of drug abuse or previous symptoms of mental health disorders (Everytown Research & Policy, 2022). Regulating the laws to have background checks to stop mentally unstable people from owning guns could be an antidote to stopping mass shootings in the USA and improve safety among the civilian population.

Socio-Cultural Factors

As life changes and people are exposed to new challenges, the ability to cope with dynamic life situations leads people to mental challenges. Unemployed people, those in toxic marriages, and those overexposed by their employers are most likely to be depressed and opt for a mass shooting. The research conducted and published by PLOS one in 2015 inferred that each mass shooting event incited other incidences as the shooters were brought to the public limelight (Best et al., 2022). People may be tempted to engage in mass shooting events to become famous. The cultural orientation of a person can determine how they may be involved in mass shootings and must undergo the necessary training for a better outcome.

Laws to Eradicate Mass Shootings

The US legislature is better placed to end mass shooting incidences by passing laws and gun ownership regulations. Although the second amendment should not be repealed, other laws must ensure that gun safety is upheld and that the people owning the guns are responsible for them at all times. The principle of the gun control law is to reduce access to guns in the USA by disarming the citizens. A gun safety revolution should begin where all the guns in society are reclaimed and relicensed to ensure that the people who own the guns are in the right state of mind to own them. Although the government requires background checks, it has not been successful since only 40% of the guns in the USA are sold through government dealers (Best et al., 2022). Private gun sales are free of legislation, and people sell them for profit. The American parliament must therefore pass laws to ensure that guns are centrally handled through a licensed government dealer to reduce unregulated gun sales.

Laws on Background Checks for Gun Ownership

Whenever the law on a background check is made mandatory after centralizing all gun dealings, safety can be achieved. Since some mass shooting cases result from the offender’s past experiences, a checklist can be created to ensure that all the causes of mass shootings are eradicated. The background checks must check to determine that the person who requests gun ownership must have never been convicted of a felony, has not been admitted for a mental disorder and is of a responsible age (Pawlowski, 2021). Although eighteen is the legal age for most nations, it should be increased in the USA to allow only people old enough to make rational decisions to own guns. The previous history of drug abuse and domestic violence cases must also be considered before a person is allowed to buy a gun. When all the factors are presented in a checklist and filled out before gun ownership can be approved, the gun safety policy will be ensured, and people will be safe.

Laws for Holding Gun Merchants Accountable

Holding the gun industry accountable for all the guns in the market is the best way of ensuring that mass shootings are eradicated in the USA. Most weapons used in mass shooting cases cannot be traced to the owners, making it challenging to control the guns. Lack of accountability propagates gun violence. The Senate must pass laws to have all the guns serialized and registered so that all the bullets used in mass shootings may be traced back to the owner for legal action. For example, if gun owners know that any incident caused by their gun will lead to legal action, they will keep their guns safe, and no person will access them (Korn, 2022). As parents hide their guns from their adolescent children, mass shootings can be easily controlled. Ratifying the law on the centralization and serialization of weapons is likely to make people more responsible for their guns, and the cases of mass shootings are likely to be reduced. Holding gun merchants accountable will not only reduce mass shootings but will also offer an opportunity for the government to regulate guns.

Laws on Mandatory Gun Safety Training

Laws on mandatory gun safety training and license renewal are crucial to reducing mass shootings. The people involved in the incidents lack basic safety training. Passing laws to make it mandatory for people to undergo training before purchasing guns is critical for mass shootings. The training may be extended to the communities to make them aware of what is required of them before owning a gun and the implication of owning one. Further, people must be trained to store and ensure guns are not used to harm themselves and others (Pawlowski, 2021). Further, renewing the gun license after a specified period is key to ensuring that gun owners are still mentally fit to own the gun for the nation’s safety. Since a person may be convinced to join a criminal gang after owning a gun, the renewal procedure will disqualify the person, making society safe from gun violence.


Gun violence and mass shootings are an outgoing concern in the USA. The incidences have led to the loss of innocent lives and injured many others. It is imperative to note that mass shooting incidences have been increasing courtesy of the high availability of guns in the USA. With an ownership rate of 120.5 guns for every one hundred citizens, the USA has the highest gun ownership rate in the world. Further, the gun control laws are weak and cannot assure Americans their safety. Although the requirement for background checks is anchored in law, it has not been effective. The Senate must therefore pass laws to centralize gun sales, renew licenses, and train to ensure people are safe and the incidences reduce. The antidote to reducing mass shootings in the USA is ratifying string laws on background checks, renewal of licenses, training, and community awareness.


Milbrand, L. (2022). How to help with gun control: 12 things you can do now to stop gun violence. Reader’s Digest. Web.

Best, R., Redcliffe, M., & Rodgers, K. (2022). How far apart are the two parties on gun control? Web.

Korn, L. (2022). My Turn: Gun violence: What we can, must and will not do to stop it. Concord Monitor. Web.

Pawlowski, S. (2021). Gun violence in America: Mental health. ABC News.

Everytown Research & Policy. (2022). How to stop school shootings and gun violence: A plan to keep students safe. Web.

Everytown Research & Policy. (2022). The impact of gun violence on children and teens. Web.

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LawBirdie. (2025, February 10). Gun Regulations to Reduce Mass Shootings in the USA.

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"Gun Regulations to Reduce Mass Shootings in the USA." LawBirdie, 10 Feb. 2025,


LawBirdie. (2025) 'Gun Regulations to Reduce Mass Shootings in the USA'. 10 February.


LawBirdie. 2025. "Gun Regulations to Reduce Mass Shootings in the USA." February 10, 2025.

1. LawBirdie. "Gun Regulations to Reduce Mass Shootings in the USA." February 10, 2025.


LawBirdie. "Gun Regulations to Reduce Mass Shootings in the USA." February 10, 2025.